Upload changes

Upload your new and updated files to Helix Core Server or Helix DAM so other users have access to your changes. The files are updated in Helix Core Server.

If you do not add a change description when you upload your changes, Helix Sync adds one for you. By default, the change description text is "Helix Sync auto-submit". Your Helix Sync administrator can change the default change description text. See Configure the default change description text.

  1. In Helix Sync, click the workspace to open it.

  2. Click the My changes list. Each file is marked so you know what type of change was made:

    Change type Description
    Added The file is new. You can upload it to share it with other users.
    Changed The file was edited. You can upload it to share changes with other users.
    Renamed The file was renamed. You can upload it to share the new name with other users. When you rename a file, it is shown as two changes on the My changes and Changes by others lists. This is because the Helix Core Server handles the file with the new name as an add and the file with the old name as a delete.
    Conflict The file was changed both on the Helix Core Server and in your local workspace. You need to manually resolve the conflict before uploading the file.
    Locked The file is locked. It may be locked by another user, and you cannot upload changes until they unlock it. Or, you may have it exclusively locked, and no one else can make changes to the file until you upload it. If the file locked label includes (automatic), it means the file was automatically locked because it is being worked on. Learn more about why a file is locked by hovering over the file icon and viewing the tool tip.
    Deleted The file was deleted.
  3. To perform an action on a file before uploading it, click the vertical ellipsis Vertical ellipsis menu icon next to the file and select an action. To perform an action on all of the changed files in a folder, click the vertical ellipsis Vertical ellipsis menu icon next to the folder and select an action.

    The actions available to you depend on the type of change the files are marked as. Options are:

  4. To upload your changes, do one of the following:

    • Upload all of your changes. Click Upload changes. This may take a while depending on the number of files and file sizes.

    • Upload all of your changes and add a description of the changes. See Upload all changed files and add a change description.

    • Upload all of your changed files in a folder. See Upload all changed files in a folder.

    • Upload changes for a single file. Click the vertical ellipsis Vertical ellipsis menu icon next to the file and select Upload your changes.

    When the upload is complete, Helix Sync displays:

    • Changes were successfully uploaded if there were no issues.

    • There was a problem uploading files if there is any conflict between your files and files other users changed. Files that have a conflict are highlighted with a red border. For information about resolving conflicts, see Resolve upload and download conflicts.