Managing test suites

You can perform many of the same actions on test case and manual test run suite folders as you can other folder types.

To: See:
Add test case suites Adding manual test suites
Add test cases to test case suites or manual test runs to manual test run suites Adding items to folders
Edit the details for a test suite Editing folder details
Set folder permissions and lock/unlock test suites Managing access to folders
Move items between test suites and other folder types Moving items between folders
View items in test suites Viewing items in folders
Edit items in test suites Editing items in folders
Order items in test suites Ordering items in manual test suites
Remove items from test suites Removing items from folders
Use task boards for test suites Using task boards
View test suite history Viewing folder history
Duplicate test suites Duplicating a folder structure
Move test suites Moving folders
Delete test suites Deleting folders

Tip:  When viewing a manual test run suite, click Open Test Case Suite in the Folders list to open the test case suite that the manual test run suite was generated from. When viewing a test case suite, click Open Manual Test Run Suite to open a related manual test run suite. If there are multiple suites, you can select the one to view.