Controlling Helix ALM License Server Admin Utility access

Users cannot log into the Helix ALM License Server Admin Utility by default, but you can change security permissions for users you want to allow access to retrieve global users in Helix ALM products, manage all global users, or administer all license server functionality. For example, you may want to provide Helix ALM or Surround SCM administrators access to retrieve global users and Helix ALM Data Warehouse users full license server administrative rights to configure the data warehouse.

1. Click the Security tab when you are adding or editing a user.

Tip:  You can also set security rights multiple users at the same time. See Replacing security field values.

2. Select the security rights to assign to the user.

  • User cannot login to the license server admin utility prevents users from accessing the admin utility. This is the default option and is recommended for most users.
  • User can retrieve global users, but cannot login to the license server admin utility allows users to only retrieve global users in Helix ALM products.
  • User can only manage global users allows users to create and maintain global users.
  • User can administer all license server functions provides access to all admin utility commands. You should only select this option for administrative users.

3. Click OK to save the changes.