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Represents a date stored as a Julian day number. More...

#include <rw/rwdate.h>

Inheritance diagram for RWDate:

Public Member Functions

 RWDate ()
 RWDate (unsigned jd)
 RWDate (unsigned long jd)
 RWDate (unsigned day, unsigned year)
 RWDate (unsigned day, const char *month, unsigned year, const RWLocale &loc=RWLocale::global())
 RWDate (unsigned day, unsigned month, unsigned year)
 RWDate (std::istream &s, const RWLocale &loc=RWLocale::global())
 RWDate (const RWCString &str, const RWLocale &loc=RWLocale::global())
 RWDate (const RWTime &t, const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local())
 RWDate (const struct tm *tmbuf)
 RWDate (const RWTimeTuple &tt)
 RWDate (const RWTimeTupleOffset &tt)
 RWDate (const RWDate &d)
RWCString asString (char format= 'x', const RWLocale &loc=RWLocale::global()) const
RWCString asString (const char *format, const RWLocale &loc=RWLocale::global()) const
bool between (const RWDate &a, const RWDate &b) const
RWspace binaryStoreSize () const
int compareTo (const RWDate *d) const
unsigned day () const
unsigned dayOfMonth () const
void extract (struct tm *tmbuf) const
unsigned firstDayOfMonth (unsigned month) const
unsigned firstDayOfMonth () const
unsigned hash () const
bool isValid () const
unsigned julian () const
void julian (unsigned j)
bool leap () const
RWDate max (const RWDate &dt) const
RWDate min (const RWDate &dt) const
unsigned month () const
RWCString monthName (const RWLocale &loc=RWLocale::global()) const
RWDate next (const char *dayName, const RWLocale &loc=RWLocale::global()) const
RWDate next (unsigned dayNum) const
RWDateoperator++ ()
RWDate operator++ (int)
RWDateoperator+= (unsigned s)
RWDateoperator-- ()
RWDate operator-- (int)
RWDateoperator-= (unsigned s)
RWDateoperator= (const RWDate &d)
RWDate previous (const char *dayName, const RWLocale &loc=RWLocale::global()) const
RWDate previous (unsigned dayNum) const
unsigned weekDay () const
RWCString weekDayName (const RWLocale &loc=RWLocale::global()) const
unsigned year () const

Static Public Member Functions

static unsigned dayOfWeek (const char *dayName, const RWLocale &loc=RWLocale::global())
static unsigned daysInMonthYear (unsigned month, unsigned year)
static unsigned daysInYear (unsigned year)
static bool dayWithinMonth (unsigned month, unsigned day, unsigned year)
static unsigned hash (const RWDate &d)
static unsigned indexOfMonth (const char *monthName, const RWLocale &loc=RWLocale::global())
static unsigned jday (unsigned month, unsigned day, unsigned year)
static bool leapYear (unsigned year)
static RWCString nameOfMonth (unsigned monNum, const RWLocale &loc=RWLocale::global())
static RWDate now ()
static RWCString weekDayName (unsigned day, const RWLocale &loc=RWLocale::global())


bool operator!= (const RWDate &d1, const RWDate &d2)
RWDate operator+ (const RWDate &dt, unsigned dd)
RWDate operator+ (unsigned dd, const RWDate &dt)
RWDate operator- (const RWDate &dt, unsigned dd)
unsigned operator- (const RWDate &d1, const RWDate &d2)
bool operator< (const RWDate &d1, const RWDate &d2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const RWDate &d)
bool operator<= (const RWDate &d1, const RWDate &d2)
bool operator== (const RWDate &d1, const RWDate &d2)
bool operator> (const RWDate &d1, const RWDate &d2)
bool operator>= (const RWDate &d1, const RWDate &d2)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &s, RWDate &t)

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

RWvostreamoperator<< (RWvostream &str, const RWDate &date)
RWFileoperator<< (RWFile &file, const RWDate &date)
RWvistreamoperator>> (RWvistream &str, RWDate &date)
RWFileoperator>> (RWFile &file, RWDate &date)

Detailed Description

Class RWDate represents a date, stored as a Julian day number. The member function isValid() can be used to determine whether an RWDate is a valid date. For example, isValid() would return false for the date 29 February 1991 because 1991 is not a leap year. See the chapter on date and time classes in the Essential Tools Module User's Guide.

RWDate instances can be converted to and from the C Standard Library type struct tm defined in <time.h>.

