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1.4 Documentation

Rogue Wave offers a range of product documentation for Analytics.h++, including:

The User's Guide and the Class Reference are provided in HTML and are also available for purchase as a printed manual. The Visual Studio Edition CD also provides these manuals in Microsoft HTML Help format, and integrates them into the MSDN Library.

The User's Guide gives an overview of the Analytics.h++ library, and instructions on how to use the classes. You are encouraged to read it in its entirety. Table 1 describes the organization of the User's Guide.

Table 1 -- Organization of the User's Guide

Chapter 1, "Introduction"
Defines the product, its features, and documentation
Chapter 2, "Library Architecture"
Describes the high-level design, of the product. The description includes class hierarchy diagrams for the various class families.
Chapter 3, "Definitions"
Defines the statistics terminology used in this manual.
Chapter 4, "Model Selection"
Describes the model selection capabilities included in Analytics.h++.
Chapter 5, "Using the Classes"
Describes how to use the classes found in Analytics.h++. Includes several short examples showing common operations.

The Class Reference contains an alphabetical listing of the C++ classes in the Analytics.h++ library. It complements the information provided in the User's Guide.

The build guide describes how to build the Analytics.h++ library and applications that depend on Analytics.h++. The build guide is available in online formats only, including PDF for ease of printing. Section 1.4.1, "Online Documentation," describes the location of the build guide.

1.4.1 Online Documentation

The locations of your online documents depend on whether you install your product using the Software Parts Manager (SPM) or the Visual Studio Edition (VSE) installation method. Software Parts Manager Installations

Table 2a -- Documentation locations (SPM installations)

readme file
HTML documentation
Single-point access to Rogue Wave HTML documentation:
General Build Guide: <rw_root>\htmldocs\genbd\index.html
Analytics.h++ documentation:
Build Guide: <rw_root>\htmldocs\ana<ver>bd\index.html
User's Guide: <rw_root>\htmldocs\anaug\index.html
Class Reference: <rw_root>\htmldocs\anaref\index.html
PDF (Build Guide only)
<rw_root>\htmldocs\pdf\ana<ver>bd.pdf Visual Studio Edition Installations

Visual Studio Edition installations offer two types of online documentation: standard HTML (.html documents) and Microsoft HTML Help (.chm documents). You are given a choice of what documentation to install, so, depending on your choice, you may not have all of the documentation listed below on your system. You can return to the Visual Studio Edition CD at any time to install or uninstall documentation.

The HTML Help documents are integrated into the MSDN Library, and can be viewed by selecting Help|Contents on the MSVC Help menu. They can also be viewed independent of the MSDN Library by double-clicking on the .chm file name in Explorer.

The variable <rw_common> in the location paths represents the system location of your Rogue Wave common data, a location you specify the first time you install a product off the Visual Studio Edition CD.

Table 2b -- Documentation locations (VSE installations)

readme file
HTML documentation
Single-point access to Rogue Wave HTML documentation:
General Build Guide: <rw_common>\docs\htmldocs\genbd\index.html
Analytics.h++ documentation:
Build Guide: <rw_common>\docs\htmldocs\ana<ver>bd\index.html
User's Guide: <rw_common>\docs\htmldocs\anaug\index.html
Class Reference: <rw_common>\docs\htmldocs\anaref\index.html
View through the Visual Studio Help menu. Files located at:
Build Guide: <rw_common>\docs\msdocs\ana<ver>bd.chm
User's Guide: <rw_common>\docs\msdocs\anaug.chm
Class Reference: <rw_common>\docs\msdocs\anaref.chm
PDF (Build Guide only)

1.4.2 Assumptions

The Analytics.h++ documentation assumes that:

In addition, this manual assumes that you have installed and built Analytics.h++ and the required software listed in Section 1.3, "Software Requirements." If you need help performing this step, refer to the build guide.

1.4.3 Typographic Conventions

This manual uses the following typographic conventions:

Table 3 -- Typographic conventions

Directories, file names, examples, operating system commands, function names, and code.
the c:\rwav directory
A variable in path or file name.
Conventional uses, such as new terms.
the intercept parameter
Conventional uses such as emphasis, and commands from an interface.
Also used for Rogue Wave product names.
do this before that;
the OK button
bold italic
Class names.

1.4.4 Class and Function Naming

All Rogue Wave C++ class names start with the letters RW, as in RWInterval. In some cases, an instance of a class is referred to by an English name; for example, "the linear regression" instead of "the RWLinearRegression." This makes the text easier to read when the meaning should be clear from context, but we use the specific form if there is possible ambiguity.

All function names begin with a lower case letter, with the first letter of subsequent words capitalized. Function names attempt to accurately describe what a function does. For example, RWInterval::lowerBound() returns an interval's lower bound. Underline characters and abbreviations are not generally used in function names.

In code examples, ellipses indicate that some part of the code is missing.

Throughout the documentation, there may be references to "self," which should be understood to mean *this.

1.4.5 Class Relationship Notation

The following relationship notations are used in class hierarchy figures.

In the class reference section of this documentation, the same connectors are used, but they are horizontal, instead of vertical. For example, the following illustration indicates that class A inherits from class B:


When a class inherits from more than one class, or there are multiple levels of inheritance, all of its inheritance relationships are shown. For example, the following illustration indicates that class A inherits from class B and from class C, which inherits from class D.




The notation system used is based on the Object Modeling Technique (OMT) developed by Rumbaugh and others.

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Contact Rogue Wave about documentation or support issues.