Browse projects

You can browse Helix DAM projects you created and all other projects you have access to. After opening a project, you can open the collections in it to work with assets, work with the Kanban board, and manage team member access to the project.

  1. On the home page, click Projects.

    The Projects page opens.

  2. Click a tab for the projects to work with.

    • To view all projects you created, click My projects.
    • To work with all projects in Helix DAM, click All projects.
  3. If there are many projects, use the Search for a project field to filter the list.
  4. Click a project to open it.

    The project opens. A project navigation pane is displayed on the left and collections are displayed on the right.

Project navigation

The project navigation pane is displayed on the left when you open a project. The project name is displayed at the top and links to the following areas are displayed below it.


Click to: More information
Assets Work with assets in the project, which are organized in collections. Working with assets and Collections
Kanban board View the Kanban board for the project. Kanban board
Team Invite other team members to the project and remove team members who no longer need access. Invite people to a project


A collection is a folder that contains a set of related assets used in a project. Projects can have more than one collection.

  • To open a collection and work with the assets in it, click the collection. See Collections
  • To create a new collection and add assets to it, click Create new collection. See Create a collection.