We recommend creating programs that use four-digit year specifiers. For more information, see the section on RWDate in the Essential Tools Module User's Guide.

Note that because the default constructor for this class creates an instance holding the current date, constructing a large array of RWDate may be slow.

RWDate v[5000]; // Figures out the current date 5000 times

When using the Essential Tools Module template collections, consider the following:

// Figures out the current date just once:

Thanks to the smart allocation scheme of the standard collections, the above declaration results in only one call to the default constructor, followed by 5000 invocations of the copy constructor. In the case of RWDate, the copy constructor amounts to an assignment of one int to another, resulting in faster creation than the simple array.

#include <rw/rwdate.h>
RWDate a; // Construct today's date
#include <rw/rwdate.h>
int main ()
// ENIAC start date
RWDate d (14, "February", 1945);
// Today
RWDate today;
std::cout << d.asString("%A, %B %d 19%y")
<< " was the day the ENIAC computer was\nfirst turned on. "
<< today - d << " days have gone by since then. " << std::endl;
return 0;

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RWDate::RWDate ( )

Default constructor. Constructs an RWDate with the present date.

RWDate::RWDate ( unsigned  jd)

Constructs a date from the Julian Day number jd. Note that it is possible to construct a valid RWDate that represents a day previous to the beginning of the Gregorian calendar for some locality. Rogue Wave doesn't know the specifics for your locality, so will not enforce an arbitrary cutoff for "validity."

RWDate::RWDate ( unsigned long  jd)
As of SourcePro 2017, use RWDate(unsigned) instead.

Constructs a date from the Julian Day number jd. Note that it is possible to construct a valid RWDate that represents a day previous to the beginning of the Gregorian calendar for some locality. Rogue Wave doesn't know the specifics for your locality, so will not enforce an arbitrary cutoff for "validity."

RWDate::RWDate ( unsigned  day,
unsigned  year 

Constructs an RWDate with a given day of the year and a given year. The member function isValid() can be used to test whether the results are a valid date.

RWDate::RWDate ( unsigned  day,
const char *  month,
unsigned  year,
const RWLocale loc = RWLocale::global() 

Constructs an RWDate with the given day of the month, month, and year. The locale argument is used to convert the month name. Days should be 1-31, months may be specified as (for example): "January", "JAN", or "Jan", and the year may be specified as (for example) 1990, or 90. The member function isValid() can be used to test whether the results are a valid date.

RWDate::RWDate ( unsigned  day,
unsigned  month,
unsigned  year 

Constructs an RWDate with the given day of the month, month of the year, and year. Days should be 1-31, months should be 1-12, and the year may be specified as (for example) 1990, or 90. The member function isValid() can be used to test whether the results are a valid date.

RWDate::RWDate ( std::istream &  s,
const RWLocale loc = RWLocale::global() 

Constructs a date whereby the locale argument reads and converts a full line to a date. Because RWLocale cannot rigorously check date input, the member function isValid() must be used to test whether the results are a valid date.

RWDate::RWDate ( const RWCString str,
const RWLocale loc = RWLocale::global() 

Converts the string str to a date. Because RWLocale cannot rigorously check date input, the member function isValid() must be used to test whether the results are a valid date.

RWDate::RWDate ( const RWTime t,
const RWZone zone = RWZone::local() 

Constructs an RWDate from an RWTime. The time zone used defaults to local. The member function isValid() must be used to test whether the results are a valid date.

RWDate::RWDate ( const struct tm *  tmbuf)

Constructs an RWDate from the contents of the struct tm argument members tm_year, tm_mon, and tm_mday. Note that the numbering of months and years used in struct tm differs from that used for RWDate operations. struct tm is declared in the C Standard Library include file <time.h>.

RWDate::RWDate ( const RWTimeTuple tt)

Constructs an RWDateTime using the RWTimeTuple tt. Only the year, month and day of month values are referenced. All other members of tt are ignored.

If the tt represents a date prior to -4713-11-25, an invalid RWDate instance is constructed.

In 32-bit builds, if the tt represents a date after 11754509-07-22, and invalid RWDate instance is constructed.

RWDate::RWDate ( const RWTimeTupleOffset tt)

Constructs an RWDateTime using the RWTimeTupleOffset tt. Only the year, month and day of month values are referenced. All other members of tt are ignored.

If the tt represents a date prior to -4713-11-25, an invalid RWDate instance is constructed.

