This is the complete list of members for IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog, including all inherited members.
abortReDraw() | IlvContainer | |
addAccelerator(IlvContainerAccelerator *accelerator) | IlvContainer | |
addAccelerator(IlvContainerAction action, IlvEventType type, IlUShort data=0, IlUShort modifiers=0, IlAny userArg=0, IlUShort optModifiers=0) | IlvContainer | |
addProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value) | IlvView | |
addSmartSet(IlvSmartSet *set, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvContainer | virtual |
addStyleSheet(IlvStyleSheet *styleSheet) | IlvStylist | |
addTransformer(const IlvTransformer &t) | IlvContainer | |
allowFocus(IlBoolean value) | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
apply() | IlvDialog | virtual |
applyResize(IlFloat sx, IlFloat sy, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
applyToObject(IlvGraphic *obj, IlvApplyObject func, IlAny arg, IlBoolean reDraw=IlFalse) | IlvContainer | virtual |
applyToObjects(IlvApplyObject func, IlAny arg, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) | IlvContainer | |
applyToTaggedObjects(const IlSymbol *tag, IlvApplyObject func, IlAny arg, IlBoolean reDraw=IlFalse) | IlvContainer | |
applyValue(const IlvValue &) | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
autoResize(IlBoolean a) | IlvGadgetContainer | |
boundingBox(IlvRect &bbox) const | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
bufferedDraw(const IlvGraphic *object) | IlvContainer | |
bufferedDraw(const IlvRect &rect) | IlvContainer | |
bufferedDraw(const IlvRegion ®ion) | IlvContainer | |
cancel() | IlvDialog | virtual |
changeValue(const IlvValue &val) | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
changeValues(const IlvValue *values, IlUShort count=0) | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
clearArea(const IlvRect &, IlBoolean=IlFalse) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
clearArea(const IlvRegion &, IlBoolean=IlFalse) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
clip(const IlvRect *) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
clip(const IlvRegion *) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
composeAlpha(IlvIntensity alpha) | IlvPort | |
contains(const IlvPoint &p) const | IlvContainer | |
IlvContainer::createInputFile(istream &stream) | IlvContainer | virtual |
depth() const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
disableRedrawTask() | IlvContainer | |
draw(const IlvRect *rect) | IlvContainer | |
draw(const IlvRegion *clip=0) | IlvContainer | virtual |
draw(IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) | IlvContainer | virtual |
drawArc(const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &, IlFloat, IlFloat) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawArrow(const IlvPalette *palette, const IlvPoint &from, const IlvPoint &to, IlFloat position) const | IlvPort | virtual |
drawBezier(const IlvPalette *palette, IlUInt count, const IlvPoint *points) const | IlvPort | virtual |
drawBitmap(const IlvPalette *, const IlvBitmap *, const IlvRect &, const IlvRegion *=0, IlvPosition=IlvCenter, IlBoolean=IlFalse) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawBitmap(const IlvPalette *, const IlvSystemPort *, const IlvRect &, const IlvPoint &) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawClosedBezier(const IlvPalette *palette, IlUInt count, const IlvPoint *points) const | IlvPort | virtual |
drawILabel(const IlvPalette *palette, const char *label, int length, const IlvRect &drawRect, const IlvRegion *clip=0, IlvPosition align=IlvCenter) const | IlvPort | virtual |
drawIString(const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, const char *, int, IlvPosition=IlvLeft) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawLabel(const IlvPalette *palette, const char *label, int length, const IlvRect &drawRect, const IlvRegion *clip=0, IlvPosition align=IlvCenter) const | IlvPort | virtual |
drawLine(const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, const IlvPoint &) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawMarker(const IlvPalette *palette, const IlvPoint &location, IlvMarkerType type=IlvMarkerSquare, IlUShort size=IlvDefaultMarkerSize) const | IlvPort | virtual |
