Adding charts and item views to dashboard pages from templates

Dashboard chart templates make it easy to share charts and item views with others who want to use similar ones on dashboards they manage.

When you add a chart or item view to a dashboard page from a template, it includes all settings from when the template was saved. Template files are saved from Helix Plan as XML files. See Saving dashboard chart and item view templates.

Helix Plan provides example dashboard page templates that contain charts and item views you can use as is or as a starting point for your own dashboards and charts. See Example dashboard page templates.

1. Click Dashboards.

The Dashboards area opens.

2. Click the tab for the dashboard page to add the chart or item view to. If you need to add a page, see Adding dashboard pages.

You must have permission to edit the dashboard page to add the chart or item view to it. See Sharing dashboard pages for viewing and editing.

3. Click Chart. If the chart template is for an item view, click Item View.

A new empty chart or item view is added to the page.

4. Mouse over the chart or item view, click , and select Set from template.

The Select Chart Template XML File dialog opens.

5. Browse to select a chart template XML file and click Open.

The chart or item view changes to use the settings in the template. If a report used as a filter for a chart is not shared with everyone who has access to view the dashboard page, a warning is displayed.

6. Make any changes to the chart or item view. For example, you may need to change the settings if you have different permissions than the person who saved the template so you can see relevant data. See Editing dashboard charts and item views.

If you use the template to add a chart or item view in a different Helix Plan database or on a different Helix Plan server, it may not have the same setup (custom columns, sprints, users, etc.) as the project the template was saved from. You will need to edit the chart settings to accommodate the differences.

If you make changes and want to revert to use the settings in the template, select Set from template and choose the template again.

Keep in mind that charts that use the Historical data measure may take time to accumulate data after adding them to the dashboard page using a template.