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IliTableRepositoryGadget Class Reference

Gadget class. More...

#include <ilviews/dataccess/gadgets/repview.h>

Inheritance diagram for IliTableRepositoryGadget:
IliTableGadget IliRepositoryService IlvGadget IliFieldItf IlvSimpleGraphic IlvStylable IlvGraphic IlvValueInterface

Public Member Functions

 IliTableRepositoryGadget (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlBoolean autoBuild, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Initializes an IlvTableRepositoryGadget with a specific auto-build flag value. More...
 IliTableRepositoryGadget (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Initializes an IlvTableRepositoryGadget with the auto-build flag set to IlTrue. More...
virtual void addDataSource (IliDataSource *)
 Called each time a valid data source has been found and must be displayed. More...
virtual IlvGraphicHoldergetSelectedHolder ()
 Returns the holder selected into the gadget. More...
virtual void justAfterBuild ()
 Called just after the data sources have been browsed. More...
virtual void justBeforeBuild ()
 Called just before data source browsing begins. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IliTableGadget
 IliTableGadget (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 This constructor initializes a table gadget that is connected to a default table. More...
 IliTableGadget (IlvDisplay *display, IliTable *table, IlBoolean owner, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 This constructor initializes a table gadget that is connected to a table. More...
void addErrorMessage (const char *msg)
 Forwards an application error message to all the error sinks that have been added with the addErrorSink() member function. More...
void addErrorMessage (const IliErrorMessage &msg)
 Forwards an error message to all the error sinks that have been added with the addErrorSink() member function. More...
void addErrorSink (IliErrorSink *sink)
 All errors that occur on the table-gadget table or on the table-gadget data source (if it is bound to a data source) and all errors that are thrown by one of the addErrorMessage() member functions, will be forwarded to this error sink. More...
void allowColumnMove (IlBoolean flag)
 Allows or not the column moving by the end-user. More...
void allowColumnResize (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/disables the column resizing by the end-user. More...
void allowRowMove (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/disables the row moving by the end-user. More...
void allowRowResize (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/disables the end-user to resize rows. More...
IlBoolean areToolTipsEnabled () const
 Returns IlTrue if tooltip display is enabled. More...
IliValue at (IlInt rowno, const char *colname) const
 Returns a value. More...
IliValue at (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno) const
 Returns a value. More...
void bindToDataSource (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/Disables the bind data source option. More...
virtual void cancel ()
 Cancels any user input awaiting validation. More...
IlBoolean cellBBox (const IliTableSelection &sel, IlvRect &rect, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Returns the bounding box of a selection, according to one (optional) transformer. More...
void copyToClipboard () const
 Copies the contents of the current selection to the clipboard.
void copyToClipboard (const IliTableSelection &sel) const
 Copies the contents of one selection to the clipboard. More...
void defaultDrawCell () const
 This member function may be called from the onDrawCell() virtual member function or from the corresponding callback.
void disableImmediateRefresh (IlBoolean disable)
 Disables the immediate refreshes of the gadget. More...
void dontDeleteRow ()
 Cancels the row deletion. More...
void dontValidateCell ()
 Called from the onValidateCell() virtual member function, or from its corresponding callback.
void dontValidateRow ()
 Cancels the row validation. More...
virtual void drawCell (IlvPort *dst, IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, const char *label, IlvAlignment align, IlBoolean selected, const IlvRect &bbox, IlvPalette *palette, const IlvRegion *clip) const
 Draws a cell. More...
virtual void drawCorner (IlvPort *dst, IlBoolean selected, const IlvRect &bbox, const IlvRegion *clip) const
 Draws the upper left corner of the table gadget. More...
virtual void drawHeader (IlvPort *dst, IlInt colno, const char *label, IlBoolean selected, const IlvRect &bbox, const IlvRegion *clip) const
 Draws a header. More...
virtual void drawHorzRule (IlvPort *dst, IlvPos x1, IlvPos x2, IlvPos y, IlInt rowno, IlInt colnoLeft, IlInt colnoRight, IlvPalette *palette, const IlvRegion *clip) const
 Draws a horizontal rule of the table gadget grid. More...
virtual void drawMarker (IlvPort *dst, IlInt rowno, IlBoolean selected, IlBoolean current, const IlvRect &bbox, const IlvRegion *clip) const
 Draws a marker. More...
