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IliMapTable Class Reference

Table class. More...

#include <ilviews/dataccess/maptable.h>

Inheritance diagram for IliMapTable:
IliTable IliSchema IliRefCounted

Public Member Functions

 IliMapTable (IlvDisplay *, const IliMapEntry *map, IlBoolean owner=IlFalse)
 Constructor. More...
 IliMapTable (const IliMapTable &table)
 Copy constructor. More...
 IliMapTable (IlvDisplay *display, IL_STDPREF istream &input)
 Stream constructor. More...
virtual IlInt getRowsCount () const
 Returns the number of rows in the table. More...
virtual IlBoolean getValue (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, IliValue &val) const
 Returns a value. More...
IlBoolean isLanguageSensitive () const
 Returns the language sensitive. More...
void setLanguageSensitive (IlBoolean f)
 Sets the language sensitive. More...
virtual void write (IL_STDPREF ostream &output) const
 Writes to stream. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IliTable
void addErrorSink (IliErrorSink *sink)
 Adds an error sink. More...
virtual IlBoolean allowRowMove () const
 Returns IlTrue if the table (or subclass of the table) allows row move operations. More...
IlInt appendParameter (const char *paramName, const IliDatatype *type, IlInt maxlen=-1)
 Appends a new parameter to the table parameters. More...
IlInt appendRow (IliTableBuffer *tblBuf)
 Appends a new row defined by the table buffer. More...
IlInt appendRowInCache (IliTableBuffer *tblBuf)
 Appends a new row defined by the table buffer. More...
virtual IlBoolean applyQueryMode (IliTable *queryTable)
 Applies the query specified by the conditions contained in the provided table. More...
IliValue at (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno) const
 Returns a value. More...
IliValue at (IlInt rowno, IliName colname) const
 Returns a value. More...
virtual IlBoolean checkConstraints (IlInt rowno, IliTableBuffer *buff) const
 Validates the table buffer data. More...
virtual void clearRows ()
 Deletes all rows. More...
IliTablecopyTable () const
 Returns a copy of the table. More...
void deleteParameter (IlInt paramno)
 Deletes a parameter. More...
virtual IlBoolean deleteRow (IlInt rowno)
 Deletes a row. More...
virtual IlBoolean deleteRowInCache (IlInt rowno)
 Deletes a row. More...
void enableColumnCompletion (IlInt colno, IlBoolean flag)
 Specifies whether completion is enabled for the column. More...
virtual IlBoolean exchangeRows (IlInt rowno1, IlInt rowno2)
 Exchanges two rows. More...
virtual IlBoolean exchangeRowsInCache (IlInt rowno1, IlInt rowno2)
 Exchanges two rows. More...
virtual IlInt fetchAll ()
 Fetches all remaining rows and stores them in the local row cache. More...
virtual IlBoolean fetchCompleted () const
 Returns IlTrue, if all the rows have been fetched from the database and stored in the local row cache. More...
virtual IlInt fetchNext (IlInt count=1)
 Fetches up a number of rows from the database and stores them in the local row cache. More...
IlInt findFirstRow (const IliValue &value, IlInt colno, IlBoolean complete, IlInt fromRow=0, IlInt toRow=-1) const
 Searches for a row located between two positions. More...
IlInt findRow (const IliValue &value, IlInt colno, IlBoolean complete, IlInt fromRow=0, IlInt toRow=-1) const
 Searches for a row located between two positions. More...
IliTableBuffergetBuffer ()
 Returns a table buffer for the table. More...
IlBoolean getColumnDisplayValue (IlInt colno, const IliValue &value, IliValue &displayValue, IlvGraphicHolder *=NULL)
 Returns the display value for a value. More...
IliTablegetColumnEffectiveForeignTable (IlInt colno, IlvGraphicHolder *h=NULL) const
 Returns the effective foreign table. More...
const char * getColumnForeignDataSourceName (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the name of the data source that will provide a foreign table for one column. More...
const char * getColumnForeignDisplayColumn (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the name of the display column in the foreign table. More...