drawMnemonicLabel(const IlvPalette *palette, const char *label, const IlvRect &drawRect, const IlvRegion *clip=0, IlvPosition align=IlvCenter, IlBoolean underline=IlTrue) const | IlvPort | virtual |
drawOutlineRectangle(const IlvPalette *outlinePalette, const IlvPalette *fillPalette, const IlvRect &rect, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvPort | virtual |
drawPaths(const IlvPalette *palette, IlUInt count, const IlvPointArray *paths) const | IlvPort | virtual |
drawPoint(const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawPoints(const IlvPalette *, IlUInt, const IlvPoint *) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawPolyLine(const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, IlUInt, const IlvDeltaPoint *) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawPolyLine(const IlvPalette *, IlUInt, const IlvPoint *) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawRectangle(const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawReliefDiamond(const IlvPalette *, const IlvPalette *invertedPalette, const IlvPalette *topShade, const IlvPalette *bottomShade, const IlvRect &bbox, IlUShort thickness, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvPort | virtual |
drawReliefRectangle(const IlvPalette *palette, const IlvPalette *invertedPalette, const IlvPalette *topShade, const IlvPalette *bottomShade, const IlvRect &bbox, IlUShort thickness, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvPort | virtual |
drawRoundRectangle(const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &, IlUShort) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawSegments(const IlvPalette *, IlUInt, const IlvPoint *, const IlvPoint *) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawShadowRectangle(const IlvPalette *palette, const IlvPalette *invertedPalette, const IlvRect &bbox, IlUShort thickness, IlvPosition shadowPosition, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvPort | virtual |
drawString(const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, const char *, int, IlvPosition=IlvLeft) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawTransformedString(const IlvPalette *, const char *, int, const IlvTransformer &, const IlvRegion *=0) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
drawTransparentBitmap(const IlvPalette *, const IlvSystemPort *, const IlvRect &, const IlvPoint &) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
enableMultitouch(IlBoolean enable) | IlvAbstractView | |
end() | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
ensureInScreen(IlvPos xMargin=0, IlvPos yMargin=0) | IlvView | |
ensureVisible(const IlvPoint &point) | IlvAbstractView | |
ensureVisible(const IlvRect &rect) | IlvAbstractView | |
erase(const IlvRect &rect, IlBoolean reDraw=IlFalse) | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
erase(IlBoolean reDraw=IlFalse) | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
eraseRegion(const IlvRegion ®ion) | IlvContainer | protectedvirtual |
fillArc(const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &, IlFloat, IlFloat) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
fillBezier(const IlvPalette *palette, IlUInt count, const IlvPoint *points) const | IlvPort | virtual |
fillPaths(const IlvPalette *, IlUInt, const IlvPointArray *) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
fillPolyLine(const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, IlUInt, const IlvDeltaPoint *, IlBoolean=IlFalse) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
fillPolyLine(const IlvPalette *, IlUInt, const IlvPoint *, IlBoolean=IlFalse) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
fillRectangle(const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
fillRoundRectangle(const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &, IlUShort) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
fitToContents() | IlvContainer | virtual |
fitTransformerToContents(IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvContainer | virtual |
flushRedraw() | IlvContainer | virtual |
frameBBox(IlvRect &bbox) const | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
get(IlBoolean grab=IlFalse, IlvCursor *cursor=0) | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
getAccelerator(IlvContainerAction *action, IlAny *userArg, IlvEventType type, IlUShort buttonOrKey=0, IlUShort modifiers=0) const | IlvContainer | |