virtual void drawVertRule (IlvPort *dst, IlvPos y1, IlvPos y2, IlvPos x, IlInt colno, IlInt rownoTop, IlInt rownoBot, IlvPalette *palette, const IlvRegion *clip) const
 Draws a vertical rule of the table gadget grid. More...
void enableKeyboardDeleteRow (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/disables the user to delete the current row using the delete key. More...
void enableKeyboardRefresh (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/disables the refresh key by the user. More...
void enableMultiSelection (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/disables multi-selection mode. More...
void enableRowSelect (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/disables row selection mode. More...
void enableSort (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/disables the row sorting. More...
void enableToolTips (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables or disables the display of the tooltips. More...
void endOfBatch ()
 Used in conjunction with the startOfBatch() member function to terminate a series of modifications on the table gadget. Calls to startOfBatch() and endOfBatch() can be nested.
void ensureSelectionVisible ()
 Scrolls the table gadget so that its current selection becomes visible in the bounding box of the table gadget.
void ensureVisible (IliTableSelection sel)
 Scrolls the table gadget so that the selection becomes visible in the bounding box of the table gadget. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_complete ()
 Updates the internal value of the field, according to its current external representation and its foreign table, provided completion is enabled for the field. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_externalToInternal ()
 Updates the internal value of a field according to its current external representation. More...
virtual IliTablePropertyManagerf_getEffectiveTablePropertyManager ()
 Returns the effective table property manager. More...
virtual const IliTablePropertyManagerf_getEffectiveTablePropertyManager () const
 Returns the effective table property manager. More...
virtual const IliValuef_getValue (IlBoolean=IlFalse) const
 Returns the value of the field. More...
virtual void f_internalToExternal ()
 Updates the external representation of the field and its display according to its current internal value.
virtual IlBoolean f_isAutoFitPullDown () const
 Returns IlTrue if the width of the pull-down menu is automatically computed so that its contents fit. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_isConsistent () const
 Returns IlTrue if the internal value of the field corresponds to its current external representation. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_isInputModified () const
 Returns IlTrue if the external representation has been edited by the end-user. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_isReadOnly () const
 Returns IlTrue if the field is read-only. More...
virtual void f_setAutoFitPullDown (IlBoolean)
 Enables/disables the automatic width computing of the pull-down menu. More...
virtual void f_setInputModified (IlBoolean)
 Sets the input-modified attribute of the field. More...
virtual void f_setReadOnly (IlBoolean)
 Sets the read-only property for the field. More...
virtual void f_setTablePropertyManagerName (const char *)
 Sets the name of the table property manager to use. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_setValue (const IliValue &, IlBoolean=IlFalse)
 Sets the value of the field. More...
virtual void f_useTableProperties (IlBoolean)
 Enables/Disables the use of the table properties. More...
IliTableFittingMode getAutoFittingMode () const
 Returns the auto-fitting mode. More...
IlInt getBatchCount () const
 Returns the current number of nested calls to startOfBatch(). More...
IlvColorgetCellBackground () const
 Returns the background color used to draw cells. More...
IlvFontgetCellFont () const
 Returns the font used to draw cells. More...
IlvColorgetCellForeground () const
 Returns the foreground color used to draw cells. More...
IliCellPaletteStructgetCellPaletteStruct () const
 Returns the description of the cell for which text and fill palettes are currently required, as well as the default values for these palettes. More...
IlInt getColumnDisplayWidth (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the column width, in pixels. More...
IliFieldItfgetColumnEditor (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the field that is used as an editor for a column. More...
IlInt getColumnsCount () const
 Returns the number of columns in the underlying table. More...
IlAny getCompareData () const
 Returns the user data that can be used to compare two rows. More...
IliCompareFunction getCompareFunction () const
 Returns the function that is used to compare two rows. More...
IlInt getCurrentColumn () const
 Returns current column. More...
IlInt getCurrentRow () const
 Returns current row. More...
virtual IliFieldItfgetCustomEditor (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, IliFieldItf *fld) const
 Returns the field to use as an editor for a cell. More...
