Attach files to a comment

You can add attachments to your comment to get feedback or discuss an asset with other team members. Multiple files can be attached to your comment, either one at a time or multiple files at the same time.

  1. Open the asset in a project. See Browse projects.

    On the Comments tab, existing comments are displayed, including the user who commented and when. To learn more about changing the comments displayed and the asset view, see View asset comments.

  2. To add attachments to a previous asset version, select a version to comment on in the list. By default, comments are applied to the current version of the asset.

  3. Click the Add a comment field and enter your comment.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • Drag the files from your file browser and drop them in the comment.

    • Click  and select the files from the browse dialog.


    If you accidentally attach a file to your comment, remove it by clicking the X button on the attachment.

  5. Click Add.

    Your comment is added to the Comments tab.

Upload limitations

By default, you can upload a maximum of 4 GB per attachment. If you try to upload an attachment larger than 4 GB, the attachment is blocked, and a File size limit exceeded dialog appears.