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IliTableComboBox Class Reference

Field gadget class. More...

#include <ilviews/dataccess/gadgets/tblcombo.h>

Inheritance diagram for IliTableComboBox:
IliAbstractComboBox IliEntryField IlvTextField IliFieldItf IlvGadget IlvSimpleGraphic IlvGraphic

Public Member Functions

 IliTableComboBox (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Initializes a table combo box. More...
 IliTableComboBox (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IliTable *table, IlBoolean owner, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Initializes a table combo box, where the foreign table to be used is specified. More...
 IliTableComboBox (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, const IliMapEntry *map, IlBoolean owner, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Initializes a table combo box, where the foreign table is an IliMapTable. More...
virtual void close ()
 Hides the pull-down menu or dialog box. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_complete ()
 Updates the internal value of the field, according to its current external representation and its foreign table, provided completion is enabled for the field. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_externalToInternal ()
 Updates the internal value of a field according to its current external representation. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_isAutoFitPullDown () const
 Returns IlTrue if the width of the pull-down menu is automatically computed so that its contents fit. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_isConsistent () const
 Returns IlTrue if the internal value of the field corresponds to its current external representation. More...
virtual void f_setAutoFitPullDown (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/disables the automatic width computing of the pull-down menu. More...
virtual void f_setForeignDisplayColumnName (const char *)
 Sets the name of the column of the foreign table that will serve as a result, when the table is used as a map to convert internal values into external representations. More...
virtual void f_setForeignTable (IliTable *, IlBoolean owner=IlFalse)
 Sets the foreign table of the field. More...
virtual void f_setForeignValueColumnName (const char *)
 Sets the name of the column of the foreign table that will serve as a key, when the table is used as a map to convert internal values into external representations. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_setValue (const IliValue &, IlBoolean internalP=IlFalse)
 Sets the value of the field. More...
IliAbstractTablePopupViewgetComboBoxWindow ()
 Returns the default dialog (a pull-down menu) of the combo box. More...
IliAbstractTablePopupViewgetComboBoxWindow () const
 Returns the default dialog (a pull-down menu) of the combo box. More...
IlInt getDisplayColumns (IlInt *) const
 Returns the index of each column displayed by the pull-down menu. More...
IlInt getDisplayColumnsCount () const
 Returns the number of columns displayed by the pull-down menu. More...
IlInt getPullDownWidth () const
 Returns the width of the pull-down menu. More...
const char * getTableColumns () const
 Returns the list of column names displayed by the pull-down menu. More...
IliAbstractTablePopupViewgetUserComboBoxWindow () const
 The dialog displayed when the user clicks to display the pull-down menu. More...
IliAbstractTablePopupViewgetUserComboBoxWindow ()
 Returns the dialog displayed when the user clicks to display the pull-down menu. More...
IlBoolean isAutoFitting () const
 IlTrue if the table combo box is in auto-fitting mode. More...
IlBoolean isMultiColumnsMode () const
 Returns IlTrue if the pull-down menu displays several columns. More...
virtual IlBoolean isOpen () const
 Returns IlTrue if the pull-down menu or the dialog box is currently displayed. More...
IlBoolean selectNextRow ()
 Changes the value of the combo box to the value, contained in the value column, of the next row in the foreign table. More...
IlBoolean selectPreviousRow ()
 Changes the value of the combo box to the value, contained in the value column, of the previous row in the foreign table. More...
IlBoolean selectRow (IlInt rowno)
 Changes the value of the combo box to the value contained in the value column, in the foreign table. More...
void setAutoFitting (IlBoolean flag)
 Turns on or off the table combo box in auto-fitting mode. More...
void setPullDownWidth (IlInt width)
 Sets the width of the pull-down menu. More...
void setTableColumns (const char *list)
 Sets the list of column names displayed by the pull-down menu. More...
void setUserComboBoxWindow (IliAbstractTablePopupView *dlg)
 Defines the dialog displayed when the user clicks to display the pull-down menu. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IliAbstractComboBox