IlInt getDeletedRow () const
 Returns the deleted row position. More...
IliDrawCellStructgetDrawCellStruct () const
 Returns the description of the cell that is currently being drawn. More...
IliErrorReportergetErrorReporter () const
 Returns the error reporter that is used by the reportErrors() member functions. More...
IlInt getExtendedRowsCount () const
 Returns the number of rows in the underlying table (plus one if the insert row is currently shown). More...
IlInt getFetchedRow () const
 Returns the fetched row position. More...
IlInt getFirstColumn () const
 Returns the position of the first column shown (from left to right). More...
IlInt getFirstRow () const
 Returns the position in the underlying table of the first row shown (from top to bottom). More...
IlInt getFixedColumnsCount () const
 Returns the number of columns that do not scroll. These are the left-most columns. More...
IlvDim getHeaderHeight () const
 Returns header height, in pixels, of the column headers. More...
virtual IlvPalettegetHeaderTextPalette (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the header text palette. More...
IlvDim getMarkerWidth () const
 Returns the marker width, in pixels, of the row markers. More...
IlInt getRealIndex (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the position, in the underlying table, of the column in the table gadget. More...
virtual IlvPalettegetReliefPalette () const
 Returns the relief palette. More...
IlvDim getRowHeight () const
 Returns the height, in pixels, of the rows in the table gadget. More...
IlInt getRowsCount () const
 Returns the number of rows in the underlying table. More...
IlvScrollBargetScrollBar (IlvPosition which) const
 Returns a scroll bar. More...
IliShowMode getScrollBarShowMode (IlvPosition which) const
 Returns the show mode for a scroll bar. More...
void getSelection (IliTableSelection &sel) const
 Returns the current selection in the table gadget. More...
IliTablegetTable ()
 Returns the underlying table of the table gadget. More...
const IliTablegetTable () const
 Returns the underlying table of the table gadget. More...
IliTablePropertyManagergetTablePropertyManager ()
 Returns the table property manager used. More...
const IliTablePropertyManagergetTablePropertyManager () const
 Returns the table property manager used. More...
const char * getTablePropertyManagerName () const
 Returns the table property manager name. More...
virtual void getToolTipsText (const IlvPoint &pt, IliString &s)
 Returns the tooltip text that must be displayed. More...
const IliValuegetValue (IliName colname) const
 Returns the value at the column named colname in the row buffer of the table gadget. More...
const IliValuegetValue (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the value at column colno in the row buffer of the table gadget. More...
IlInt getVisibleRowsCount (IlBoolean &lastRowClipped) const
 Returns the maximum row count that are shown in the table gadget. More...
IlInt getVisualIndex (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the position, in the table gadget, of the column in the underlying table. More...
IlBoolean gotoInsertRow ()
 Attempts to move the current row to the insert row. More...
virtual IlBoolean gotoNextColumn ()
 Attempts to move the current column to the next shown column. More...
virtual IlBoolean gotoNextRow ()
 Attempts to move the current row to the next row. More...
virtual IlBoolean gotoPreviousColumn ()
 Attempts to move the current column to the previous shown column. More...
virtual IlBoolean gotoPreviousRow ()
 Attempts to move the current row to the previous row. More...
IlBoolean hasCustomCellPalettes () const
 Returns IlTrue if the table gadget calls the onGetCellPalette() virtual member function for each cell being drawn. More...
IlBoolean isBoundToDataSource () const
 Returns IlTrue if the table gadget is bound to its data source. More...
IlBoolean isCellEditorShown () const
 Returns IlTrue if the cell editor is shown in the selected cell when the cell is read-only. More...
IlBoolean isColumnGeometryLocal () const
 Returns IlTrue if the end-user is able to change the order of the columns. More...
IlBoolean isColumnMoveAllowed () const
 Returns IlTrue if the end-user is able to change the order of the columns. More...
IlBoolean isColumnResizeAllowed () const
 Returns IlTrue if the end-user is able to resize columns. More...
IlBoolean isColumnVisible (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the column visibility. More...
IlBoolean isConfirmOnDeleteRequired () const
 Returns IlTrue if the user is prompted for a confirmation before row deletion. More...
IlBoolean isImmediateRefreshDisabled () const
 Returns IlTrue if the immediate refreshes are disabled. More...
IlBoolean isInInsertMode () const
 Returns IlTrue if the current row is the insert row and if the current row buffer is modified. More...
IlBoolean isInsertRow (IlInt rowno) const
 Returns IlTrue if a row designates the insert row. More...
IlBoolean isInUpdateMode () const