getAccelerator(IlvEventType type, IlUShort button=0, IlUShort modifiers=0) const | IlvContainer | |
getAccessors(const IlSymbol *const **names, const IlvValueTypeClass *const **types, IlUInt &count) const | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
getAlpha() const | IlvPort | |
getAntialiasingMode() const | IlvPort | |
getBackground() const | IlvAbstractView | |
getBackgroundBitmap() const | IlvAbstractView | |
GetBitmapData(IlvSystemPort *port, const IlvRect *rect=0) | IlvSystemPort | static |
getCardinal() const | IlvContainer | |
getCompressButtonDragged() const | IlvAbstractView | |
getCompressPointerMoved() const | IlvAbstractView | |
GetContainer(const IlvGraphic *obj) | IlvContainer | static |
getCopiesNumber() const | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
getCursor() const | IlvAbstractView | |
getDC() const | IlvSystemPort | |
getDefaultButton() const | IlvGadgetContainer | |
getDisplay() const | IlvPort | |
getFilename() const | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
getFirstFocusGraphic() const | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
getFocus() const | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
getGrab() const | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
getIndex(IlvGraphic *obj) const | IlvContainer | |
getLastFocusGraphic() const | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
getLookFeelHandler() const | IlvGadgetContainer | |
getMargins(IlvDim &left, IlvDim &right, IlvDim &top, IlvDim &bottom) const | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
getName() const | IlvView | virtual |
getNextFocusGraphic(IlvGraphic *object) const | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
getObject(const char *name) const | IlvContainer | |
getObject(IlUInt index) const | IlvContainer | |
getObjectInteractor(const IlvGraphic *) const | IlvContainer | |
getObjectName(const IlvGraphic *obj) const | IlvContainer | |
getObjects(IlUInt &count) const | IlvContainer | |
getOpacity() const | IlvAbstractView | |
getOrientation() const | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
getOuterStylableSize(IlvDim &, IlvDim &) const | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
getOverriddenFocus() const | IlvGadgetContainer | |
getPaperFormat() const | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
getParent() const | IlvAbstractView | |
getPreviousFocusGraphic(IlvGraphic *object) const | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
getProperty(const IlSymbol *key) const | IlvView | |
getShape() const | IlvView | |
getShellSystemView() const | IlvAbstractView | |
getSmartSet(const char *name) const | IlvContainer | |
getStylableClassName() const | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
getStylableDisplay() const | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
getStylableName() const | IlvView | virtual |
getStylableParent() const | IlvStylable | virtual |
getStylableSize(IlvDim &, IlvDim &) const | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
getStylableTags(IlUInt &nTags) const | IlvStylable | virtual |
getSystemView() const | IlvAbstractView | |
getTaggedObjects(const IlSymbol *tag, IlUInt &count) const | IlvContainer | |
getTitle() const | IlvView | |
getTransformer() const | IlvContainer | |
getTransparentColorKey(IlvIntensity &r, IlvIntensity &g, IlvIntensity &b) const | IlvAbstractView | |
globalBBox(IlvRect &bbox) const | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
hasGrab() const | IlvAbstractView | |
hasProperty(const IlSymbol *key) const | IlvView | |
height() const | IlvPort | |
iconBitmap(IlvBitmap *image, IlvBitmap *mask=0) | IlvView | |
iconify() | IlvView | |
IlvContainer(IlvAbstractView *parent, const IlvRect &size, IlBoolean useacc=IlTrue, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue) | IlvContainer | |
IlvContainer(IlvDisplay *display, const char *name, const char *title, const IlvRect &dims, IlBoolean useacc=IlTrue, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue) | IlvContainer | |
IlvContainer(IlvDisplay *display, const char *name, const char *title, const IlvRect &dims, IlUInt properties, IlBoolean useacc=IlTrue, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue, IlvSystemView transientFor=0) | IlvContainer | |
