Ignore a file or all changed files in a folder

You can exclude a file or folder from upload to Helix Core Server by setting Helix Sync to ignore it. For example, you might want to exclude a file you use for testing out your ideas. Once you set a file to be ignored, Helix Sync will not display it in your My changes list and it will not be uploaded to the Helix Core Server.

Only files marked as Added can be ignored.

This only applies to your local workspace and does not change the behavior for other Helix Sync users.

  1. In Helix Sync, click the workspace to open it.

  2. Click the My changes list.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To ignore a file, click the vertical ellipsis Vertical ellipsis menu icon next to the file and click Ignore file.

    • To ignore all changed files in a folder, click the vertical ellipsis Vertical ellipsis menu icon next to the file and click Ignore all new added files.