CBM User Guide Workspaces

Copying Header and Source Files to the Workspace

Prior to a library build (make), the script rwinstal copies the library header files from the product tree to the appropriate workspace. If the -l flag is set, the library implementation source code is also copied. After the library build, rwinstal copies examples source code to the workspace.

The illustration below shows the special case of Tools.h++, which differs somewhat from the other libraries. The explanation follows the illustration.

  1. The Tools.h++ header files are copied to the rw directory. This directory also holds configuration files (config.dat and compiler.h) created earlier in the build process. Other Tools.h++-related files are copied to the tools subdirectory of rw.
  2. If the rwspm script's -l flag was set, the library implementation source code is also copied to the workspace, into the buildloc/<part> directory where the actual build takes place.
  3. The examples source code is copied to the Tools.h++ subdirectory of the examples directory. In an earlier step (genmake), a customized makefile or makefiles were also written to this directory.

The next illustration shows what happens when Threads.h++ is subsequently built.

  1. The Threads.h++ header files are copied to the threads subdirectory of rw.
  2. If the -l flag was set, the library implementation source code is copied to the Threads.h++ subdirectory of buildloc.
  3. The examples source code is copied to the Threads.h++ subdirectory of the examples directory.

CBM User Guide Workspaces