Lock the position of 3D models for comments

When reviewing a 3D model, you can lock a specific view of the asset to your comment so that a user reading it can clearly see what you mean. For an animated 3D model, you can also lock the timestamp of the animation in the comment.

The current view of the 3D model is added to your comment when you click the Add a comment field.

  1. Open the asset in a project. See Browse projects.

    On the Comments tab, existing comments are displayed, including the user who commented and when. To learn more about changing the comments displayed and the asset view, see View asset comments.

  2. To lock the asset view of a previous asset version, select the version to comment on in the list next to the asset filename. Comments are applied to the current version of the asset by default.

  3. Adjust the asset view to the position you want to show in your comment. If it is an animated model, pause it at the time stamp you want to show in your comment.

  4. To make your comment, click the Add a comment field.

    • If you do not want to lock the view settings for the comment, click the dropdown arrow Image of the Go to position dropdown in the comment box and clear Lock with viewer settings.

    • If you do not want to set a specific time stamp for the comment, click the dropdown arrow Image of the Go to position dropdown in the comment box and clear Lock with time stamp.

  5. Enter text in the comment field.

    If the asset view changed while you were entering your comment text, do one of the following:

    • To lock the new asset view to your comment, click Update lock below the comment.

    • To use the original view you set in step 3, move on to the next step.

  6. Click Add.

    Your comment is added to the Comments tab.