IlvContainer(IlvDisplay *display, IlvSystemView parent, const IlvRect &size, IlBoolean useacc=IlTrue, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue) | IlvContainer | |
IlvContainer(IlvDisplay *display, IlvSystemView window, IlBoolean useacc=IlTrue) | IlvContainer | |
IlvDialog(IlvDisplay *display, const char *name, const char *title, const IlvRect &rect, IlUInt properties=0, IlvSystemView transientFor=0) | IlvDialog | |
IlvDialog(IlvDisplay *display, const char *name, const char *title, const char *filename, const IlvRect *rect=0) | IlvDialog | |
IlvDialog(IlvDisplay *display, const char *name, const char *title, const char *filename, IlUInt properties, const IlvRect *rect=0, IlvSystemView transientFor=0) | IlvDialog | |
IlvDrawingView(IlvAbstractView *parent, const IlvRect &size, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue) | IlvDrawingView | |
IlvDrawingView(IlvDisplay *display, const char *name, const char *title, const IlvRect &size, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue) | IlvDrawingView | |
IlvDrawingView(IlvDisplay *display, const char *name, const char *title, const IlvRect &size, IlUInt properties, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue, IlvSystemView transientFor=0) | IlvDrawingView | |
IlvDrawingView(IlvDisplay *display, IlvSystemView available) | IlvDrawingView | |
IlvDrawingView(IlvDisplay *display, IlvSystemView parent, const IlvRect &size, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue) | IlvDrawingView | |
IlvGadgetContainer(IlvDisplay *display, const char *name, const char *title, const IlvRect &rect, IlBoolean useacc=IlFalse, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue) | IlvGadgetContainer | |
IlvGadgetContainer(IlvDisplay *display, const char *name, const char *title, const IlvRect &rect, IlUInt properties, IlBoolean useacc=IlFalse, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue, IlvSystemView transientFor=0) | IlvGadgetContainer | |
IlvGadgetContainer(IlvAbstractView *parent, const IlvRect &rect, IlBoolean useacc=IlFalse, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue) | IlvGadgetContainer | |
IlvGadgetContainer(IlvDisplay *display, IlvSystemView parent, const IlvRect &rect, IlBoolean useacc=IlFalse, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue) | IlvGadgetContainer | |
IlvGadgetContainer(IlvDisplay *display, IlvSystemView window, IlBoolean useacc=IlFalse) | IlvGadgetContainer | |
IlvPort(IlvDisplay *display=0) | IlvPort | |
IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog(IlvDisplay *display, IlvSystemView transientFor=0) | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
IlvStylable() | IlvStylable | |
IlvSystemPort(IlvDisplay *display, IlvWindowsHandle HDC, IlvDim width=0, IlvDim height=0) | IlvSystemPort | |
IlvView(IlvAbstractView *parent, const IlvRect &size, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue) | IlvView | |
IlvView(IlvDisplay *display, const char *name, const char *title, const IlvRect &size, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue) | IlvView | |
IlvView(IlvDisplay *display, const char *name, const char *title, const IlvRect &size, IlUInt properties, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue, IlvSystemView transientFor=0) | IlvView | |
IlvView(IlvDisplay *display, IlvSystemView available) | IlvView | |
IlvView(IlvDisplay *display, IlvSystemView parent, const IlvRect &size, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue) | IlvView | |
initDevice(const char *, IlvRect *=0) | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
initReDraw() | IlvContainer | |
insertObject(IlvGraphic *obj, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) | IlvContainer | virtual |
invalidateRegion(const IlvGraphic *object) | IlvContainer | |
invalidateRegion(const IlvRect &rect) | IlvContainer | |
invalidateRegion(const IlvRegion &rect) | IlvContainer | |
invalidateRegion(const IlvRegionUpdater &updater, const IlvGraphic *graphic=0) | IlvContainer | |
isABitmap() const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
isADevice() const | IlvPort | virtual |
isASystemPort() const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
isAutoResizing() const | IlvGadgetContainer | |
isBad() const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