 Returns IlTrue if the current row corresponds to an existing table row (that is, it is not the insert row), and if the current row buffer is modified. More...
IlBoolean isKeyboardDeleteRowEnabled () const
 Returns IlTrue if the user can use the delete key to delete the current row. More...
IlBoolean isKeyboardRefreshEnabled () const
 Returns IlTrue if the user can use the refresh key. More...
IlBoolean isMultiSelectionEnabled () const
 Returns IlTrue if the table gadget event handler allows the end-user to select more than one row or column. More...
IlBoolean isOnInsertRow () const
 Returns IlTrue if the current row is the insert row. More...
IlBoolean isReadOnly () const
 Returns IlTrue if the table gadget is read-only. More...
IlBoolean isRowMoveAllowed () const
 Returns IlTrue if the end-user is able to change the order of the rows. More...
IlBoolean isRowResizeAllowed () const
 Returns IlTrue if the end-user is able to resize rows. More...
IlBoolean isRowSelectEnabled () const
 Returns IlTrue if the row select mode is enabled. More...
IlBoolean isSelectionAlwaysShown () const
 Returns IlTrue if the selection of the table gadget is always highlighted. More...
IlBoolean isShowingGrid () const
 Returns IlTrue if the table gadget is drawn with a grid. More...
IlBoolean isShowingHeaders () const
 Returns IlTrue if the column headers are shown. More...
IlBoolean isShowingInsertRow () const
 Returns IlTrue if the insert row is shown. More...
IlBoolean isShowingMarkers () const
 Returns IlTrue if the row markers are shown. More...
IlBoolean isSortEnabled () const
 Returns IlTrue if the table gadget event handler will sort the rows according to the column header on which the user clicks. More...
IlBoolean isTableOwner () const
 Returns IlTrue if the table gadget owns its table. More...
IlBoolean isUsingRelief () const
 Returns IlTrue if the table gadget is drawn with a relief border. More...
IlBoolean isUsingTableProperties () const
 Returns IlTrue if the table gadget is sensitive to table properties. More...
IlBoolean moveColumn (IlInt from, IlInt to)
 Attempts to move the column from a position to another position. More...
virtual void onCancelEdits ()
 Called just after the edits in the current row have been canceled. More...
virtual void onDeleteRow ()
 Called just before a row in the underlying table is deleted. More...
virtual void onDoubleClick ()
 Called just after a double-click on the table gadget. More...
virtual void onDrawCell ()
 Called to draw a cell in the table gadget. More...
virtual void onEnterCell ()
 Called just after a new cell is entered. More...
virtual void onEnterInsertMode ()
 Called just after the current row buffer becomes modified, when the current row is the insert row. More...
virtual void onEnterRow ()
 Called just after a new row is entered. More...
virtual void onEnterUpdateMode ()
 Called just after the current row buffer becomes modified (when the current row is not the insert row). More...
virtual void onFetchRow ()
 Called just after a new row has been retrieved from a remote database and cached in the underlying table. More...
virtual void onGetCellPalette ()
 Called when the text and fill palettes of a cell are required (either to draw the cell or to configure the cell editor). More...
virtual void onPrepareDeleteRow ()
 Called when the user attempts to delete a row through this table gadget. More...
virtual void onPrepareInsert ()
 Called when an attempt is made to validate the current row, when the current row is the insert row. More...
virtual void onPrepareUpdate ()
 Called when an attempt is made to validate the current row (when the current row is not the insert row). More...
virtual void onQuitCell ()
 Called just before the selection moves out of a cell. More...
virtual void onQuitInsertMode ()
 Called just after the current row has been successfully validated, when the current row is the insert row. More...
virtual void onQuitRow ()
 Called just before the selection moves out of a row. More...
virtual void onQuitUpdateMode ()
 Called just after the current (non insert) row has been successfully validated. More...
virtual void onSelectionChange ()
 Called just after the selection has changed (whatever the change). More...
virtual void onValidateCell ()
 Called when an attempt is made to move the selection out of a cell. More...
virtual void onValidateRow ()
 Called when an attempt is made to validate the current row. More...
void pasteFromClipboard ()
 Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the current selection.
void pasteFromClipboard (const IliTableSelection &sel)
 Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the selection. More...
IlBoolean pointToSelection (const IlvPoint &pt, IliTableSelection &sel, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Returns the selection pointed by a point. More...
void refreshAll ()
 Redraws the table gadget in its entirety.
void refreshCell (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno)
 Redraws a cell. More...
void refreshColumn (IlInt colno)
 Redraws a column. More...
void refreshRow (IlInt rowno)
 Redraws a row. More...
