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IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages Class Reference

This class defines a layout using a matrix of pages. More...

#include <ilviews/printing/mlayout.h>

Inheritance diagram for IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages:
IlvPrintableLayout IlvPrintableLayoutFixedSize IlvPrintableLayoutIdentity

Public Member Functions

 IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages (int columns=2, int rows=2)
 Default constructor. More...
virtual int getColumns () const
 Returns the number of columns of the layout. More...
virtual IlvDim getFooterAreaHeight () const
 Returns the height of the footer area. More...
virtual IlvDim getHeaderAreaHeight () const
 Returns the height of the header area. More...
virtual int getPageNumber (IlvPrintableJob &job) const
 Gets the number of logical pages for this layout and the print settings given as argument. More...
IlvRect getPrintableArea (IlvPrinter const &printer) const
 Returns the total usable area. More...
virtual int getRows () const
 Returns the number of rows of the layout. More...
virtual void initializeBackgroundArea (IlvPrintableJob &job) const
 Initializes the background area. More...
virtual void initializeFooterArea (IlvPrintableJob &job) const
 Initializes the footer area. More...
virtual void initializeForegroundArea (IlvPrintableJob &job) const
 Initializes the foreground area. More...
virtual void initializeHeaderArea (IlvPrintableJob &job) const
 Initializes the header area. More...
virtual void initializeMainArea (IlvPrintableJob &job) const
 Initializes the main area. More...
void setColumns (int columns)
 Sets the number of columns of the layout. More...
virtual void setFooterAreaHeight (IlvDim height)
 Sets the height of the footer area. More...
virtual void setHeaderAreaHeight (IlvDim height)
 Sets the height of the header area. More...
void setRows (int rows)
 Sets the number of rows of the layout. More...
virtual void updateBackgroundArea (IlvPrintableJob &job, int pageIndex) const
 Updates the background area. More...
virtual void updateFooterArea (IlvPrintableJob &job, int pageIndex) const
 Updates the footer area. More...
virtual void updateForegroundArea (IlvPrintableJob &job, int pageIndex) const
 Updates the foreground area. More...
virtual void updateHeaderArea (IlvPrintableJob &job, int pageIndex) const
 Updates the header area. More...
virtual void updateMainArea (IlvPrintableJob &job, int pageIndex) const
 Updates the main area. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvPrintableLayout
 IlvPrintableLayout ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~IlvPrintableLayout ()
 Destructor. More...
IlvPrintableArea const & getBackgroundArea (IlvPrintableJob &job, int pageIndex) const
 Gets the updated background area. More...
IlvPrintablegetBackgroundPrintable () const
 Gets the IlvPrintable used to print the background. More...
IlvDim getBottomMargin () const
 Returns the bottom margin. More...
IlvPrintableArea const & getFooterArea (IlvPrintableJob &job, int pageIndex) const
 Gets the updated footer area. More...
IlvPrintablegetFooterPrintable () const
 Gets the IlvPrintable used to print the footer. More...
IlvPrintableArea const & getForegroundArea (IlvPrintableJob &job, int pageIndex) const
 Gets the updated foreground area. More...
IlvPrintablegetForegroundPrintable () const
 Gets the IlvPrintable used to print the foreground. More...
IlvDim getGutterMargin () const
 Returns the gutter margin. More...
IlvPrintableArea const & getHeaderArea (IlvPrintableJob &job, int pageIndex) const
 Gets the updated header area. More...
IlvPrintablegetHeaderPrintable () const
 Gets the IlvPrintable used to print the header. More...
IlvDim getLeftMargin () const
 Returns the left margin. More...
IlvPrintableArea const & getMainArea (IlvPrintableJob &job, int pageIndex) const
 Gets the updated main area. More...
void getMargins (IlvDim &left, IlvDim &right, IlvDim &top, IlvDim &bottom, IlvDim &gutter) const
 Returns the margins. More...
IlUInt getRefCount () const
 Returns the number of references on this instance. More...
IlvDim getRightMargin () const
 Returns the right margin. More...
IlvDim getTopMargin () const
 Returns the top margin. More...
IlvRect getUsableArea (IlvPrinter const &printer, IlBoolean isGutterOnLeft=IlTrue) const
 Returns the usable logical printable area for a page. More...
IlBoolean isRatioKept () const
 Returns whether the ratio is kept. More...
void lock ()
 Locks the current instance. More...
IlBoolean print (IlvPrintableJob &job, int copyNumber) const
 Prints an IlvPrintable according to the layout specified by this object. More...
void setBackgroundPrintable (IlvPrintable *printable)
 Sets the IlvPrintable used to print the background. More...
void setBottomMargin (IlvDim margin)
 Sets the bottom margin. More...
void setFooterPrintable (IlvPrintable *printable)
 Sets the IlvPrintable used to print the footer. More...
void setForegroundPrintable (IlvPrintable *printable)
 Sets the IlvPrintable used to print the foreground. More...
void setGutterMargin (IlvDim margin)
 Sets the gutter margin. More...
void setHeaderPrintable (IlvPrintable *printable)
 Sets the IlvPrintable used to print the header. More...
void setKeepingRatio (IlBoolean keepRatio)
 Sets whether the ratio is kept. More...
void setLeftMargin (IlvDim margin)
 Sets the left margin. More...
void setMargins (IlvDim left, IlvDim right, IlvDim top, IlvDim bottom, IlvDim gutter)
 Sets the margins. More...
void setRightMargin (IlvDim margin)
 Sets the right margin. More...
void setTopMargin (IlvDim margin)
 Sets the top margin. More...
void unlock ()
 Unlocks the current instance. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from IlvPrintableLayout
IlvPrintableAreagetBackgroundArea () const
 Gets the background area. More...
IlvPrintableAreagetFooterArea () const
 Gets the footer area. More...
IlvPrintableAreagetForegroundArea () const
 Gets the foreground area. More...
IlvPrintableAreagetHeaderArea () const
 Gets the header area. More...
IlvPrintableAreagetMainArea () const
 Gets the main area. More...
void setBackgroundArea (IlvPrintableArea *area) const
 Sets the background area. More...
void setFooterArea (IlvPrintableArea *area) const
 Sets the footer area. More...
void setForegroundArea (IlvPrintableArea *area) const
 Sets the foreground area. More...
void setHeaderArea (IlvPrintableArea *area) const
 Sets the header area. More...
void setMainArea (IlvPrintableArea *area) const
 Sets the main area. More...