void allowEdit (IlBoolean enable)
 Specifies whether editing is allowed for the abstract combo box. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_isReadOnly () const
 Returns IlTrue if the field is read-only. More...
virtual void f_setReadOnly (IlBoolean)
 Sets the read-only property for the field. More...
IlBoolean isArrowShown () const
 Returns IlTrue if the button is shown. More...
IlBoolean isEditAllowed () const
 Returns IlTrue if editing is allowed for the abstract combo box. More...
virtual void onClose ()
 Called just after the pull-down menu or the dialog box is dismissed. More...
virtual void onOpen ()
 Called just before the pull-down menu or the dialog box is displayed. More...
virtual void open (IlBoolean grab)
 Causes a pull-down menu or dialog box to be displayed. More...
void showArrow (IlBoolean show)
 Shows or hides the arrow button. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IliEntryField
 IliEntryField (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Initializes a new IliEntryField instance. More...
 IliEntryField (IlvDisplay *display, const char *label, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Initializes a new IliEntryField instance. More...
 IliEntryField (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvPoint &at, const char *label, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Initializes a new IliEntryField instance. More...
virtual IlvAlignment f_getAlignment () const
 Returns the text alignment of the field. More...
virtual const IliFormatf_getFormat () const
 Returns the format used to derive the external representation of the field from its internal value. More...
virtual const IliInputMaskf_getMask () const
 Returns the input mask used to edit values in the field. More...
virtual IlShort f_getMaxLength () const
 Returns the maximum length allowed for the external representation of the field. More...
virtual const IliValuef_getValue (IlBoolean internalP=IlFalse) const
 Returns the value of the field. More...
virtual void f_internalToExternal ()
 Updates the external representation of the field and its display according to its current internal value.
virtual void f_selectTextForAppend ()
 Deselects all the text and positions the editing caret at the end of the text, provided the field gadget supports text selection.
virtual void f_selectTextForOverwrite ()
 Selects all the text, provided the field gadget supports text selection.
virtual void f_setAlignment (IlvAlignment)
 Sets the text alignment of the field. More...
virtual void f_setFormat (const IliFormat &)
 Sets the format used to derive the external representation of the field from its internal value. More...
virtual void f_setInputModified (IlBoolean f)
 Sets the input-modified attribute of the field. More...
virtual void f_setMask (const IliInputMask &)
 Sets the input mask. More...
virtual void f_setMaxLength (IlShort)
 Sets the maximum length allowed for the external representation of the field. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IliFieldItf
void f_applyReferences (IlvApplyObject f, IlAny a)
 Should be called when the applyReferences member function, of the gadget class, is called. More...
virtual void f_enableCompletion (IlBoolean)
 Sets the completion property of the field. More...
const IliDataSourcef_getDataSource () const
 Returns the data source. More...
IliDataSourcef_getDataSource ()
 Returns the data source. More...
const char * f_getDataSourceColumnName () const
 Returns the name of the column. More...
const char * f_getDataSourceName () const
 Returns the name of the data source, which this field is (or must be) connected to. More...
virtual const
f_getEffectiveTablePropertyManager () const
 Returns the effective table property manager. More...
virtual IliTablePropertyManagerf_getEffectiveTablePropertyManager ()
 Returns the effective table property manager. More...
const char * f_getForeignDataSourceName () const
 Returns the name of the foreign data source. More...
const char * f_getForeignDisplayColumnName () const
 Returns the name of the column of the foreign table that will serve as a result. More...
const IliTablef_getForeignTable () const
 Returns the foreign table. More...
IliTablef_getForeignTable ()
 Returns the foreign table. More...
const char * f_getForeignValueColumnName () const
 Returns the name of the column of the foreign table that will serve as a key. More...
const IlvGadgetf_getGadget () const
 Returns the constant gadget associated with this field through multiple inheritance. More...
IlvGadgetf_getGadget ()
 Returns the gadget associated with this field through multiple inheritance. More...
const IlvGraphicf_getGraphic () const
 Returns the constant graphic associated with this field through multiple inheritance. More...
