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Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | Class for 3D bar displayers |
IlvAbscissaAxisElement | Class holding all components of a chart abscissa axis |
IlvAbstractChartCursor | Abstract base class for chart cursors |
IlvAbstractChartData | Abstract base class for managing all the data displayed within a chart |
IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | Abstract base class for data display |
IlvAbstractChartFunction | Class for data sets described by a function |
IlvAbstractGridDisplayer | Abstract base class for grid display |
IlvAbstractProjector | Abstract base class for data projection |
IlvAbstractScaleDisplayer | Base class for scales |
IlvAddChartDataSet | Class defining a combined data set as the addition of other data sets |
IlvAffineChartTransformer | Class defining a transformation made of a logarithmic transformation to be applied to a coordinate |
IlvAutoScaleStepsUpdater | Class for computing the graduations of a scale |
IlvAxisAnchoredCrossing | Class describing a crossing of an axis at a fixed value |
IlvAxisCrossing | Class describing the crossing value of an axis |
IlvAxisElement | Class holding all components of a chart axis |
IlvBarChartDisplayer | Class for bar displayers |
IlvBubbleChartDisplayer | Class for bubble displayers |
IlvCallbackChartFunction | Class for data sets described by a callback function |
IlvCartesianChart | Implementation of predefined Cartesian charts |
IlvCartesianProjector | Class for projection of data expressed in a Cartesian system of coordinates |
IlvChartCoordinateTransformer | Class defining a transformation made of a logarithmic transformation to be applied to a coordinate |
IlvChartCrossHairInteractor | Displays a crosshair that tracks the pointing device |
IlvChartCyclicPointSet | Class for data sets described by a cyclic set of points |
IlvChartDataGraphicInfo | Allows you to draw an IlvGraphic object next to a data point |
IlvChartDataInteractor | Abstract base class for chart data manipulation |
IlvChartDataListener | Abstract base class for chart data object listeners |
IlvChartDataPointInfo | Base class for graphical decoration of data points |
IlvChartDataPointLabel | Allows you to annotate data points with labels displaying the values of the data points |
IlvChartDataSet | Abstract base class for managing a set of data |
IlvChartDataSetListener | Abstract base class for data set listeners |
IlvChartDefaultColors | Repository of predefined colors |
IlvChartDisplayerFactory | Factory to create displayers that compose a composite displayer |
IlvChartDisplayerPoints | Utility class for displaying data points |
IlvChartDisplayerPointsFactory | Factory to create instances that manage data point projection |
IlvChartDragPointInteractor | Implements direct data point editing with the mouse |
IlvChartGradientPointInfo | Sets the data point colors according to a gradient |
IlvChartGraphic | Base class for graphic objects displaying charts |
IlvChartHighlightPointInteractor | Allows information about a data point to be displayed |
IlvChartInfoViewInteractor | Displays information about a data point in an information window |
IlvChartInteractor | Abstract base class for chart interactors |
IlvChartInteractorDispatcher | Handles event dispatching to a set of chart interactors |
IlvChartInteractorManager | Manager class for IlvChartInteractor instances |
IlvChartLayout | Base class for chart layout computing |
IlvChartLegend | Base class for legend objects |
IlvChartLegendItem | Base class for legend items |
IlvChartPanInteractor | Associates scrolling with mouse movements |
IlvChartPointSet | Class for data sets described by a set of points with two coordinates |
IlvChartPointsFilter | Utility class for displaying data points |
IlvChartPointsFilterFactory | Factory to create instances that manage data point projection |
IlvChartScrollInteractor | Enables scrolling with arrow keys |
IlvChartSelectInteractor | Allows data to be selected |
IlvChartsLicenseManager | Deprecated This class provides services to check whether the license for the Rogue Wave Views Charts add-on is available, or to register a license |
IlvChartYValueSet | Class for data sets described by a set of values |
IlvChartZoomInteractor | Implements interactive zooming of a chart |
IlvCircularChartCursor | Cursor subclass for ordinate scales of polar charts |
IlvCircularGridDisplayer | Grid displayer subclass for ordinate scales of polar charts |
