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event.h File Reference
#include <ilviews/macros.h>
#include <ilviews/base/geometry/IlvBaseGeometry.h>


class  IlvEvent
 Event handling class. More...


#define IlvAltGModifier
#define IlvAltKey
#define IlvAltModifier
#define IlvBackSpace
#define IlvBreakKey
#define IlvButton4
#define IlvButton5
#define IlvCancelKey
#define IlvCapsLockKey
#define IlvClear
#define IlvCtrlChar(c)
#define IlvCtrlKey
#define IlvCtrlModifier
#define IlvDeleteKey
#define IlvDelKey
#define IlvDownKey
#define IlvEndKey
#define IlvEscape
#define IlvExecuteKey
#define IlvF0Key
#define IlvF10Key
#define IlvF11Key
#define IlvF12Key
#define IlvF13Key
#define IlvF14Key
#define IlvF15Key
#define IlvF16Key
#define IlvF17Key
#define IlvF18Key
#define IlvF19Key
#define IlvF1Key
#define IlvF2Key
#define IlvF3Key
#define IlvF4Key
#define IlvF5Key
#define IlvF6Key
#define IlvF7Key
#define IlvF8Key
#define IlvF9Key
#define IlvHelpKey
#define IlvHomeKey
#define IlvInsKey
#define IlvLeftButton
#define IlvLeftKey
#define IlvLinefeed
#define IlvLockModifier
#define IlvMetaKey
#define IlvMetaModifier
#define IlvMiddleButton
#define IlvNumLockKey
#define IlvNumModifier
#define IlvPageDownKey
#define IlvPageUpKey
#define IlvPause
#define IlvPauseKey
#define IlvPrScreenKey
#define IlvRAltKey
#define IlvRCtrlKey
#define IlvReturn
#define IlvRightButton
#define IlvRightKey
#define IlvRMetaKey
#define IlvRShiftKey
#define IlvScrollLock
#define IlvSelectKey
#define IlvShiftKey
#define IlvShiftModifier
#define IlvSysReq
#define IlvSystemKey
#define IlvTab
#define IlvUpKey
#define IlvUserKey


enum  IlvEventType {
  IlvKeyUp, IlvKeyDown, IlvButtonDown, IlvButtonUp,
  IlvEnterWindow, IlvLeaveWindow, IlvPointerMoved, IlvButtonDragged,
  IlvRepaint , IlvMapWindow, IlvUnMapWindow , IlvKeyboardFocusIn,
  IlvKeyboardFocusOut , IlvDoubleClick, IlvMouseEnter, IlvMouseLeave ,
  IlvMultiClick , IlvMouseWheel, IlvTouchDown, IlvTouchMoved,
 The different types of events managed by Rogue Wave Views. More...


IlUShort IlvGetDoubleClickPeriod ()
 Retrieves the double-click mouse period. More...
void IlvSetDoubleClickPeriod (IlUShort period)
 Sets the double-click mouse period. More...

Detailed Description

Library: xviews or winviews or mviews (mutually exclusive)
Declaration of the event-related syumbols.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ IlvAltGModifier

#define IlvAltGModifier

The symbol that represents the AltGr modifier.

◆ IlvAltKey

#define IlvAltKey

The symbol that represents the Alt key. If you have two Alt keys on your keyboard, this symbol represents the left one.

◆ IlvAltModifier

#define IlvAltModifier

The symbol that represents the Alt modifier.

◆ IlvBackSpace

#define IlvBackSpace

The symbol that represents the BackSpace key.

◆ IlvBreakKey

#define IlvBreakKey

The symbol that represents the Break key.

◆ IlvButton4

#define IlvButton4

The symbol that represents the fourth mouse button.

◆ IlvButton5

#define IlvButton5

The symbol that represents the fifth mouse button.

◆ IlvCancelKey

#define IlvCancelKey

The symbol that represents the Cancel key.

◆ IlvCapsLockKey

#define IlvCapsLockKey

The symbol that represents the CapsLock key.

◆ IlvClear

#define IlvClear

The symbol that represents the Clear key.

