Example dashboard page templates

Helix Plan includes example dashboard page templates that you can use as a starting point to create your own dashboards.

To add a dashboard page from an example template, click + to the right of the dashboard page tabs, select New page from template, and select a template. You can modify the charts and item views to meet your needs. See Editing dashboard charts and item views.

Template name Contains charts that can:
Art Help art producers on art asset creation teams understand the current workload, how much work is assigned, any issues, and remaining work.
Kanban Team Help team members understand velocity throughput and ongoing issues if your team uses Kanban as a planning method.
Milestone Track an individual milestone or release and help team members see how much work remains and when all the work tagged for a release may be finished.
Portfolio Help team members understand the full portfolio of projects in Helix Plan, giving useful cross-project information to understand progress, challenges, and opportunities across the organization.
Product Owner Help product owners understand the quality and state of their product backlogs.
Quality Assurance Help testers and QA leads understand the current state of the bug backlog in Helix Plan.
Sprint Summary Help Scrum Masters see a summary of sprints they are working in together with the teams.