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Encapsulates a database cursor. More...
#include <rw/db/cursor.h>
Public Types | |
enum | CursorAccess { Read, Write } |
enum | CursorPosition { First, Last, Next, Previous, Absolute, Relative } |
enum | CursorType { Sequential, Scrolling } |
RWDBCursor is an encapsulation of a database cursor. It is a relatively low-level construct that maps directly onto a database cursor.
Despite the efforts of various standards bodies, cursor capabilities vary widely among database vendors. The DB Interface Module does not attempt to emulate functionality that is not supported by the underlying database engine. For example, if a database vendor's implementation does not support scrollable cursors, an application requesting a scrollable RWDBCursor from that RWDBDatabase receives an RWDBCursor with a status of RWDBStatus::notSupported. The remainder of this section assumes that all features are supported. See your DB Access Module guide for details concerning RWDBCursor restrictions for a particular database.
RWDBCursor captures common features of database cursors.
The insertion operator is used to supply an RWDBCursor with pointers to application variables. When possible, RWDBCursor performs a cursor bind operation directly on the pointer provided. This is always possible for pointers to primitive C++ types. Otherwise, the RWDBCursor allocates enough space internally to do the required type conversion, binds to its internal buffers, and arranges for results to be copied into the buffers supplied by the application.
An application continues to own the memory supplied to an RWDBCursor, and it is the application's responsibility to ensure that a pointer remains valid for as long as the RWDBCursor requires it. The unbind() method can be used to dissociate program memory from the RWDBCursor.
RWDBCursor has a notion of the current column position within the current row. Each time the cursor is advanced to a new row, the column position is set to 0
. Each insertion increments the column position by 1
. The indexing operators set the position to a specified index, column, or column name. They return a reference to self, so that any of the following notations may be used:
RWDBCursor is designed around the Interface/Implementation paradigm. An RWDBCursor instance is an interface to a reference-counted implementation; copy constructors and assignment operators produce additional references to a shared implementation. RWDBCursor implementations are base classes from which a family of database-specific cursor implementations are derived.
Assume there are database tables Inventory
and Suppliers
. The Inventory
table has partNumber
, Supplier
, and onHand
columns; the Suppliers
table has Supplier
and toOrder
columns. This example uses two RWDBCursor instances to examine the Inventory
table for any parts that have fewer than 10 on hand, and increment the order
column in the Suppliers
table for each such part.
Assume a database table Parts
. The Parts
table has columns id
, partName
, cost
with the types int
, varchar
, and int
respectively. Assume an entry in the table with an id
number and a partName
, but the cost
was inserted as NULL
. This example uses one RWDBCursor to demonstrate how to update a row with a NULL
value in a column and set a value for that column. Note that the column being updated must be UNSET
from NULL
for the new value to be updated in the table.
The CursorPosition is used by the fetchRow() method to identify the row to be fetched. A Scrolling cursor can fetch any row in a set of result rows. A Sequential cursor can fetch only the Next row.
Enumerator | |
First |
Fetches first row |
Last |
Fetches last row |
Next |
Fetches next row |
Previous |
Fetches previous row |
Absolute |
Fetches absolute row |
Relative |
Fetches relative row |
RWDBCursor::RWDBCursor | ( | ) |
The default constructor creates an RWDBCursor whose status is RWDBStatus::notInitialized. This constructor is provided as a convenience, for example, for declaring an array of RWDBCursor objects. Usable RWDBCursor objects are obtained from instances of RWDBDatabase, RWDBTable, and RWDBSelector.
RWDBCursor::RWDBCursor | ( | const RWDBCursor & | csr | ) |
Copy constructor. Self shares an implementation with csr.
CursorAccess RWDBCursor::access | ( | ) | const |
Returns self's cursor access. The cursor access is specified when an RWDBCursor is first obtained. The default is RWDBCursor::Read.
void RWDBCursor::acquire | ( | ) | const |
Attempts to acquire the internal mutex lock. If the mutex is already locked by another thread, the function blocks until the mutex is released. This function can be called from a const
RWDBConnection RWDBCursor::connection | ( | ) | const |
Returns the database connection used by self. An RWDBCursor holds an RWDBConnection until the RWDBCursor is destroyed. There may be more than one RWDBCursor opened using the same RWDBConnection.
RWDBStatus RWDBCursor::deleteRow | ( | const RWCString & | tableName | ) |
Encapsulates the database-specific equivalent of the SQL statement:
You can check the return value's isValid() method to see if the operation succeeded. If the cursor is associated with an asynchronous connection, this function behaves asynchronously.
RWDBStatus::ErrorHandler RWDBCursor::errorHandler | ( | ) | const |
Returns the error handler attached to self.
RWDBStatus RWDBCursor::fetchRow | ( | CursorPosition | position = Next , |
int | offset = 1 |
) |
Fetches a row into self. Returns RWDBStatus::endOfFetch if there are no more rows. If the cursor is associated with an asynchronous connection, this function behaves asynchronously.
