Adding Active Directory and LDAP users

If the Helix ALM License Server is configured to connect to an Active Directory (AD) or LDAP server, you can retrieve users from that database.

Note:  The license server does not support AD/LDAP users with empty Name or Username fields or usernames longer than 128 characters. If you create a schema, make sure you enter the custom attributes when you add the AD/LDAP server. See Configuring Active Directory and LDAP servers.

1. Click Global Users.

The Global Users dialog box opens.

2. Click Add and then select Add LDAP User.

The Add LDAP Users dialog box opens.

3. Select any Filter criteria to narrow the search results.

Do not select any search criteria if you want to return a list of all AD/LDAP users.

  • Name searches for AD/LDAP users by name. This field supports wildcards.
  • Username searches for AD/LDAP users by username. This field supports wildcards.
  • Exclude existing license server users excludes existing users on the license server based on the specified username.
  • Limit results to limits the number of returned records to the specified amount. The default value is 200.

4. Click Query LDAP Servers.

A list of matching users is displayed in the Search Results area.

5. Select the users to add to the license server.

  • To add multiple users and assign licenses later, click Add. After the users are added, make sure you assign license types and set security permissions for each user. See Assigning licenses and Editing users. You can also select multiple users and perform bulk changes to assign the same license type and security permissions to the selected users. See Changing fields for multiple users.
  • To add one user and assign a license and set security permissions now, click Advanced Add. The Add User dialog box opens. Most of the user information is populated from the AD/LDAP record and cannot be edited. Assign a license to the user and set server security permissions. You can also enable single sign-on if it is enabled for the AD/LDAP server. See Editing users.

Note:  Users with usernames and passwords longer than 32 characters cannot use Surround SCM or TestTrack 2016.0 and earlier.

6. Click Close when you finish.

AD/LDAP users can access Helix ALM products after they are added to the license server and assigned a license. It may take a few minutes for the changes to take effect.