◆ IlvCtrlChar

#define IlvCtrlChar (   c)

This macro takes the key code parameter c (a char) and returns the corresponding Control key. For example, ‘IlvCtrlChar('G’)would return7, which is the ASCII code for^G`(the Ctrl-G combination).
The parameter c must be an upper-case letter.

◆ IlvCtrlKey

#define IlvCtrlKey

The symbol that represents the Ctrl key. If you have two Ctrl keys on your keyboard, this symbol represents the left one.

◆ IlvCtrlModifier

#define IlvCtrlModifier

The symbol that represents the Ctrl modifier.

◆ IlvDeleteKey

#define IlvDeleteKey

The symbol that represents the Delete key.

◆ IlvDelKey

#define IlvDelKey

The symbol that represents the Del key.

◆ IlvDownKey

#define IlvDownKey

The symbol that represents the Down key.

◆ IlvEndKey

#define IlvEndKey

The symbol that represents the End key.

◆ IlvEscape

#define IlvEscape

The symbol that represents the Escape key.

◆ IlvExecuteKey

#define IlvExecuteKey

The symbol that represents the Execute key.

◆ IlvF0Key

#define IlvF0Key

The symbol that represents the F0 key.

◆ IlvF10Key

#define IlvF10Key

The symbol that represents the F10 key.

◆ IlvF11Key

#define IlvF11Key

The symbol that represents the F11 key.

◆ IlvF12Key

#define IlvF12Key

The symbol that represents the F12 key.

◆ IlvF13Key

#define IlvF13Key

The symbol that represents the F13 key.

◆ IlvF14Key

#define IlvF14Key

The symbol that represents the F14 key.

◆ IlvF15Key

#define IlvF15Key

The symbol that represents the F15 key.

◆ IlvF16Key

#define IlvF16Key

The symbol that represents the F16 key.

◆ IlvF17Key

#define IlvF17Key

The symbol that represents the F17 key.

◆ IlvF18Key

#define IlvF18Key

The symbol that represents the F18 key.

◆ IlvF19Key

#define IlvF19Key

The symbol that represents the F19 key.

◆ IlvF1Key

#define IlvF1Key

The symbol that represents the F1 key.

◆ IlvF2Key

#define IlvF2Key

The symbol that represents the F2 key.

◆ IlvF3Key

#define IlvF3Key

The symbol that represents the F3 key.

◆ IlvF4Key

#define IlvF4Key

The symbol that represents the F4 key.

◆ IlvF5Key

#define IlvF5Key

The symbol that represents the F5 key.

◆ IlvF6Key

#define IlvF6Key

The symbol that represents the F6 key.

◆ IlvF7Key

#define IlvF7Key

The symbol that represents the F7 key.

◆ IlvF8Key

#define IlvF8Key

The symbol that represents the F8 key.

◆ IlvF9Key

#define IlvF9Key

The symbol that represents the F9 key.

◆ IlvHelpKey

#define IlvHelpKey

The symbol that represents the Help key.

◆ IlvHomeKey

#define IlvHomeKey

The symbol that represents the Home key.

◆ IlvInsKey

#define IlvInsKey

The symbol that represents the Ins key.

◆ IlvLeftButton

#define IlvLeftButton

The symbol that represents the Left mouse button.

◆ IlvLeftKey

#define IlvLeftKey

The symbol that represents the Left key.

◆ IlvLinefeed

#define IlvLinefeed

The symbol that represents the Linefeed key.

◆ IlvLockModifier

#define IlvLockModifier

The symbol that represents the CapsLock modifier.

◆ IlvMetaKey

#define IlvMetaKey

The symbol that represents the Meta key. If you have two Meta keys on your keyboard, this symbol represents the left one.

◆ IlvMetaModifier

#define IlvMetaModifier

The symbol that represents the Meta modifier.

◆ IlvMiddleButton

#define IlvMiddleButton

The symbol that represents the Middle mouse button.

◆ IlvNumLockKey

#define IlvNumLockKey

The symbol that represents the NumLock key.

