Adding users

Add users to the license server to provide access to Helix ALM products. Users you add to the license server are identified as global users in other products.

See Adding Active Directory and LDAP users for information about adding users from Active Directory and LDAP.

Note:  Users with usernames and passwords longer than 32 characters cannot use Surround SCM or TestTrack 2016.0 and earlier.

1. Click Global Users.

The Global Users dialog box opens.

Tip:  You can customize the information displayed in the Global Users list. See Customizing the Global Users list.

2. Click Add and then select Add User.

The Add User dialog box opens.

3. Enter the First name, MI (middle initial), Last name. You can enter up to 32 characters for the first and last names and up to 8 characters for the middle initial.

Note:  Multiple users can have the same first and last names. Make sure to enter additional contact information to distinguish between these users in Helix ALM applications.

4. Enter a unique Username. You can enter up to 128 characters.

5. Clear Active to create an inactive user. You may want to create an inactive user to temporarily restrict access to Helix ALM products until the user needs it.

6. On the Info tab, enter phone numbers, an email address, and select a user type.

Global users are typical users who need access to Helix ALM products. You may want to create a global customer if you want to provide customers limited access to the products.

7. Enter or select additional information.

Tab Use to:
Authentication Select an authentication method for the user (license server, an OpenID Connect/SAML provider, or external authentication), set options for external authentication, set a password for the user, and set password options. See Setting authentication methods and passwords for users.
Security Select license server security permissions for the user. See Controlling Helix ALM License Server Admin Utility access.
Licenses Assign licenses for the user. See Managing licenses and Assigning licenses.
Address Enter the address and enter or select the company, division, and department. If you enter a company, division, or department value, it is saved and can be selected for other users and customers in the project, which can help you group related users. You can enter up to 64 characters. The Division values are based on the selected Company value, and the Department values are based on the selected Division value.
Notes Enter any notes about the user.
Photo Add a photo of the user. Photos are only displayed in Helix ALM products that support them. The following image file formats are supported: BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PBM, PGM, PNG, PPM, SVG, and XPM. Photos are not supported for users who authenticate using an OpenID Connect/SAML provider.

8. Click OK to add the user.