IliTablegetColumnForeignTable (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the foreign table of one column. More...
const char * getColumnForeignValueColumn (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the name of the value column in the foreign table. More...
IlAny getCompareData () const
 Returns the user data that can be used to compare two rows. More...
IliCompareFunction getCompareFunction () const
 Returns the function that is used to compare two rows. More...
const IliTablePropertyManagergetDefaultPropertyManager () const
 Returns the default property manager. More...
IliTablePropertyManagergetDefaultPropertyManager ()
 Returns the default property manager. More...
IlvGadgetHolder * getGadgetHolder () const
 Returns the gadget holder to which the table is attached. More...
IliTablePropertyManagergetNamedPropertyManager (const char *name) const
 Returns a property manager from its name. More...
IlInt getNamedPropertyManagerCount () const
 Returns the number of named property managers. More...
const char * getParameterColumnName (IlInt paramno) const
 Returns the name of the column, which the parameter is attached to. More...
const char * getParameterDataSourceName (IlInt paramno) const
 Returns the name of the data source which the parameter is attached to. More...
IliValue getParameterDataSourceValue (IlInt paramno) const
 Returns the current value of one parameter. More...
IlInt getParameterIndex (const char *name) const
 Returns the position of one parameter. More...
IlInt getParameterMaxLength (IlInt paramno) const
 Returns the maximum length allowed for one parameter. More...
const char * getParameterName (IlInt paramno) const
 Returns a parameter name. More...
IlInt getParametersCount () const
 Returns the number of parameters defined for this table. More...
const IliDatatypegetParameterType (IlInt paramno) const
 Returns the parameter type. More...
IliValue getParameterValue (IlInt paramno) const
 Returns the current value of one parameter. More...
IliValue getParameterValue (IliName paramName) const
 Returns the current value of one parameter. More...
IlBoolean getProperty (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, const IlvSymbol *propName, IliValue &propVal) const
 Returns a property value attached to the part of the table. More...
IlInt getPropertyCount (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno) const
 Returns the property count attached to the part of the table. More...
const char * getPropertyManagerNameAt (IlInt idx) const
 Returns the name of the named property manager. More...
const IlvSymbolgetPropertyNameAt (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, IlInt propIndex) const
 Returns a property name attached to the part of the table. More...
IliRowPtr getRowPtr (IlInt rowno=-1) const
 Returns an IliRowPtr that points to one row. More...
virtual IliRowStatus getRowStatus (IlInt rowno) const
 Returns the status of one row. More...
IliTransactionManagergetTransactionManager () const
 Returns the transaction manager managing the table. More...
const char * getTransactionManagerName () const
 Returns the name of the transaction manager that manages the table. More...
virtual IlBoolean insertRow (IlInt rowno, IliTableBuffer *buff)
 Inserts a row that is defined by the table buffer. More...
virtual IlBoolean insertRowInCache (IlInt rowno, IliTableBuffer *buff)
 Inserts a row that is defined by the table buffer. More...
virtual IlBoolean insertRowsFrom (const IliTable *src, IlInt srcFromRow=0, IlInt srcToRow=-1, IlBoolean stopAtFirstError=IlTrue, IlInt insertAt=-1)
 Inserts rows into this table by copying them from another table. More...
IlBoolean isColumnCompletionEnabled (IlInt colno) const
 Returns IlTrue if completion is enabled for the column. More...
IlBoolean isColumnValueConstrained (IlInt colno) const
 Returns IlTrue if the column is constrained to taking its values from the domain of the value column of the foreign table. More...