isCollateOn() const | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
isColorModeOn() const | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
isDoubleBuffering() const | IlvContainer | |
isFocusAllowed() const | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
isIconified() const | IlvView | virtual |
isInvalidating() const | IlvContainer | |
isLayered() const | IlvAbstractView | |
isModal() const | IlvView | |
isMultitouchEnabled() | IlvAbstractView | |
isScrolled() const | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
isSensitive() const | IlvAbstractView | |
isVisible(const IlvGraphic *obj) const | IlvContainer | |
IlvDrawingView::isVisible() const | IlvView | |
lower() | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
move(const IlvPoint &point) | IlvView | virtual |
moveFocusAfter(IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
moveFocusBefore(IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
moveResize(const IlvRect &rect) | IlvView | virtual |
moveToMouse(IlvDirection alignment=IlvCenter, IlvPos dx=0, IlvPos dy=0, IlBoolean ensureInScreen=IlTrue) | IlvView | |
moveToScreen(IlvDirection alignment=IlvCenter, IlvPos dx=0, IlvPos dy=0, IlBoolean ensureInScreen=IlTrue) | IlvView | |
moveToView(const IlvView *view, IlvDirection alignment=IlvCenter, IlvPos dx=0, IlvPos dy=0, IlBoolean ensureInScreen=IlTrue) | IlvView | |
newPage() const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
overrideFocus(IlvGraphic *obj) | IlvGadgetContainer | |
position(IlvPoint &position) const | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
queryValue(IlvValue &val) const | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
queryValues(IlvValue *values, IlUShort count) const | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
raise() | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
IlvContainer::read(istream &stream) | IlvContainer | virtual |
readFile(const char *filename) | IlvContainer | virtual |
reDraw(const IlvRect *rect) | IlvContainer | |
reDraw(const IlvRegion *clip=0) | IlvContainer | virtual |
reDrawObj(IlvGraphic *obj) | IlvContainer | |
reDrawView(IlBoolean erase=IlTrue, IlBoolean buffered=IlFalse) | IlvContainer | |
registerCallback(const char *callbackName, IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvContainer | |
releaseDC() | IlvSystemPort | |
removeAccelerator(IlvContainerAccelerator *acc) | IlvContainer | |
removeAccelerator(IlvEventType type, IlUShort buttonOrKey=0, IlUShort modifiers=0) | IlvContainer | |
removeDeleteCallback(IlvDestroyCallback del=0, IlAny userArg=0) | IlvView | virtual |
removeDestroyCallback(IlvDestroyCallback destroy=0, IlAny userArg=0) | IlvView | virtual |
removeExposeCallback(IlvExposeCallback expose=0, IlAny userArg=0) | IlvView | virtual |
removeGrab() | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
removeInputCallback(IlvInputCallback input=0, IlAny userArg=0) | IlvView | virtual |
removePostResizeCallback(IlvResizeCallback resize, IlAny userArg=0) | IlvView | virtual |
removeProperty(const IlSymbol *key) | IlvView | |
removeResizeCallback(IlvResizeCallback resize=0, IlAny userArg=0) | IlvView | virtual |
removeSmartSet(IlvSmartSet *set) | IlvContainer | virtual |
removeStyleSheet(IlvStyleSheet *styleSheet) | IlvStylist | |
removeTaggedObjects(const IlSymbol *tag, IlBoolean destroy=IlTrue, IlBoolean reDraw=IlTrue) | IlvContainer | |
removeWindowProc(IlvWindowProc windowProc, IlAny procArgument=0) | IlvAbstractView | |
replaceProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value) | IlvView | |
resize(IlvDim w, IlvDim h) | IlvView | virtual |
send(const char *) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
setAlpha(IlvIntensity alpha) | IlvPort | |
setAntialiasingMode(IlvAntialiasingMode mode) | IlvPort | |
setCollate(IlBoolean collate, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
setColorMode(IlBoolean useColor, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
setCompressButtonDragged(IlBoolean val) | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
setCompressPointerMoved(IlBoolean val) | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
setCopiesNumber(IlUInt copies, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
setCursor(IlvCursor *cursor) | IlvAbstractView | |
setDefaultButton(IlvButton *button, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvGadgetContainer | |
setDeleteCallback(IlvDestroyCallback del, IlAny userArg=0) | IlvView | virtual |
setDestroyCallback(IlvDestroyCallback destroy, IlAny userArg=0) | IlvView | virtual |
setDoubleBuffering(IlBoolean value) | IlvContainer | |
setExposeCallback(IlvExposeCallback expose, IlAny userArg=0) | IlvView | virtual |
setFilename(IlString const &name, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
setFocus(IlvGraphic *graphic=0, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
IlvContainer::setFocus() | IlvAbstractView | |
setGrab(IlvGraphic *object) | IlvGadgetContainer | virtual |
setIconTitle(const char *title) | IlvView | |
setInputCallback(IlvInputCallback input, IlAny userArg=0) | IlvView | virtual |
setLayered(IlBoolean layered) | IlvAbstractView | |
setLookFeelHandler(IlvLookFeelHandler *lfh) | IlvGadgetContainer | |
setMargins(IlvDim left, IlvDim right, IlvDim top, IlvDim bottom) | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
setMaximumSize(IlvDim w, IlvDim h) | IlvView | |
setMinimumSize(IlvDim w, IlvDim h) | IlvView | |
setName(const char *name) | IlvView | virtual |
setObjectInteractor(IlvGraphic *, IlvViewObjectInteractor *) | IlvContainer | |
setObjectName(IlvGraphic *obj, const char *name) | IlvContainer | virtual |
setOpacity(IlvIntensity level) | IlvAbstractView | |
setOrientation(IlvPrinter::Orientation orientation, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
setPaperFormat(IlString const &format, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
setPostResizeCallback(IlvResizeCallback resize, IlAny userArg=0) | IlvView | virtual |
setProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value) | IlvView | |
setResizeCallback(IlvResizeCallback resize, IlAny userArg=0) | IlvView | virtual |
setSensitive(IlBoolean sensitivity) | IlvAbstractView | |
setShape(Shape *newShape) | IlvView | |
setShapeMask(const IlvBitmap *mask, IlBoolean addTitle=IlFalse) | IlvAbstractView | |
setTitle(const char *title) | IlvView | virtual |
setTransformer(const IlvTransformer &) | IlvContainer | virtual |
setTransformer(const IlvTransformer *t=0) | IlvContainer | |
setTransparentColorKey(IlvIntensity r, IlvIntensity g, IlvIntensity b) | IlvAbstractView | |
setUnit(IlvPrintUnit &unit, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) | IlvPostScriptPrinterDialog | |
setVisible(IlvGraphic *obj, IlBoolean visible, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) | IlvContainer | virtual |
setWindowProc(IlvWindowProc windowProc, IlAny procArgument=0) | IlvAbstractView | |
shortCut(IlvEvent &event) | IlvContainer | virtual |
showModal(IlBoolean doesGrab=IlFalse, IlvCursor *cursor=0) | IlvView | virtual |
size(IlvDim &w, IlvDim &h) const | IlvPort | |
sizeVisible(IlvRect &rect) const | IlvAbstractView | virtual |
stretchBitmap(const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, const IlvBitmap *, const IlvTransformer &, const IlvRect *=0) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
stretchBitmap(const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &, const IlvBitmap *, const IlvRect *=0) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
stretchBitmapData(const IlvPalette *palette, const IlvBitmapData *src, const IlvRect &from, const IlvRect &to, IlBoolean opaque=IlFalse) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
stretchTransparentBitmap(const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, const IlvBitmap *, const IlvTransformer &, const IlvRect *=0) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
stretchTransparentBitmap(const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &, const IlvBitmap *, const IlvRect *=0) const | IlvSystemPort | virtual |
swap(IlvGraphic *obj1, IlvGraphic *obj2) | IlvContainer | virtual |
translateView(IlvPos dx, IlvPos dy, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvContainer | |
unregisterCallback(const char *callbackName) | IlvContainer | |
visibleBBox(IlvRect &bbox) const | IlvContainer | |
wait(IlBoolean grab=IlFalse, IlvCursor *cursor=0) | IlvDialog | virtual |
wasCanceled() const | IlvDialog | |
width() const | IlvPort | |
zoomView(const IlvPoint ¢er, IlFloat scaleX, IlFloat scaleY=0.0, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvContainer | |
~IlvContainer() | IlvContainer | virtual |