If self is a Sequential cursor, the only allowable value for position is Next; offset is ignored and the next row is fetched. Returns a status of RWDBStatus::invalidUsage if position is not Next.
If self is a Scrolling cursor and position is First, Last, Next, or Previous, offset is ignored and the specified row is fetched. If self is a Scrolling cursor and position is Relative, the row at the current position + offset is fetched. If self is a Scrolling cursor and position is Absolute, the row number identified by offset is fetched. Returns a database-specific error if the specified row does not exist.
RWDBStatus RWDBCursor::insertRow | ( | const RWCString & | tableName | ) |
Encapsulates the database-specific equivalent of the SQL statement:
You can check the return value's isValid() method to see if the operation succeeded. If the cursor is associated with an asynchronous connection, this function behaves asynchronously.
bool RWDBCursor::isNull | ( | size_t | index | ) | const |
Returns true
if the last value fetched into self at column position index was NULL
, otherwise returns false
bool RWDBCursor::isReady | ( | ) | const |
Returns true
if the object is in ready state, indicating that accessing the object will not block. Accessing a nonready object may potentially block.
bool RWDBCursor::isValid | ( | ) | const |
Returns true
if self's status is RWDBStatus::ok, otherwise returns false
RWCString RWDBCursor::name | ( | ) | const |
Returns self's name. The DB Interface Module generates a unique name for every RWDBCursor. The name is used if the underlying database requires cursors to be named.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | short * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | unsigned short * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | int * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | unsigned int * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | long * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | unsigned long * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | long long * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | unsigned long long * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | float * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | double * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | long double * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | RWDecimalPortable * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | RWDate * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | RWDateTime * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | RWDBDateTime * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | RWDBDuration * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | RWCString * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | RWDBMBString * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | RWWString * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | RWDBBlob * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | RWBasicUString * | val | ) |
The insertion operator is used to bind application variables to an RWDBCursor. Each call to fetchRow() populates the application variables with data from the fetch. Each call to insertRow() inserts the current contents of the relevant application variables into a database table. Each call to updateRow() updates a database table with the current contents of the relevant application variables. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator<< | ( | RWDBValueManip | ) |
Uses the RWDBValueManip rwdbNull to insert a NULL
value into a database table. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator= | ( | const RWDBCursor & | csr | ) |
Assignment operator. Self shares an implementation with csr.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator[] | ( | size_t | index | ) |
Changes the current row position to index. If index is out of range, self's status is set to RWDBStatus::invalidPosition. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator[] | ( | const RWCString & | colName | ) |
Changes the current row position to the index of the first column in self's result set whose name matches colName. If there is no such column, sets self's status to RWDBStatus::invalidPosition. Returns a reference to self.
RWDBCursor& RWDBCursor::operator[] | ( | const RWDBColumn & | column | ) |
Changes the current row position to the index of the first column in self's result set whose name matches the name of the given column. If there is no such column, sets self's status to RWDBStatus::invalidPosition. Returns a reference to self.
size_t RWDBCursor::position | ( | ) | const |
void RWDBCursor::release | ( | ) | const |
Releases a previously acquired mutex. This function can be called from a const
RWDBSchema RWDBCursor::schema | ( | ) | const |
Returns a deep copy of self's RWDBSchema containing all column information. The copy is made so that an application can modify the returned RWDBSchema without changing self's schema.
void RWDBCursor::setErrorHandler | ( | RWDBStatus::ErrorHandler | handler | ) |
Installs handler as self's error handler. The supplied handler is inherited by all objects produced by self. By default, the RWDBStatus::ErrorHandler is inherited from the object which produced self; this method overrides the default.
void RWDBCursor::setNull | ( | size_t | colPosition | ) |
Sets the value at column colPosition to NULL
, so that the next update or insert will make the corresponding field NULL
RWDBStatus RWDBCursor::status | ( | ) | const |
Returns the current status of self.
CursorType RWDBCursor::type | ( | ) | const |
Returns self's cursor type. The cursor type is specified when an RWDBCursor is first obtained. The default is RWDBCursor::Sequential.
RWDBStatus RWDBCursor::unbind | ( | ) |
Releases all pointers to external buffers that self holds. If the cursor is associated with an asynchronous connection, this function behaves asynchronously.
void RWDBCursor::unsetNull | ( | size_t | colPosition | ) |
Unsets NULL
from the value at column colPosition, so that the bound-in value for this column is used on the next update or insert.
RWDBStatus RWDBCursor::updateRow | ( | const RWCString & | tableName | ) |
Encapsulates the database-specific equivalent of:
tableName SET
where <set-clause> refers to the values in self that belong to tableName. You can check the return value's isValid() method to see if the operation succeeded. If the cursor is associated with an asynchronous connection, this function behaves asynchronously.
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