
Rogue Wave Views
Charts Package API Reference Guide

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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
oCIlvAbstractChartCursorAbstract base class for chart cursors
|oCIlvCircularChartCursorCursor subclass for ordinate scales of polar charts
|oCIlvRadialChartCursorCursor subclass for the abscissa scale of polar charts
|\CIlvRectangularChartCursorCursor subclass for Cartesian charts
oCIlvAbstractChartDataAbstract base class for managing all the data displayed within a chart
|oCIlvMemoryChartDataClass storing the managed data sets in an array
|\CIlvXMLChartDataA data set which is read from an XML document
oCIlvAbstractChartDisplayerAbstract base class for data display
|oCIlvCompositeChartDisplayerBase class for composite displayers
|\CIlvSingleChartDisplayerBase class for single displayers
oCIlvAbstractGridDisplayerAbstract base class for grid display
|oCIlvCircularGridDisplayerGrid displayer subclass for ordinate scales of polar charts
|oCIlvRadialGridDisplayerGrid displayer subclass for the abscissa scale of polar charts
|\CIlvRectangularGridDisplayerGrid displayer subclass for Cartesian charts
oCIlvAbstractProjectorAbstract base class for data projection
|oCIlvCartesianProjectorClass for projection of data expressed in a Cartesian system of coordinates
|\CIlvPolarProjectorClass for projection of data expressed in a polar system of coordinates
oCIlvAbstractScaleDisplayerBase class for scales
|\CIlvSingleScaleDisplayerBase class for standard scales
oCIlvAxisCrossingClass describing the crossing value of an axis
|oCIlvAxisAnchoredCrossingClass describing a crossing of an axis at a fixed value
|oCIlvMaxAxisCrossingClass describing a crossing of an axis at the maximum value of that axis
|\CIlvMinAxisCrossingClass describing a crossing of an axis at the minimum value of that axis
oCIlvAxisElementClass holding all components of a chart axis
|\CIlvAbscissaAxisElementClass holding all components of a chart abscissa axis
oCIlvChartDataListenerAbstract base class for chart data object listeners
oCIlvChartDataPointInfoBase class for graphical decoration of data points
|oCIlvChartDataGraphicInfoAllows you to draw an IlvGraphic object next to a data point
|\CIlvChartGradientPointInfoSets the data point colors according to a gradient
oCIlvChartDataSetAbstract base class for managing a set of data
|oCIlvAbstractChartFunctionClass for data sets described by a function
|oCIlvChartPointSetClass for data sets described by a set of points with two coordinates
|oCIlvChartYValueSetClass for data sets described by a set of values
|\CIlvCombinedChartDataSetAbstract base class for combined data sets
oCIlvChartDataSetListenerAbstract base class for data set listeners
oCIlvChartDefaultColorsRepository of predefined colors
oCIlvChartDisplayerFactoryFactory to create displayers that compose a composite displayer
oCIlvChartDisplayerPointsUtility class for displaying data points
|\CIlvChartPointsFilterUtility class for displaying data points
oCIlvChartDisplayerPointsFactoryFactory to create instances that manage data point projection
|\CIlvChartPointsFilterFactoryFactory to create instances that manage data point projection
oCIlvChartLayoutBase class for chart layout computing
oCIlvChartsLicenseManagerDeprecated This class provides services to check whether the license for the Rogue Wave Views Charts add-on is available, or to register a license
oCIlvCoordinateInfoBase class for coordinate information storage
oCIlvCoordinateInfoListenerAbstract base class for coordinate information listeners
oCIlvCoordinateTransformerBase class defining a transformation to be applied to a coordinate
|oCIlvChartCoordinateTransformerClass defining a transformation made of a logarithmic transformation to be applied to a coordinate
|\CIlvZoomCoordinateTransformerClass for computing the graduations of a scale
oCIlvCoordIntervalClass representing a coordinate interval
oCIlvGraphic [external]
|\CIlvSimpleGraphic [external]
oCIlvInteractor [external]
|\CIlvChartInteractorAbstract base class for chart interactors
oCIlvNamedProperty [external]
|oCIlvChartInteractorManagerManager class for IlvChartInteractor instances
|\CIlvScaleStepsUpdaterBase class for computing the graduations of a scale
oCIlvPointInfoCollectionAbstract base class for managing point information objects
|oCIlvPointInfoArrayClass for point information objects management
|oCIlvPointInfoMapClass for point information objects management
|\CIlvPointInfoSingletonStores a unique IlvChartDataPointInfo instance
oCIlvXMLPropertyBase class representing a property from an XML-represented data set
oCIlvXMLPropertyReaderBase class for XML property readers
oCIlvXMLSeriesA series of double values and their properties
\CIlvXMLValueListProcessorBase class for value list processors in XML data sets
 \CIlvXMLDateListProcessorDate list processor

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