void removeErrorSink (IliErrorSink *sink)
 Removes an error sink from this table gadget. More...
void reportErrors (const IliErrorList &errorList) const
 Reports the errors that are contained in a error list. More...
void requireConfirmOnDelete (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/disables confirmation before row deletion. More...
virtual void scrollTo (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno)
 Scrolls to a cell. More...
void scrollToColumn (IlInt colno)
 Scrolls to a column. More...
void scrollToRow (IlInt rowno)
 Scrolls to a row. More...
IlBoolean selectAll ()
 Attempts to select all rows and columns. More...
IlBoolean selectCell (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno)
 Attempts to select the cell at a row and a column. More...
IlBoolean selectColumn (IlInt colno)
 Attempts to select a column. More...
IlBoolean selectNone ()
 Attempts to deselect the current selection. More...
IlBoolean selectRow (IlInt rowno)
 Attempts to select a row. More...
void setAutoFittingMode (IliTableFittingMode mode)
 Sets the auto-fitting mode. More...
virtual void setCellBackground (IlvColor *color)
 Sets the background color used to draw cells. More...
virtual void setCellFont (IlvFont *font)
 Sets the font used to draw cells. More...
virtual void setCellForeground (IlvColor *color)
 Sets the foreground color used to draw cells. More...
void setColumnDisplayWidth (IlInt colno, IlInt width)
 Sets column width, in pixels. More...
IlBoolean setColumnEditor (IlInt colno, IliFieldItf *fld, IlBoolean owner=IlTrue)
 Sets the field that is used as an editor for column. More...
void setColumnGeometryLocal (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/disables the column moving. More...
void setColumnVisible (IlInt colno, IlBoolean flag)
 Sets column visibility. More...
void setCompareFunction (IliCompareFunction fct, IlAny arg=0)
 Defines the function fct and user data that must be used to compare two rows. More...
void setCustomCellPalettes (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/disables the use of specific palettes for a cell. More...
void setErrorReporter (IliErrorReporter *reporter)
 Sets the error reporter. More...
IlBoolean setFixedColumnsCount (IlInt count)
 Sets the number of columns that do not scroll. More...
void setHeaderHeight (IlvDim h)
 Sets header height. More...
void setMarkerWidth (IlvDim w)
 Sets the marker width. More...
IlBoolean setReadOnly (IlBoolean flag)
 Sets the table gadget as read-only or not. More...
void setReliefPalette (IlvPalette *pal)
 Sets the relief palette. More...
void setRowHeight (IlvDim h)
 Sets the height of the rows in a table gadget. More...
virtual IlBoolean setSelection (const IliTableSelection &sel)
 Attempts to set the table gadget selection. More...
virtual void setTable (IliTable *table, IlBoolean owner=IlTrue)
 Connects the table gadget to a table. More...
void setTablePropertyManager (IliTablePropertyManager *pMgr)
 Sets the table property manager. More...
void setTablePropertyManagerName (const char *name)
 Sets the table property manager name. More...
IlBoolean setValue (IliName colname, const IliValue &value)
 Sets the value at the column named colname, in the row buffer of the table gadget, to value. More...
IlBoolean setValue (IlInt colno, const IliValue &value)
 Sets the value at column colno, in the row buffer of the table gadget, to value. More...
void setVisibleRowsCount (IlInt count)
 Changes the height of the table gadget so that the maximum number of rows can be shown. More...
void showCellEditor (IlBoolean flag)
 Specifies that the cell editor is shown in read-only cells. More...
void showGrid (IlBoolean flag)
 Shows/Hides grid. More...
void showHeaders (IlBoolean flag)
 Shows/Hides the column headers. More...
IlBoolean showInsertRow (IlBoolean flag)
 Shows/Hides insert row. More...
void showMarkers (IlBoolean flag)
 Shows/Hides row markers. More...
void showScrollBar (IlvPosition which, IliShowMode mode)
 Sets the show mode for a scroll bar. More...
void showSelectionAlways (IlBoolean flag)
 Shows/hides the selection. More...
void sortColumn (IlInt colno)
 Sorts the rows according to ascending or descending order of column. More...
void startOfBatch ()
 Used to start a series of modifications to the table gadget. It allows the table gadget to significantly reduce the time needed to reformat itself.
void useRelief (IlBoolean flag)
 Shows/Hides relief border. More...
void useTableProperties (IlBoolean flag)
 Sets the table gadget sensitivity about table properties. More...
virtual IlBoolean validate (IlBoolean interactive=IlFalse)
 Validates the current row. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IliFieldItf
void f_applyReferences (IlvApplyObject f, IlAny a)
 Should be called when the applyReferences() member function, of the gadget class, is called. More...
virtual void f_enableCompletion (IlBoolean flag)
 Sets the completion property of the field. More...
virtual IlvAlignment f_getAlignment () const
 Returns the text alignment of the field. More...
IliDataSourcef_getDataSource ()
 Returns the data source. More...