IlvCircularScaleDisplayer | Implementation of circular scales |
IlvCombinedChartDataSet | Abstract base class for combined data sets |
IlvCompositeChartDisplayer | Base class for composite displayers |
IlvConstantScaleStepsUpdater | Class for computing the graduations of a scale |
IlvCoordinateInfo | Base class for coordinate information storage |
IlvCoordinateInfoListener | Abstract base class for coordinate information listeners |
IlvCoordinateTransformer | Base class defining a transformation to be applied to a coordinate |
IlvCoordInterval | Class representing a coordinate interval |
IlvFixedStepChartDisplayer | Class for fixed step displayers |
IlvHiLoBarChartDisplayer | Class for high-low bar displayers |
IlvHiLoChartDataSet | Class defining a combined data set used by high-low displayers |
IlvHiLoChartDisplayer | Class for high-low displayers |
IlvHiLoOpenCloseChartDisplayer | Class for high-low open-close displayers |
IlvLogScaleStepsUpdater | Class for computing the graduations of a scale |
IlvMarkedPolylineChartDisplayer | Class for marked polyline displayers |
IlvMaxAxisCrossing | Class describing a crossing of an axis at the maximum value of that axis |
IlvMemoryChartData | Class storing the managed data sets in an array |
IlvMinAxisCrossing | Class describing a crossing of an axis at the minimum value of that axis |
IlvPieChartDataSet | Class defining a combined data set used by pie displayers |
IlvPieChartDisplayer | Class for pie displayers |
IlvPieChartGraphic | Implementation of predefined pie charts |
IlvPieSliceInfo | Class allowing to add specific information to a slice |
IlvPointInfoArray | Class for point information objects management |
IlvPointInfoCollection | Abstract base class for managing point information objects |
IlvPointInfoMap | Class for point information objects management |
IlvPointInfoSingleton | Stores a unique IlvChartDataPointInfo instance |
IlvPolarChart | Implementation of predefined polar charts |
IlvPolarProjector | Class for projection of data expressed in a polar system of coordinates |
IlvPolygonChartDisplayer | Class for polygon displayers |
IlvPolylineChartDisplayer | Class for polyline displayers |
IlvRadarChart | Implementation of radar charts |
IlvRadarGridDisplayer | Grid displayer subclass for ordinate scales of radar charts |
IlvRadialChartCursor | Cursor subclass for the abscissa scale of polar charts |
IlvRadialGridDisplayer | Grid displayer subclass for the abscissa scale of polar charts |
IlvRectangularChartCursor | Cursor subclass for Cartesian charts |
IlvRectangularGridDisplayer | Grid displayer subclass for Cartesian charts |
IlvRectangularScaleDisplayer | Implementation of rectangular scales |
IlvScaleStepsUpdater | Base class for computing the graduations of a scale |
IlvScatterChartDisplayer | Class for scatter displayers |
IlvScriptChartFunction | Class for data sets described by a script function |
IlvSideBySideBarChartDisplayer | Displays data sets as adjacent bars |
IlvSideBySideChartDisplayer | Base class for adjacent data displayers |
IlvSimpleChartTransformer | Class defining a transformation made of a logarithmic transformation to be applied to a coordinate |
IlvSingleChartDisplayer | Base class for single displayers |
IlvSingleScaleDisplayer | Base class for standard scales |
IlvStacked100ChartDataSet | Class defining a data set representing the percentage of a data set relative to the sum of the data sets |
IlvStacked3dBarChartDisplayer | Displays data sets as stacked 3D bars |
IlvStackedBarChartDisplayer | Displays data sets as stacked bars |
IlvStackedChartDisplayer | Base class for stacked data displayers |
IlvStackedPolygonChartDisplayer | Displays data sets as stacked areas |
IlvStairChartDisplayer | Class for stair displayers |
IlvStepChartDisplayer | Class for step displayers |
IlvTimeScaleStepsUpdater | Class for computing the time-based graduations of a scale |
IlvXMLChartData | A data set which is read from an XML document |
IlvXMLDateListProcessor | Date list processor |
IlvXMLProperty | Base class representing a property from an XML-represented data set |
IlvXMLPropertyReader | Base class for XML property readers |
IlvXMLSeries | A series of double values and their properties |
IlvXMLValueListProcessor | Base class for value list processors in XML data sets |
IlvZoomCoordinateTransformer | Class for computing the graduations of a scale |
IlvZoomScaleStepsUpdater | Class for computing the graduations of a scale |
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