Remove tags from assets

Tags help identify and group assets for better searching and browsing. You can remove tags that are no longer relevant.

If you remove tags from an asset and a new version of the same asset is added to the project, the removed tags are automatically added to the new version.


When an asset is archived in Helix Core Server, you cannot perform any actions on it. Archived assets are marked as Archived in the Helix DAM asset Version list. See Archived assets.

For information about adding tags, see Add tags to assets.

  1. In a project, open or select the assets to remove tags from. To select an asset, click the circle in the top left corner of it. You can select multiple assets.


    Only company admins can remove tags from assets opened from the Recent assets area on the home page.

  2. Click the Manage tags button next to the tags.

    The Manage tags dialog box opens. Existing tags added by users are displayed in the User-applied tags area and existing tags added automatically are displayed in the Auto-generated tags area.

  3. To remove a tag, click the X on it.

    The tag is removed.

  4. Click Save when you finish.

    The tag changes are saved.