const IliDataSourcef_getDataSource () const
 Returns the data source. More...
const char * f_getDataSourceColumnName () const
 Returns the name of the column. More...
const char * f_getDataSourceName () const
 Returns the name of the data source, which this field is (or must be) connected to. More...
const char * f_getForeignDataSourceName () const
 Returns the name of the foreign data source. More...
const char * f_getForeignDisplayColumnName () const
 Returns the name of the column of the foreign table that will serve as a result. More...
IliTablef_getForeignTable ()
 Returns the foreign table. More...
const IliTablef_getForeignTable () const
 Returns the foreign table. More...
const char * f_getForeignValueColumnName () const
 Returns the name of the column of the foreign table that will serve as a key. More...
virtual const IliFormatf_getFormat () const
 Returns the format used to derive the external representation of the field from its internal value. More...
IlvGadgetf_getGadget ()
 Returns the gadget associated with this field through multiple inheritance. More...
const IlvGadgetf_getGadget () const
 Returns the constant gadget associated with this field through multiple inheritance. More...
IlvGraphicf_getGraphic ()
 Returns the graphic associated with this field through multiple inheritance. More...
const IlvGraphicf_getGraphic () const
 Returns the constant graphic associated with this field through multiple inheritance. More...
virtual const char * f_getLabel () const
 Returns the label displayed by the field gadget. More...
virtual const IliInputMaskf_getMask () const
 Returns the input mask used to edit values in the field. More...
virtual IlShort f_getMaxLength () const
 Returns the maximum length allowed for the external representation of the field. More...
const char * f_getTablePropertyManagerName () const
 Returns the name of the table property manager used by this field. More...
IlInt f_getVisibleRowsCount () const
 Returns the number of rows that will be displayed when the foreign table is displayed. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_hasLabel () const
 Returns IlTrue if the field gadget can display a label. More...
virtual void f_ignoreModifiedState (IlBoolean ignore)
 Sets the ignore modified state attribute of the field. More...
IlBoolean f_isCompletionEnabled () const
 Returns IlTrue if completion is enabled. More...
IlBoolean f_isConnectedToDataSource () const
 Returns IlTrue if the field is currently connected to a column of a data source. More...
IlBoolean f_isConstrained () const
 Returns IlTrue if the foreign table limits the set of possible internal values for this field. More...
IlBoolean f_isDataSourceOwner () const
 Returns IlTrue if the field owns the data source. More...
IlBoolean f_isForeignTableOwner () const
 Returns IlTrue if the field owns its foreign table. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_isModifiedStateIgnored () const
 Returns IlTrue if the modified states are ignored when the f_setValue() function is called. More...
IlBoolean f_isUsingTableProperties () const
 Returns IlTrue if the field uses table properties. More...
void f_killFocus ()
 Should be called when the gadget loses the focus.
virtual void f_selectTextForAppend ()
 Deselects all the text and positions the editing caret at the end of the text, provided the field gadget supports text selection.
virtual void f_selectTextForOverwrite ()
 Selects all the text, provided the field gadget supports text selection.
virtual void f_setAlignment (IlvAlignment align)
 Sets the text alignment of the field. More...
virtual void f_setConstrained (IlBoolean flag)
 Sets the constrained property of the field. More...
virtual void f_setDataSourceColumnName (const char *name)
 Sets the name of the column. More...
virtual void f_setDataSourceName (const char *name)
 Sets the name of the data source. More...
void f_setFocus ()
 Should be called when the gadget receives the focus.
virtual void f_setForeignDataSourceName (const char *name)
 Sets the name of the foreign data source. More...
virtual void f_setForeignDisplayColumnName (const char *name)
 Sets the name of the column of the foreign table that will serve as a result, when the table is used as a map to convert internal values into external representations. More...
virtual void f_setForeignTable (IliTable *tbl, IlBoolean owner=IlFalse)
 Sets the foreign table of the field. More...
virtual void f_setForeignValueColumnName (const char *name)
 Sets the name of the column of the foreign table that will serve as a key, when the table is used as a map to convert internal values into external representations. More...
virtual void f_setFormat (const IliFormat &fmt)
 Sets the format used to derive the external representation of the field from its internal value. More...
virtual void f_setLabel (const char *label)
 Sets the label of the field gadget. More...
virtual void f_setMask (const IliInputMask &msk)
 Sets the input mask. More...
virtual void f_setMaxLength (IlShort vmax)
 Sets the maximum length allowed for the external representation of the field. More...