IlvGraphicf_getGraphic ()
 Returns the graphic associated with this field through multiple inheritance. More...
virtual const char * f_getLabel () const
 Returns the label displayed by the field gadget. More...
const char * f_getTablePropertyManagerName () const
 Returns the name of the table property manager used by this field. More...
IlInt f_getVisibleRowsCount () const
 Returns the number of rows that will be displayed when the foreign table is displayed. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_hasLabel () const
 Returns IlTrue if the field gadget can display a label. More...
virtual void f_ignoreModifiedState (IlBoolean ignore)
 Sets the ignore modified state attribute of the field. More...
IlBoolean f_isCompletionEnabled () const
 Returns IlTrue if completion is enabled. More...
IlBoolean f_isConnectedToDataSource () const
 Returns IlTrue if the field is currently connected to a column of a data source. More...
IlBoolean f_isConstrained () const
 Returns IlTrue if the foreign table limits the set of possible internal values for this field. More...
IlBoolean f_isDataSourceOwner () const
 Returns IlTrue if the field owns the data source. More...
IlBoolean f_isForeignTableOwner () const
 Returns IlTrue if the field owns its foreign table. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_isInputModified () const
 Returns IlTrue if the external representation has been edited by the end-user. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_isModifiedStateIgnored () const
 Returns IlTrue if the modified states are ignored when the f_setValue function is called. More...
IlBoolean f_isUsingTableProperties () const
 Returns IlTrue if the field uses table properties. More...
void f_killFocus ()
 Should be called when the gadget loses the focus.
virtual void f_setConstrained (IlBoolean flag)
 Sets the constrained property of the field. More...
virtual void f_setDataSourceColumnName (const char *name)
 Sets the name of the column. More...
virtual void f_setDataSourceName (const char *name)
 Sets the name of the data source. More...
void f_setFocus ()
 Should be called when the gadget receives the focus.
virtual void f_setForeignDataSourceName (const char *name)
 Sets the name of the foreign data source. More...
virtual void f_setLabel (const char *label)
 Sets the label of the field gadget. More...
virtual void f_setTablePropertyManagerName (const char *name)
 Sets the name of the table property manager to use. More...
virtual void f_setVisibleRowsCount (IlInt count)
 Sets the number of rows to be displayed when the foreign table is displayed. More...
virtual IlBoolean f_supportsTableProperties () const
 Returns IlTrue if this gadget supports table properties. More...
virtual void f_useTableProperties (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables/Disables the use of the table properties. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void valueToLabel (const IliValue &value)
 Sets the value to the label of the entry field. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IliAbstractComboBox
 IliAbstractComboBox (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 The constructor creates an abstract combo box. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IliEntryField
const char * formatValue (IliString &dest, const IliValue &val)
 Returns a character string which contains the formatted value. More...
void setLabelSilently (const char *label)
 Sets a new label and launches the drawing of the new label. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IliFieldItf
void f_read (IlvInputFile &input)
 Should be called by the stream-based constructor of the gadget. More...
void f_set (IlvGraphic *g, const IliFieldItf &other)
 Should be called by the copy constructor of the graphic class that is passed. More...
void f_setGraphic (IlvGraphic *g)
 Should be called by all constructors of the graphic class (except the copy constructor). More...
void f_subscribe ()
 Should be called after the setHolder member function of the gadget class.
void f_unsubscribe ()
 Should be called before the setHolder member function of the gadget class. More...
void f_write (IlvOutputFile &output) const
 Should be called by the write member function of the gadget class. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IliAbstractComboBox
static IlvSymbolCloseSymbol ()
 Returns the symbol name of the Close callback. More...
static void GetOpenShortCut (IlUShort &modifiers, IlUShort &key)
 Returns the definition of the shortcut key that causes the pull-down menu or dialog box to be displayed. More...
static IlvSymbolOpenSymbol ()
 Returns the symbol name of the Open callback. More...
static void SetOpenShortCut (IlUShort modifiers, IlUShort key)
 Defines the shortcut key that causes the pull-down menu or dialog box to be displayed. More...