IlBoolean isModified () const
 Returns IlTrue if the rows of the table have been modified since the last time. More...
virtual IlBoolean isQueryModeSupported () const
 Returns IlTrue if the table supports query mode. More...
virtual IlBoolean isSelectDone () const
 Returns IlTrue if the select member function has been called since the object was constructed. More...
virtual IliTablemakeQueryTable () const
 Returns a memory table having the same number of columns as this table. More...
virtual IlBoolean moveRow (IlInt from, IlInt to)
 Moves a row. More...
virtual IlBoolean moveRowInCache (IlInt from, IlInt to)
 Moves a row. More...
IliTablePropertyManagernewNamedPropertyManager (const char *name)
 Creates and returns a new named property manager. More...
virtual IliTablePropertyManagernewPropertyManager ()
 Creates and returns a new anonymous property manager. More...
virtual IlBoolean refreshAndLockRow (IlInt rowno)
 Refreshes and lock a row. More...
virtual IlBoolean refreshRow (IlInt rowno)
 Refreshes a row. More...
void releaseBuffer (IliTableBuffer *buff)
 Releases a table buffer. More...
void removeErrorSink (IliErrorSink *sink)
 Removes an error sink from this table. More...
void removeNamedPropertyManager (const char *name)
 Removes a property manager. More...
void removeProperty (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, const IlvSymbol *propName)
 Removes a property from the part of the table. More...
virtual IlBoolean select ()
 Reads all rows from a remote database. More...
IlBoolean set (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, const IliValue &value)
 Sets a value. More...
IlBoolean set (IlInt rowno, IliName colname, const IliValue &value)
 Sets a value. More...
void setColumnForeignDataSourceName (IlInt colno, const char *dsname)
 Sets the name of the foreign data source for one column. More...
void setColumnForeignDisplayColumn (IlInt colno, const char *name)
 Sets the name of the display column in the foreign table. More...
void setColumnForeignTable (IlInt colno, IliTable *table)
 Sets the foreign table of one column. More...
void setColumnForeignValueColumn (IlInt colno, const char *name)
 Sets the name of the value column in the foreign table. More...
void setColumnValueConstrained (IlInt colno, IlBoolean flag)
 Specifies that the column is constrained to take its values from the domain of the value column of the foreign table. More...
void setCompareFunction (IliCompareFunction fct, IlAny arg=0)
 Defines the function and user data that must be used to compare two rows. More...
void setGadgetHolder (IlvGadgetHolder *gadHold)
 Attaches the table to a gadget holder. More...
IlBoolean setInCache (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, const IliValue &value)
 Sets a value. More...
virtual void setModified (IlBoolean flag)
 Sets the value of the modified property of the table. More...
void setParameterColumnName (IlInt paramno, const char *colname)
 Attaches a parameter to one column. More...
void setParameterDataSourceName (IlInt paramno, const char *dsname)
 Attaches one parameter to one data source. More...
void setParameterMaxLength (IlInt paramno, IlInt maxlen)
 Sets the maximum length allowed for the parameter. More...
void setParameterName (IlInt paramno, const char *name)
 Sets a parameter name. More...
void setParameterType (IlInt paramno, const IliDatatype *type)
 Sets the type of one parameter. More...
void setParameterValue (IlInt paramno, const IliValue &value)
 Sets the value of one parameter. More...
void setParameterValue (IliName paramName, const IliValue &value)
 Sets the value of one parameter. More...
void setProperty (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, const IlvSymbol *propName, const IliValue &propVal)
 Sets a property value to a part of the table. More...
void setTransactionManager (IliTransactionManager *tm)
 Changes the transaction that manages this table. More...
void setTransactionManagerName (const char *name)
 Changes the transaction that manages this table. More...
void sortRows (const IlInt *colnoArray, IlInt columnsCount, IlInt fromRow=0, IlInt toRow=-1, IliCompareFunction fct=0, IlAny data=0)
 Sorts a set of rows. More...
virtual IlBoolean updateRow (IlInt rowno, IliTableBuffer *buff)
 Updates a row with the values in the table buffer. More...
virtual IlBoolean updateRowInCache (IlInt rowno, IliTableBuffer *buff)
 Updates a row. More...
void writeTable (IL_STDPREF ostream &output) const
 Writes the definition of the table to an output stream, in a form suitable to be read back by the ReadTable static member function. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IliSchema
 IliSchema (IlvDisplay *)
 This constructor initializes a schema object. More...