virtual void f_setVisibleRowsCount (IlInt count)
 Sets the number of rows to be displayed when the foreign table is displayed. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_supportsTableProperties () const
 Returns IlTrue if this gadget supports table properties. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IliRepositoryService
 IliRepositoryService ()
 Initializes an instance of IliRepositoryService class. More...
 IliRepositoryService (IlBoolean autoBuild)
 Initializes an instance of IliRepositoryService class with your auto-build flag value. More...
virtual void build ()
 Manages data source browsing. More...
void filterOn (IliRepositFilterOn filter)
 Defines the filter for the holder type. More...
void firstBuild ()
 Calls the function build if the auto-build flag is at IlTrue, otherwise it does nothing. More...
const char * holderToName (IlvGraphicHolder *holder)
 Returns the holder name. More...
IlBoolean isAutoBuild () const
 Returns IlTrue if the auto-build flag is on. More...
IlBoolean isFilterOn (IliRepositFilterOn filter) const
 Returns IlTrue, if the filter is on a specific type. More...
IlBoolean isValidHolder (IlvGraphicHolder *, IlBoolean=IlTrue) const
 Returns IlTrue if the holder is valid. More...
void read (IlvInputFile &input)
 Reads the data from the input file stream. More...
void write (IlvOutputFile &output) const
 Writes the data to an output file stream. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IliTableGadget
static IlvSymbolCancelEditsSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolDeleteRowSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolDoubleClickSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolDrawCellSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolEnterCellSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolEnterInsertModeSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolEnterRowSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolEnterUpdateModeSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolFetchRowSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolGetCellPaletteSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static void GetRefreshShortCut (IlUShort &modifiers, IlUShort &key)
 Returns the definition of the shortcut key that refreshes all. More...
static IlvSymbolPrepareDeleteRowSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolPrepareInsertSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolPrepareUpdateSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolQuitCellSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolQuitInsertModeSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolQuitRowSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolQuitUpdateModeSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolSelectionChangeSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static void SetRefreshShortCut (IlUShort modifiers, IlUShort key)
 Sets the definition of the shortcut key that refreshes all. More...
static IlvSymbolValidateCellSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
static IlvSymbolValidateRowSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that will be called by the corresponding virtual member function. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IliFieldItf
static IlvSymbolInputModifiedSymbol ()
 Returns the name of the callback that the field gadget will invoke every time the field input-modified property changes from IlFalse to IlTrue. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IliRepositoryService
static IliHolderToNameCallback GetHolderToNameCallback ()
 Returns the callback function used to get the holder's name. More...
static const char * GetUntitledString (IlvDisplay *)
 Returns the string Untitled. More...
static void SetHolderToNameCallback (IliHolderToNameCallback cb)
 Sets the callback function used to get the holder's name. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IliFieldItf
void f_read (IlvInputFile &input)
 Should be called by the stream-based constructor of the gadget. More...
void f_set (IlvGraphic *g, const IliFieldItf &other)
 Should be called by the copy constructor of the graphic class that is passed. More...
void f_setGraphic (IlvGraphic *g)
 Should be called by all constructors of the graphic class (except the copy constructor). More...
void f_subscribe ()
 Should be called after the setHolder() member function of the gadget class.
void f_unsubscribe ()
 Should be called before the setHolder() member function of the gadget class. More...
void f_write (IlvOutputFile &output) const
 Should be called by the write() member function of the gadget class. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from IliRepositoryService
static IlvBitmapGetDataSourceBitmap (IlvDisplay *)
 Returns the bitmap of the data sources that are not global. More...
static IlvBitmapGetGlobalDataSourceBitmap (IlvDisplay *)
 Returns the bitmap of the data sources that are global. More...
static IlvBitmapGetHolderBitmap (IlvDisplay *)
 Returns the bitmap of the holders. More...

