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IlvPrintableArea Class Referenceabstract

Abstract class that represents an area of a logical page. More...

#include <ilviews/printing/layout.h>

Inheritance diagram for IlvPrintableArea:
IlvPrintableActualArea IlvPrintableNullArea

Public Member Functions

IL_EXPLICIT IlvPrintableArea (IlvPrintableLayout const &layout)
 The constructor. More...
virtual ~IlvPrintableArea ()
 The destructor. More...
virtual IlvPrintableAreaclone () const =0
 Returns a pointer to a new instance of IlvPrintableArea; this object is a copy of the current object. More...
IlvPrintableLayout const & getPrintableLayout () const
 Gets the associated IlvPrintableLayout object. More...
virtual IlBoolean print (IlvPrintableJob &job, IlvPrintable *printable) const =0
 Prints the area. More...
virtual void setBBox (IlvRect const &bbox)=0
 Sets the size of the area. More...
virtual void setTransformer (IlvTransformer const &transformer)=0
 Sets the transformer of the area. More...

Detailed Description

Abstract class that represents an area of a logical page.

Library: ilvprint

This class is used to represent one of the different areas of the logical page. These areas, in fact rectangles, are:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

§ IlvPrintableArea()

IL_EXPLICIT IlvPrintableArea::IlvPrintableArea ( IlvPrintableLayout const &  layout)

The constructor.

It initializes an IlvPrintableArea object for the IlvPrintableLayout object given as parameter.

layoutThe IlvPrintableLayout associated with this object.

§ ~IlvPrintableArea()

virtual IlvPrintableArea::~IlvPrintableArea ( )

The destructor.

It releases the resources used by this object. It may be overloaded in inherited classes.

Member Function Documentation

§ clone()

virtual IlvPrintableArea* IlvPrintableArea::clone ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns a pointer to a new instance of IlvPrintableArea; this object is a copy of the current object.

This pure virtual member function must be overloaded in inherited classes.

A pointer to a new IlvPrintableArea*.

Implemented in IlvPrintableActualArea, and IlvPrintableNullArea.

§ getPrintableLayout()

IlvPrintableLayout const& IlvPrintableArea::getPrintableLayout ( ) const

Gets the associated IlvPrintableLayout object.

The associated IlvPrintableLayout object.

§ print()

virtual IlBoolean IlvPrintableArea::print ( IlvPrintableJob job,
IlvPrintable printable 
) const
pure virtual

Prints the area.

This function asks for the IlvPrintable referenced by the IlvPrintableJob given as parameter to draw itself in the area of the logical page specified by this object.

This is a pure virtual function and must be overloaded in inherited classes.

jobThe settings of the current print job.
printableThe IlvPrintable to be printed.
IlFalse when an error occurred during the printing, IlTrue otherwise.

Implemented in IlvPrintableActualArea, and IlvPrintableNullArea.

§ setBBox()

virtual void IlvPrintableArea::setBBox ( IlvRect const &  bbox)
pure virtual

Sets the size of the area.

This is a pure virtual function and must be overloaded in inherited classes.

bboxThe new size of the area.

Implemented in IlvPrintableActualArea, and IlvPrintableNullArea.

§ setTransformer()

virtual void IlvPrintableArea::setTransformer ( IlvTransformer const &  transformer)
pure virtual

Sets the transformer of the area.

This is a pure virtual function and must be overloaded in inherited classes.

transformerThe new transformer.

Implemented in IlvPrintableActualArea, and IlvPrintableNullArea.

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