Detailed Description

Field gadget class.

Library: dbgadget

The IliTableComboBox class defines a combo box gadget that opens a pull-down menu when the user clicks on the combo button. The pull-down menu displays a column of the foreign table of the field. A IliTableComboBox gadget inherits the following properties from the IliFieldItf class:

When a table combo box receives a new value, it looks in the foreign table for a row that has this value in what is referred to as its value column. If such a row is found, the table combo box displays the value contained in what is referred to as the display column of this row. Therefore, a table combo box does not display the new value, but a value which is derived from the initial value through the foreign table. The foreign table serves as a value converter. In addition, if the user edits the value displayed in the table combo box, the edited value is converted back in a reversed version of the procedure described above. A row that contains the newly edited value in its display column is searched for in the foreign table. If such a row is found, the value of the combo box changes to the value contained in the value column of the row. Moreover, the pull-down menu can display several columns of the foreign table. See the function setTablesColumns. However, if you display another dialog, use the IliAbstractTablePopupView class to define your dialog class and replace the pull-down menu by this class. Note: This gadget does not support XP look&feel. If you need a support of the XP look&feel see IliScrolledComboBox class.

See Also
IliMapTable, IliTable, IliScrolledComboBox.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IliTableComboBox::IliTableComboBox ( IlvDisplay display,
const IlvRect rect,
IlUShort  thickness = IlvDefaultGadgetThickness,
IlvPalette palette = 0 

Initializes a table combo box.

displayThe display.
rectThe location.
thicknessThe border thickness.
paletteThe palette.
IliTableComboBox::IliTableComboBox ( IlvDisplay display,
const IlvRect rect,
IliTable table,
IlBoolean  owner,
IlUShort  thickness = IlvDefaultGadgetThickness,
IlvPalette palette = 0 

Initializes a table combo box, where the foreign table to be used is specified.

displayThe display.
rectThe location.
tableThe foreign table.
ownerThe table owner, if IlTrue, the combo box becomes the owner of the foreign table.
thicknessThe border thickness.
paletteThe palette.
IliTableComboBox::IliTableComboBox ( IlvDisplay display,
const IlvRect rect,
const IliMapEntry map,
IlBoolean  owner,
IlUShort  thickness = IlvDefaultGadgetThickness,
IlvPalette palette = 0 

Initializes a table combo box, where the foreign table is an IliMapTable.

displayThe display.
rectThe location.
mapThe rows of the foreign table.
ownerThe table owner, if IlTrue, the combo box becomes the owner of the rows of the foreign table.
thicknessThe border thickness.
paletteThe palette.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void IliTableComboBox::close ( )

Hides the pull-down menu or dialog box.

The type of object that is hidden depends on the subclass of IliAbstractComboBox being used.

Reimplemented from IliAbstractComboBox.

virtual IlBoolean IliTableComboBox::f_complete ( )

Updates the internal value of the field, according to its current external representation and its foreign table, provided completion is enabled for the field.

For more information on completion, see the f_iscompletionEnabled member function.

IlTrue if successful.

Reimplemented from IliFieldItf.

virtual IlBoolean IliTableComboBox::f_externalToInternal ( )

Updates the internal value of a field according to its current external representation.

IlTrue if successful and IlFalse otherwise. Note that this may fail due to the fact that not all external representations can be converted to a value object. For example, this is especially true for text fields that are used to edit numeric or date values.

Reimplemented from IliEntryField.

virtual IlBoolean IliTableComboBox::f_isAutoFitPullDown ( ) const

Returns IlTrue if the width of the pull-down menu is automatically computed so that its contents fit.

IlTrue if the width of the pull-down menu is automatically computed so that its contents fit. The value returned by this virtual member function is currently meaningful only when the field gadget is one of the following: For a table gadget, this property applies to all table combo boxes contained in the table gadget.

Reimplemented from IliFieldItf.

virtual IlBoolean IliTableComboBox::f_isConsistent ( ) const

Returns IlTrue if the internal value of the field corresponds to its current external representation.

A return value of IlFalse means that the external representation of the field has been edited by the end-user since the last time one of the member functions, f_setValue, f_externalToInternal, f_internalToExternal or f_complete was successfully called.

IlTrue if the internal value of the field corresponds to its current external representation.

Reimplemented from IliEntryField.

virtual void IliTableComboBox::f_setAutoFitPullDown ( IlBoolean  flag)

Enables/disables the automatic width computing of the pull-down menu.

flagIf IlTrue, the width of the pull-down menu is automatically computed so that its contents fit. See the description of f_isAutoFitPullDown for more information on this property.

Reimplemented from IliFieldItf.

virtual void IliTableComboBox::f_setForeignDisplayColumnName ( const char *  name)

Sets the name of the column of the foreign table that will serve as a result, when the table is used as a map to convert internal values into external representations.

nameThe column name.

Reimplemented from IliFieldItf.

virtual void IliTableComboBox::f_setForeignTable ( IliTable tbl,
IlBoolean  owner = IlFalse 

Sets the foreign table of the field.

tblThe table.
ownerDetermines whether the field will own the table.

Reimplemented from IliFieldItf.

virtual void IliTableComboBox::f_setForeignValueColumnName ( const char *  name)

Sets the name of the column of the foreign table that will serve as a key, when the table is used as a map to convert internal values into external representations.

nameThe column name.

