Product Overview > Welcome to the Rogue Wave Views Component Suite > Rogue Wave Views Component Suite Packages > Rogue Wave Views Application Framework
Rogue Wave Views Application Framework
Rogue Wave® Views Application Framework is a new library that lets you build a complete application very efficiently by using the Document/View architecture. This architecture allows several views to access the same document, and every modification in a view updates all the other views as necessary, while hiding the complexity of message sending between views and documents.
Figure 0.9    Standard Application
In addition to the Document/View architecture, Application Framework makes the development of user interfaces easy because it handles all the tedious coding tasks necessary for MDI and dockable windows implementation. It also offers features such as drag-and-drop of a file in Microsoft® Windows® and recent-file-list management. Moreover, Application Framework lets you modify the configuration of your application’s user interface, such as the menu and toolbars, as well as their contents and positions. This configuration is saved on a user basis, and then restored when the application is launched again.
It provides a tool called the Application Framework Editor (shown in Figure 0.10), which allows you to edit the application graphically: all menus, toolbars, actions, dynamic menus, and so on, are specified using this tool.
Figure 0.10    The Application Framework Editor
Main Application Framework Features
*Offers a Document/View implementation of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. This provides an easily accessible environment for MFC programmers and those familiar with up-to-date design patterns and the Java world.
*Supports the editing of several documents at the same time.
*Encapsulates dockable bar mechanisms, and stores (and restores) all dockable bar positions.
*Lets the user reorganize the contents of the menu and the toolbars at run time. All changes are saved and restored.
*Maintains the Most Recently Used file lists.
*Has an extended options language that lets users add their own application options.
*Changes at run time are saved in a user home file, using the same format.
*Provides automatic Undo/Redo/Repeat for Application Framework commands.
*Actions from toolbars or menus are directly sent to the active view or document. No callback is needed.
*An interface mechanism is implemented. It establishes the correspondence between a user name and a C++ method. Using these maps, user-defined C++ methods can be automatically exported for introspection, scripting, or COM.
Prerequisite Packages: Foundation, Studio, Gadgets.

Version 6.0
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