Detailed Description

Gadget class.

Library: dbgadget

The IliTableRepositoryGadget class defines a table gadget class that displays information for each valid data source of the application. The information displayed covers:

Each data source has a bitmap indicating if the data source type is global (bitmap is green) or not (bitmap is red).

See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IliTableRepositoryGadget() [1/2]

IliTableRepositoryGadget::IliTableRepositoryGadget ( IlvDisplay display,
const IlvRect rect,
IlUShort  thickness = IlvDefaultGadgetThickness,
IlvPalette palette = 0 

Initializes an IlvTableRepositoryGadget with the auto-build flag set to IlTrue.

displayThe display.
rectThe location.
thicknessThe border thickness.
paletteThe palette.

◆ IliTableRepositoryGadget() [2/2]

IliTableRepositoryGadget::IliTableRepositoryGadget ( IlvDisplay display,
const IlvRect rect,
IlBoolean  autoBuild,
IlUShort  thickness = IlvDefaultGadgetThickness,
IlvPalette palette = 0 

Initializes an IlvTableRepositoryGadget with a specific auto-build flag value.

displayThe display.
rectThe location.
autoBuildThe auto-build flag.
thicknessThe border thickness.
paletteThe palette.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addDataSource()

virtual void IliTableRepositoryGadget::addDataSource ( IliDataSource ds)

Called each time a valid data source has been found and must be displayed.

By default this function does nothing.

dsThe data source.

Reimplemented from IliRepositoryService.

◆ getSelectedHolder()

virtual IlvGraphicHolder* IliTableRepositoryGadget::getSelectedHolder ( )

Returns the holder selected into the gadget.

By default, this function returns 0.

The holder.

Reimplemented from IliRepositoryService.

◆ justAfterBuild()

virtual void IliTableRepositoryGadget::justAfterBuild ( )

Called just after the data sources have been browsed.

By default this function does nothing.

Reimplemented from IliRepositoryService.

◆ justBeforeBuild()

virtual void IliTableRepositoryGadget::justBeforeBuild ( )

Called just before data source browsing begins.

By default this function does nothing.

Reimplemented from IliRepositoryService.