In 32-bit builds, if the tt represents a date after 11754509-07-22, and invalid RWDate instance is constructed.

RWDate::RWDate ( const RWDate d)

Copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

RWCString RWDate::asString ( char  format = 'x',
const RWLocale loc = RWLocale::global() 
) const

Returns the date as a string, formatted by the optional RWLocale argument. Formats are as defined in the C++ Standard Library function std::strftime(), explained in the description for RWLocale.

RWCString RWDate::asString ( const char *  format,
const RWLocale loc = RWLocale::global() 
) const

Returns the date as a string, formatted by the optional RWLocale argument. Formats are as defined in the C++ Standard Library function std::strftime(), explained in the description for RWLocale.

bool RWDate::between ( const RWDate a,
const RWDate b 
) const

Returns true if this RWDate is between a and b, inclusive.

RWspace RWDate::binaryStoreSize ( ) const

Returns the number of bytes necessary to store the object using the global function

int RWDate::compareTo ( const RWDate d) const

Compares self to the RWDate pointed to by d and returns:

0 if self == *d;

1 if self > *d;

-1 if self < *d.

unsigned RWDate::day ( ) const

Returns the day of the year (1-366) for this date.

unsigned RWDate::dayOfMonth ( ) const

Returns the day of the month (1-31) for this date.

unsigned RWDate::dayOfWeek ( const char *  dayName,
const RWLocale loc = RWLocale::global() 

Returns the number of the day of the week corresponding to the given dayName ( Monday = 1, ..., Sunday = 7). Names are interpreted by the optional RWLocale argument. Returns 0 if no match is found.

static unsigned RWDate::daysInMonthYear ( unsigned  month,
unsigned  year 

Returns the number of days in a given month and year. Returns 0 if month is not between 1 and 12, inclusive.

static unsigned RWDate::daysInYear ( unsigned  year)

Returns the number of days in a given year.

static bool RWDate::dayWithinMonth ( unsigned  month,
unsigned  day,
unsigned  year 

Returns true if a day (1-31) is within a given month in a given year, otherwise false.

void RWDate::extract ( struct tm *  tmbuf) const

Returns with the struct tm argument filled out completely, with the time members set to 0 and tm_isdst set to -1. Note that the encoding for months and days of the week used in struct tm differs from that used elsewhere in RWDate. If the date is invalid, all fields are set to -1.

unsigned RWDate::firstDayOfMonth ( unsigned  month) const

Returns the day of the year (1-366) corresponding to the first day of the month month (1-12) of the year for this RWDate.

unsigned RWDate::firstDayOfMonth ( ) const

Returns the day of the year (1-366) corresponding to the first day of the month and year for this RWDate.

unsigned RWDate::hash ( ) const

Returns a suitable hashing value.

static unsigned RWDate::hash ( const RWDate d)

Returns the hash value of d as returned by d.hash().

unsigned RWDate::indexOfMonth ( const char *  monthName,
const RWLocale loc = RWLocale::global() 

Returns the number of the month (1-12) corresponding to the given monthName. Returns 0 for no match.

bool RWDate::isValid ( void  ) const

Returns true if this is a valid date, false otherwise.

static unsigned RWDate::jday ( unsigned  month,
unsigned  day,
unsigned  year 

Returns the Julian day corresponding to the given month (1-12), day (1-31) and year. Returns zero (0) if the date is invalid.

unsigned RWDate::julian ( ) const

Returns the value of the Julian day number.

void RWDate::julian ( unsigned  j)

Changes the value of the Julian day number to j.

bool RWDate::leap ( ) const

Returns true if the year of this RWDate is a leap year, otherwise false.

static bool RWDate::leapYear ( unsigned  year)

Returns true if a given year is a leap year, otherwise false.

RWDate RWDate::max ( const RWDate dt) const

Returns the later date of self or dt.

RWDate RWDate::min ( const RWDate dt) const

Returns the earlier date of self or dt.

unsigned RWDate::month ( ) const

Returns the month (1-12) for this date.

RWCString RWDate::monthName ( const RWLocale loc = RWLocale::global()) const

Returns the name of the month for this date, according to the optional RWLocale argument.

static RWCString RWDate::nameOfMonth ( unsigned  monNum,
const RWLocale loc = RWLocale::global() 

Returns the name of month monNum ( January = 1, ..., December = 12), formatted for the given locale.

