Data Types | |
Type |
Member Functions | |||
contains() lowerBound() operator=() |
operator==() setBound() setBounds() |
setType() type() upperBound() |
>#include <rw/analytics/interval.h> RWInterval<double> ci( -1.031, 2.045, RWInterval<double>::closed);
RWInterval<T> is a general-purpose class for describing an interval of values. The values in the interval are of type T. An interval may be considered a set of contiguous values where the interval endpoints are either included or excluded from the set. If an interval's endpoints are excluded, it is said to be open; if the endpoints are included, the interval is said to be closed.
In Analytics.h++, the class RWInterval<T> is used to describe confidence intervals for regression predictions and parameter estimates.
>The following example prints the linear regression prediction interval for the first pattern in the predictor matrix at a confidence level of 99 percent.
#include <rw/analytics/linregress.h> #include <rw/analytics/interval.h> main() { RWGenMat<double> predictorMatrix = "5x2 [1.2 2.1 8 7 3 3.2 6.4 4.6 2 2.3]"; RWMathVec<double> observationVector = "[2.5 3.7 1.4 2.3 5.6]"; RWLinearRegression lr(predictorMatrix, observationVector); RWMathVec<double> firstPredPattern = predictorMatrix(0,RWAll); RWInterval<double> interval = lr.predictionInterval(firstPredPattern, 0.01); cout << "Interval lower bound: " << interval.lowerBound() << endl; cout << "Interval upper bound: " << interval.upperBound() << endl; return 0; }>
enum Type {open, closed, openClosed, closedOpen}
If the left endpoint is a and the right endpoint is b, and , then the values of the Type enumeration have the following meanings:
open | - (a,b) |
closed | - [a,b] |
openClosed | - (a,b] |
closedOpen | - [a,b) |
Constructs an empty interval.
RWInterval(T lb, T up, RWInterval<T>::Type t);
Constructs an interval of type t with endpoints lb and up.
RWInterval(const RWInterval<T>& i);
Constructs a copy of i.
RWBoolean contains(T x) const;
Returns TRUE if the interval contains x, otherwise returns FALSE.
T lowerBound() const;
Returns the interval's lower bound.
void setBound(T x);
Sets the interval's upper bound to x if x is greater than the current upper bound. Otherwise, sets the lower bound to x.
void setBounds(T x, T y) const;
Sets the interval's lower bound to the smaller of the two values and the upper bound to the larger of the two values.
void setType(RWInterval<T>::Type t);
Sets the interval's type to t.
RWInterval<T>::Type type() const;
Returns the interval's type.
T upperBound() const;
Returns the interval's upper bound.
RWInterval<T>& operator=(const RWInterval<T>& i);
Sets self equal to i.
RWBoolean operator==(const RWInterval<T>& lhs, const RWInterval<T>& rhs);
Returns TRUE if the intervals have the same endpoints and type.
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