Product Overview > Welcome to the Rogue Wave Views Component Suite > Rogue Wave Views Component Suite Packages > Rogue Wave Views Gadgets
Rogue Wave Views Gadgets
With Rogue Wave® Views Gadgets you have ready access to a large number of interface objects such as menus, buttons, scroll bars, and many other “gadgets” that can be easily viewed and manipulated with Rogue Wave Views Studio to build GUI panels. Rogue Wave Views Studio for Gadgets allows you to construct your interface from predefined “gadgets” using simple drag-and-drop operations while generating C++ code for you to use to program your application.
Figure 0.8    Some Common Gadgets
Main Gadgets Features
Here are just some of the Gadgets features.
*Gadgets are compliant with Microsoft® Windows®, Systems and Motif® ViewsX look-and-feel.
*Since Rogue Wave Views implements the gadgets without relying on a particular windowing system, you can use windows-specific features such as dockable toolbars and MDI (Multiple Document Interface) on Linux® and UNIX®.
*The callback executed upon gadget activation can be defined in Rogue Wave Script or C++.
*Gadgets include tables, trees, lists, dialogs, and others.
*C++ code is generated from Rogue Wave Views Studio to create your application GUI.
*Localization support. The gadgets support Japanese, Chinese, and Korean languages using the operating system locale support and the display system input methods, and perform the storage of messages as multibyte strings when necessary. A bidirectional version is also available for supporting languages such as Arabic (restricted to Arabic Windows®).
Prerequisite Packages: Foundation, Studio.

Version 6.0
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