What's new in P4Admin

Learn about new features and enhancements in P4Admin.


  • The Topology feature has been promoted from Technology Preview and is now fully supported when connected to a Helix Core Server 2024.2 (or later). To learn more, see View Topology.


The Configurables tab has a column called "Categories" that allow you to know which aspect it might affect, such as security or performance. You can also filter by a category. Also, if you are the Helix Core Cloud administrator, you can edit certain configurables. To learn more, see Manage configurables.


  • Support for saving Topology data to a file. See View Topology.

  • If you have an annual subscription to Helix Core, the P4Admin Home page shows the date when your contract for product support will end, which is not necessarily the same as when your product license will end. See About the P4Admin Home page.

  • To make it easier to log in to P4Admin, you have the option of temporarily showing the password in plain text. See Connect to a server.


Helix Core Cloud is a solution for administration that affects the information displayed on the Home page of P4Admin. See About the P4Admin Home page.


The Configurables tab enables you to manage configurables and environment variables without having to use the command line. See View Topology.


  • To analyze the set of Helix Core Server commands that result from a single user action in P4V, see About command groups.


  • The P4Admin Home tab posts alerts about the limits on files, users, or workspaces of an unlicensed Helix Core Server, so your use of the free license can progress smoothly to a full license.

  • The administrator can set Helix Core Server properties that override the P4V user's preferences in

    • Behavior > Warning before checking out files, if the number of files exceeds ...

    • Behavior > Warning before marking files for delete, if the number of files exceeds ...

    • Behavior > Warning before removing files from workspace, if the number of files exceeds ...

    To learn more, see Miscellaneous P4V properties in the Helix Core Server Administrator Guide.


This release of P4Admin has been upgraded to use the Qt6 Framework. This allows us to officially support additional platforms, among them is support for Windows 11 and the availability of Universal builds for macOS. These will provide native support for arm64 processor platforms as well as Intel platforms.


  • Support for limiting how much Server memory a command can use. See Group settings and limits.

  • To help your organization avoid unwanted downtime, starting seven (7) days before the license expires, the Helix Core administrator is notified of the expiration date when logging in to the Server. The user with the super access level might have modified this default behavior to a different number of days, or to warn all users, or to warn no users. This depends on the settings of the auth.licenseexpiry.warn and auth.licenseexpiry.warnthreshold configurables in the Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference.


  • You can add a description to a group when you create the group (or later). Such descriptions can be useful if you have many groups. You also have the option of providing LDAP values for the group. See Create a group.

  • View Topology offers filters for IP addresses and points in time. Also, your rearrangement of the nodes in the graph persist the next time you open P4Admin.

  • Connections preference allows you to specify the interval to attempt to reconnect with the server if the connection was broken.


  • When you Create a depot, the default depot type is stream instead of local.

  • The View Topology includes a Copy data to clipboard button.


View Topology to view information about your connected servers.


No new features for this release.


You can now obliterate files in task streams.


"Applets" for P4V and P4Admin are no longer supported. This is because the P4V WebKit-based P4JsApi (the JavaScript API for Visual Tools) has been officially retired. It is replaced by P4VJS, which is a WebEngine-based solution that supports HTML5. To learn more, see P4VJS Developer Guide and P4JSAPI to P4VJS Conversion Guide.