Detailed Description

This class defines a layout using a matrix of pages.

Library: ilvprint

See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

§ IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages()

IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages ( int  columns = 2,
int  rows = 2 

Default constructor.

It initializes the object in a coherent state. There are no additional margins by default.

columnsThe number of pages in a row.
rowsThe number of pages in a columns.

Member Function Documentation

§ getColumns()

int IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::getColumns ( ) const

Returns the number of columns of the layout.

The number of columns.

§ getFooterAreaHeight()

virtual IlvDim IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::getFooterAreaHeight ( ) const

Returns the height of the footer area.

The height of the footer area.

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

§ getHeaderAreaHeight()

virtual IlvDim IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::getHeaderAreaHeight ( ) const

Returns the height of the header area.

The height of the header area.

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

§ getPageNumber()

virtual int IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::getPageNumber ( IlvPrintableJob job) const

Gets the number of logical pages for this layout and the print settings given as argument.

jobThe current print settings.
The number of logical pages.

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

Reimplemented in IlvPrintableLayoutFixedSize, and IlvPrintableLayoutIdentity.

§ getPrintableArea()

IlvRect IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::getPrintableArea ( IlvPrinter const &  printer) const

Returns the total usable area.

printerThe printer to use.

§ getRows()

int IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::getRows ( ) const

Returns the number of rows of the layout.

The number of rows.

§ initializeBackgroundArea()

virtual void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::initializeBackgroundArea ( IlvPrintableJob job) const

Initializes the background area.

param job The current print settings.

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

§ initializeFooterArea()

virtual void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::initializeFooterArea ( IlvPrintableJob job) const

Initializes the footer area.

param job The current print settings.

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

§ initializeForegroundArea()

virtual void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::initializeForegroundArea ( IlvPrintableJob job) const

Initializes the foreground area.

param job The current print settings.

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

§ initializeHeaderArea()

virtual void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::initializeHeaderArea ( IlvPrintableJob job) const

Initializes the header area.

param job The current print settings.

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

§ initializeMainArea()

virtual void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::initializeMainArea ( IlvPrintableJob job) const

Initializes the main area.

param job The current print settings.

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

§ setColumns()

void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::setColumns ( int  columns)

Sets the number of columns of the layout.

columnsThe new number of columns.

§ setFooterAreaHeight()

virtual void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::setFooterAreaHeight ( IlvDim  height)

Sets the height of the footer area.

heightThe height of the footer area.

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

§ setHeaderAreaHeight()

virtual void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::setHeaderAreaHeight ( IlvDim  height)

Sets the height of the header area.

heightThe height of the header area.

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

§ setRows()

void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::setRows ( int  rows)

Sets the number of rows of the layout.

rowsThe new number of rows.

§ updateBackgroundArea()

virtual void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::updateBackgroundArea ( IlvPrintableJob job,
int  pageIndex 
) const

Updates the background area.

This method updates the current background area for the current page.

jobThe current print settings.
pageIndexThe current logical page index (for this layout).

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

§ updateFooterArea()

virtual void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::updateFooterArea ( IlvPrintableJob job,
int  pageIndex 
) const

Updates the footer area.

This method updates the current footer area for the current page.

jobThe current print settings.
pageIndexThe current logical page index (for this layout).

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

§ updateForegroundArea()

virtual void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::updateForegroundArea ( IlvPrintableJob job,
int  pageIndex 
) const

Updates the foreground area.

This method updates the current foreground area for the current page.

jobThe current print settings.
pageIndexThe current logical page index (for this layout).

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

§ updateHeaderArea()

virtual void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::updateHeaderArea ( IlvPrintableJob job,
int  pageIndex 
) const

Updates the header area.

This method updates the current header area for the current page.

jobThe current print settings.
pageIndexThe current logical page index (for this layout).

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

§ updateMainArea()

virtual void IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages::updateMainArea ( IlvPrintableJob job,
int  pageIndex 
) const

Updates the main area.

This method updates the current main area for the current page.

jobThe current print settings.
pageIndexThe current logical page index (for this layout).

Implements IlvPrintableLayout.

Reimplemented in IlvPrintableLayoutFixedSize, and IlvPrintableLayoutIdentity.

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