Reimplemented from IliFieldItf.

virtual IlBoolean IliTableComboBox::f_setValue ( const IliValue val,
IlBoolean  internal = IlFalse 

Sets the value of the field.

valThe value.
internalIf IlFalse, then the external representation and the display of the field are automatically updated.
IlTrue if successful, and IlFalse otherwise.

Reimplemented from IliEntryField.

IliAbstractTablePopupView* IliTableComboBox::getComboBoxWindow ( )

Returns the default dialog (a pull-down menu) of the combo box.

The dialog.
IliAbstractTablePopupView* IliTableComboBox::getComboBoxWindow ( ) const

Returns the default dialog (a pull-down menu) of the combo box.

The dialog.
IlInt IliTableComboBox::getDisplayColumns ( IlInt ) const

Returns the index of each column displayed by the pull-down menu.

The index of each column displayed by the pull-down menu. It also returns the number of columns displayed by the pull-down menu.
IlInt IliTableComboBox::getDisplayColumnsCount ( ) const

Returns the number of columns displayed by the pull-down menu.

The count.
IlInt IliTableComboBox::getPullDownWidth ( ) const

Returns the width of the pull-down menu.

The width of the pull-down menu. It is either -1, the default, or a positive integer. See the setPullDownWidth member function for more information.
const char* IliTableComboBox::getTableColumns ( ) const

Returns the list of column names displayed by the pull-down menu.

These columns are from the foreign data source. The column names are separated by a `;' .

The columns list.
IliAbstractTablePopupView* IliTableComboBox::getUserComboBoxWindow ( ) const

The dialog displayed when the user clicks to display the pull-down menu.

The dialog.
IliAbstractTablePopupView* IliTableComboBox::getUserComboBoxWindow ( )

Returns the dialog displayed when the user clicks to display the pull-down menu.

The dialog.
IlBoolean IliTableComboBox::isAutoFitting ( ) const

IlTrue if the table combo box is in auto-fitting mode.

In auto-fitting mode, the width of the pull-down menu is automatically adjusted to the contents of the data it contains. Initially, this property is IlFalse.

IlTrue if the table combo box is in auto-fitting mode.
IlBoolean IliTableComboBox::isMultiColumnsMode ( ) const

Returns IlTrue if the pull-down menu displays several columns.

IlTrue if the pull-down menu displays several columns.
virtual IlBoolean IliTableComboBox::isOpen ( ) const

Returns IlTrue if the pull-down menu or the dialog box is currently displayed.

The pull-down menu (or dialog box) visibility.

Reimplemented from IliAbstractComboBox.

IlBoolean IliTableComboBox::selectNextRow ( )

Changes the value of the combo box to the value, contained in the value column, of the next row in the foreign table.

IlTrue if successful.
IlBoolean IliTableComboBox::selectPreviousRow ( )

Changes the value of the combo box to the value, contained in the value column, of the previous row in the foreign table.

IlTrue if successful.
IlBoolean IliTableComboBox::selectRow ( IlInt  rowno)

Changes the value of the combo box to the value contained in the value column, in the foreign table.

rownoThe row position.
IlTrue if successful.
void IliTableComboBox::setAutoFitting ( IlBoolean  flag)

Turns on or off the table combo box in auto-fitting mode.

flagIf IlTrue, the auto-fitting mode is on.
void IliTableComboBox::setPullDownWidth ( IlInt  width)

Sets the width of the pull-down menu.

widthThe width, which must be either -1 or a positive integer. When the pull-down menu is opened, it will have a width equal to the maximum of the given value and the width of the gadget itself. This property can be used to specify that the actual width of the pull-down menu is not less than the given value.
void IliTableComboBox::setTableColumns ( const char *  list)

Sets the list of column names displayed by the pull-down menu.

These columns are from the foreign data source. The column names are separated by a `;' .

listThe columns list.
void IliTableComboBox::setUserComboBoxWindow ( IliAbstractTablePopupView dlg)

Defines the dialog displayed when the user clicks to display the pull-down menu.

dlgThe dialog.
virtual void IliTableComboBox::valueToLabel ( const IliValue value)

Sets the value to the label of the entry field.

However if a format is defined the function formatValue is called to format the value. If there is no format but there is a mask, the value is formatted with the mask.

At the end the function setLabelSilently is called to set the value to the label and to launch the drawing of the label.

valueThe value.

Reimplemented from IliEntryField.

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