◆ IlvNumModifier

#define IlvNumModifier

The symbol that represents the NumLock modifier.

◆ IlvPageDownKey

#define IlvPageDownKey

The symbol that represents the PageDown key.

◆ IlvPageUpKey

#define IlvPageUpKey

The symbol that represents the PageUp key.

◆ IlvPause

#define IlvPause

The symbol that represents the Pause key.

◆ IlvPauseKey

#define IlvPauseKey

The symbol that represents the Pause key.

◆ IlvPrScreenKey

#define IlvPrScreenKey

The symbol that represents the PrScreen key.

◆ IlvRAltKey

#define IlvRAltKey

The symbol that represents the right Alt key.

◆ IlvRCtrlKey

#define IlvRCtrlKey

The symbol that represents the right Ctrl key.

◆ IlvReturn

#define IlvReturn

The symbol that represents the Return key.

◆ IlvRightButton

#define IlvRightButton

The symbol that represents the Right mouse button.

◆ IlvRightKey

#define IlvRightKey

The symbol that represents the Right key.

◆ IlvRMetaKey

#define IlvRMetaKey

The symbol that represents the right Meta key.

◆ IlvRShiftKey

#define IlvRShiftKey

The symbol that represents the right Shift key.

◆ IlvScrollLock

#define IlvScrollLock

The symbol that represents the ScrollLock key.

◆ IlvSelectKey

#define IlvSelectKey

The symbol that represents the Select key.

◆ IlvShiftKey

#define IlvShiftKey

The symbol that represents the Shift key. If you have two Shift keys on your keyboard, this symbol represents the left one.

◆ IlvShiftModifier

#define IlvShiftModifier

The symbol that represents the Shift modifier.

◆ IlvSysReq

#define IlvSysReq

The symbol that represents the SysReq key.

◆ IlvSystemKey

#define IlvSystemKey

The symbol that represents the System key.

◆ IlvTab

#define IlvTab

The symbol that represents the Tab key.

◆ IlvUpKey

#define IlvUpKey

The symbol that represents the Up key.

◆ IlvUserKey

#define IlvUserKey

The symbol that represents the User key.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ IlvEventType

The different types of events managed by Rogue Wave Views.

An IlvEvent can represent different sorts of events that are received by your application. This type enumerates the possible event types.


A key was released.


A key was pressed.


A mouse button was pressed.


A mouse button was released.


The mouse pointer entered an IlvView.


The mouse pointer left an IlvView.


The mouse pointer was moved.


The mouse was moved while a button was pressed.


An expose event.


A view is displayed.


A view is hidden.


The focus was sent to an IlvView.


The focus was lost by an IlvView.


A mouse button was pressed twice quickly.

See also
IlvSetDoubleClickPeriod, IlvGetDoubleClickPeriod.

The mouse pointer entered an IlvGraphic.


The mouse pointer left an IlvGraphic.


A mouse button was pressed more than twice quickly.


The mouse wheel was moved.


Multi-touch event. A new touch point appeared.


Multi-touch event. An existing touch point was moved.


Multi-touch event. A touch point was removed.

Function Documentation

◆ IlvGetDoubleClickPeriod()

IlvGetDoubleClickPeriod ( )

Retrieves the double-click mouse period.

This global function is used to get the maximum period allowed between two (or several) mouse clicks, in order that they be considered as a single double-click (or multi-click) event.

The period, in milliseconds, under which a pair of clicks are considered to be a double-click event.
See also
IlvSetDoubleClickPeriod(), IlvDoubleClick.

◆ IlvSetDoubleClickPeriod()

IlvSetDoubleClickPeriod ( IlUShort  period)

Sets the double-click mouse period.

Use this global function to set the maximum period allowed between two (or several) mouse clicks, in order that they be considered as a single double-click (or multi-click) event. Beyond this value, a series of clicks is seen as a succession of simple click events.

periodThe maximum multi-click period, in milliseconds.
See also
IlvGetDoubleClickPeriod(), IlvDoubleClick.