RWDate RWDate::next ( const char *  dayName,
const RWLocale loc = RWLocale::global() 
) const

Returns the date of the next dayName (for example, the date of the previous Monday) The weekday name is interpreted according to the optional RWLocale argument.

RWDate RWDate::next ( unsigned  dayNum) const

Returns the date of the next numbered day of the week, where Monday = 1, ..., Sunday = 7. The variable dayNum must be between 1 and 7, inclusive.

static RWDate RWDate::now ( )

Returns today's date.

RWDate& RWDate::operator++ ( )

Prefix increment operator. Adds one day to self, returning the result.

RWDate RWDate::operator++ ( int  )

Postfix increment operator. Adds one day to self, returning the initial value.

RWDate& RWDate::operator+= ( unsigned  s)

Adds s days to self, returning self.

RWDate& RWDate::operator-- ( )

Prefix decrement operator. Subtracts one day from self, returning the result.

RWDate RWDate::operator-- ( int  )

Postfix decrement operator. Subtracts one day from self, returning the initial value.

RWDate& RWDate::operator-= ( unsigned  s)

Subtracts s days from self, returning self.

RWDate& RWDate::operator= ( const RWDate d)

Assignment operator.

RWDate RWDate::previous ( const char *  dayName,
const RWLocale loc = RWLocale::global() 
) const

Returns the date of the previous dayName (for example, the date of the previous Monday) The weekday name is interpreted according to the optional RWLocale argument.

RWDate RWDate::previous ( unsigned  dayNum) const

Returns the date of the previous numbered day of the week, where Monday = 1, ..., Sunday = 7. The variable dayNum must be between 1 and 7, inclusive.

unsigned RWDate::weekDay ( ) const

Returns the number of the day of the week for this date, where Monday = 1, ..., Sunday = 7.

RWCString RWDate::weekDayName ( const RWLocale loc = RWLocale::global()) const

Returns the name of the day of the week for this date, according to the optional RWLocale argument. The function defaults to using the RWLocale global locale.

static RWCString RWDate::weekDayName ( unsigned  day,
const RWLocale loc = RWLocale::global() 

Returns the name of the day of the week day ( Monday = 1, ..., Sunday = 7), formatted for the given locale. The function defaults to the RWLocale global locale.

unsigned RWDate::year ( ) const

Returns the year of this date.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

bool operator!= ( const RWDate d1,
const RWDate d2 

Returns true if the date d1 is not the same as d2, otherwise false.

RWDate operator+ ( const RWDate dt,
unsigned  dd 

Returns the date dd days in the future from the date dt.

RWDate operator+ ( unsigned  dd,
const RWDate dt 

Returns the date dd days in the future from the date dt.

RWDate operator- ( const RWDate dt,
unsigned  dd 

Returns the date dd days in the past from dt.

unsigned operator- ( const RWDate d1,
const RWDate d2 

If d1 > d2, returns the number of days between d1 and d2. Otherwise, the result is implementation-defined.

bool operator< ( const RWDate d1,
const RWDate d2 

Returns true if the date d1 is before d2, otherwise false.

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const RWDate d 

Outputs the date d on ostream s, according to the locale imbued in the stream (see class RWLocale), or by RWLocale::global() if none.

RWvostream & operator<< ( RWvostream str,
const RWDate date 

Saves the date into date from the virtual stream str.

RWFile & operator<< ( RWFile file,
const RWDate date 

Saves the date into date from the RWFile file.

bool operator<= ( const RWDate d1,
const RWDate d2 

Returns true if the date d1 is before or the same as d2, otherwise false.

bool operator== ( const RWDate d1,
const RWDate d2 

Returns true if the date d1 is the same as d2, otherwise false.

bool operator> ( const RWDate d1,
const RWDate d2 

Returns true if the date d1 is after d2, otherwise false.

bool operator>= ( const RWDate d1,
const RWDate d2 

Returns true if the date d1 is after or the same as d2, otherwise false.

std::istream& operator>> ( std::istream &  s,
RWDate t 

Reads t from std::istream s. One full line is read, and the string contained is converted according to the locale imbued in the stream (see class RWLocale), or by RWLocale::global() if none. The function RWDate::isValid() must be used to test whether the results are a valid date.

RWvistream & operator>> ( RWvistream str,
RWDate date 

Restores the date into date from the virtual stream str, replacing the previous contents of date.

RWFile & operator>> ( RWFile file,
RWDate date 

Restores the date into date from the RWFile file, replacing the previous contents of date.

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