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IlvWindowsRect Class Reference

This class is a helper to deal with the Windows API structure RECT in Rogue Wave Views code. More...

#include <ilviews/windows/config.h>

Inheritance diagram for IlvWindowsRect:

Public Member Functions

 IlvWindowsRect ()
 The default constructor. More...
 IlvWindowsRect (const IlvRect &rect)
 Constructor from an IlvRect. More...
 IlvWindowsRect (const RECT &rect)
 Conversion constructor from a Windows API structure RECT. More...
 IlvWindowsRect (IlvPos x, IlvPos y, IlvDim w, IlvDim h)
 Constructor from coordinates. More...
RECT & fill (RECT &rect)
 Fills a Windows API structure RECT. More...
 operator const RECT ()
 Conversion operator into a Windows API Structure RECT. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvRect
 IlvRect (IlvPos x=0, IlvPos y=0, IlvDim w=0, IlvDim h=0)
 Constructor. More...
IlvRectadd (const IlvPoint &point)
 Adds a point. More...
IlvRectadd (const IlvRect &rect)
 Adds a rectangle. More...
IlvPos bottom () const
 Retrieves the location of the bottom border. More...
IlvPoint center () const
 Retrieves to location of the center. More...
IlvPos centerx () const
 Retrieves the x coordinate of the center. More...
IlvPos centery () const
 Retrieves the y coordinate of the center. More...
IlBoolean contains (const IlvPoint &p) const
 Checks if a point is located in this rectangle. More...
IlBoolean contains (const IlvRect &rect) const
 Checks if a rectangle is located in this rectangle. More...
void expand (IlvPos delta)
 Uniformly expands the rectangle. More...
void expand (IlvPos dx, IlvPos dy)
 Expands the rectangle. More...
IlvDim getH () const
 Retrieves the height. More...
IlvDim getW () const
 Retrieves the width. More...
IlvPos getX () const
 Retrieves the x coordinate of the origin. More...
IlvPos getY () const
 Retrieves the y coordinate of the origin. More...
void grow (IlvPos dw, IlvPos dh)
 Resizes the rectangle. More...
IlBoolean inside (const IlvRect &rect) const
 Checks if a rectangle is located in this rectangle. More...
IlvRectintersection (const IlvRect &other)
 Computes an intersection. More...
IlBoolean intersects (const IlvRect &rect) const
 Checks if a rectangle intersects with this rectangle. More...
IlvPos left () const
 Retrieves the location of the left border. More...
IlvPoint lowerLeft () const
 Retrieves to location of the lower-left corner. More...
IlvPoint lowerRight () const
 Retrieves to location of the lower-right corner. More...
void move (const IlvPoint &orig)
 Moves the rectangle. More...
void move (IlvPos x, IlvPos y)
 Moves the rectangle. More...
void moveResize (IlvPos x, IlvPos y, IlvDim w, IlvDim h)
 Moves and resizes the rectangles. More...
IlvRectoperator= (const IlvRect &r)
 Assignment operator. More...
int operator== (const IlvRect &r) const
 Equality operator. More...
void resize (IlvDim w, IlvDim h)
 Resizes the rectangle. More...
IlvPos right () const
 Retrieves the location of the right border. More...
void scale (IlFloat sw, IlFloat sh)
 Resizes the rectangle. More...
void set (IlvPos x, IlvPos y, IlvDim w, IlvDim h)
 Moves and resizes the rectangles. More...
void setH (IlvDim newH)
 Sets the height. More...
void setW (IlvDim newW)
 Sets the width. More...
void setX (IlvPos newX)
 Sets the x coordinate of the origin. More...
void setY (IlvPos newY)
 Sets the y coordinate of the origin. More...
void size (IlvDim &w, IlvDim &h) const
 Retrieves the dimensions. More...
IlvPos top () const
 Retrieves the location of the top border. More...
void translate (const IlvPoint &dp)
 Translates the rectangle. More...
void translate (IlvPos dx, IlvPos dy)
 Translates the rectangle. More...
const IlvPointupperLeft () const
 Retrieves to location of the upper-left corner. More...
IlvPoint upperRight () const
 Retrieves to location of the upper-right corner. More...

Detailed Description

This class is a helper to deal with the Windows API structure RECT in Rogue Wave Views code.

Library: winviews

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IlvWindowsRect() [1/4]

IlvWindowsRect::IlvWindowsRect ( const RECT &  rect)

Conversion constructor from a Windows API structure RECT.

rectA const reference to a RECT to be converted into an IlvWindowsRect.

◆ IlvWindowsRect() [2/4]

IlvWindowsRect::IlvWindowsRect ( IlvPos  x,
IlvPos  y,
IlvDim  w,
IlvDim  h 

Constructor from coordinates.

xAn IlvPos that is the abscissa of the origin of the rectangle.
yAn IlvPos that is the ordinate of the origin of the rectangle.
wAn IlvDim that is the width of the rectangle.
hAn IlvDim that is the height of the rectangle.

◆ IlvWindowsRect() [3/4]

IlvWindowsRect::IlvWindowsRect ( const IlvRect rect)

Constructor from an IlvRect.

rectA const reference to an IlvRect.

◆ IlvWindowsRect() [4/4]

IlvWindowsRect::IlvWindowsRect ( )

The default constructor.

The coordinates of the origin of the rectangle are (0, 0), and the width and the height are equal to 0.

Member Function Documentation

◆ fill()

RECT& IlvWindowsRect::fill ( RECT &  rect)

Fills a Windows API structure RECT.

rectA reference to a Windows API structure RECT to be filled with the values of the instance of IlvWindowsRect.
A reference to the Windows API structure RECT given as the parameter.

◆ operator const RECT()

IlvWindowsRect::operator const RECT ( )

Conversion operator into a Windows API Structure RECT.

The Windows API Structure RECT is filled with the values of the instance of IlvWindowsRect.

A constant Windows API structure RECT.