 IliSchema (const IliSchema &)
 This is the copy constructor of the IliSchema class.
 IliSchema (IlvDisplay *display, IL_STDPREF istream &input)
 This constructor initializes a schema by reading its definition from an input stream. More...
void addHook (IliTableHook *hook)
 Adds a hook to the list of hooks of the schema object. More...
virtual IlBoolean allowColumnMove () const
 Returns IlTrue if columns can be moved to this schema. More...
IlInt appendColumn (const char *name, const IliDatatype *type, IlInt maxlen=-1)
 Appends a new column to the schema. More...
const IliDatatypeasDatatype () const
 Returns the data type that is defined by this schema. More...
virtual IlBoolean deleteColumn (IlInt colno)
 Deletes a column. More...
void endOfBatch ()
 Used in conjunction with the startOfBatch member function to terminate a series of modifications on the schema. More...
IlvAlignment getColumnAlignment (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the column alignment. More...
const char * getColumnDefault (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the default value for one column. More...
IlInt getColumnDisplayWidth (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the display width, in pixels, of one column. More...
const IliFormatgetColumnFormat (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the format of one column. More...
IlInt getColumnIndex (const char *name) const
 Returns the position of the column. More...
IlInt getColumnIndex (IlInt token) const
 Returns the position of the column. More...
const char * getColumnLabel (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the label of one column. More...
const IliInputMaskgetColumnMask (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the input mask of one column. More...
IlInt getColumnMaxLength (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the maximum length allowed for one column. More...
const char * getColumnName (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the name of the column. More...
IlInt getColumnsCount () const
 Returns the number of columns in the schema. More...
const char * getColumnTitle (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the title of one column. More...
IlInt getColumnToken (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the token of the column. More...
const IliDatatypegetColumnType (IlInt colno) const
 Returns the type of the column. More...
IlvDisplaygetDisplay () const
 Returns the display of the schema object. More...
const char * getElementTypeName () const
 Returns the type name of the objects in the collection. More...
const IliSchemagetNestedSchema (const IliAttributePath &path) const
 Returns the nested schema. More...
IliSchemagetNestedSchema (const IliAttributePath &path)
 Returns the nested schema. More...
const char * getSchemaName () const
 Returns the schema name. More...
IlBoolean hasHook (IliTableHook *hook) const
 Returns True if the hook is already into the list of hooks of the schema object. More...
virtual IlBoolean insertColumn (IlInt colno, const char *colname, const IliDatatype *type, IlInt maxlen=-1)
 Inserts a new column in the schema. More...
IlBoolean isACollection () const
 Returns IlTrue if the schema defines a type that is a collection of objects or values. More...
IlBoolean isASimpleCollection () const
 Returns IlTrue if the schema is defined as a simple collection type. More...
IlBoolean isColumnNullable (IlInt colno) const
 Returns IlTrue if the column allows null values. More...
IlBoolean isColumnPartOfKey (IlInt colno) const
 Returns IlTrue if the column is part of the primary key of the schema. More...
IlBoolean isColumnReadOnly (IlInt colno) const
 Returns IlTrue if the column is read-only. More...
IlBoolean isColumnVisible (IlInt colno) const
 Returns IlTrue if the column should be visible. More...
IlBoolean isPrimaryKeyDefined () const
 Returns IlTrue if the schema has one or more columns defined as being part of the primary key. More...
virtual IlBoolean moveColumn (IlInt from, IlInt to)
 Moves a column. More...
void removeHook (IliTableHook *hook)
 Removes a hook from the list of hooks of the schema object. More...
void setAsCollection (IlBoolean flag)
 Sets the schema as a collection type. More...
void setAsSimpleCollection (IlBoolean flag)
 Sets the schema as a simple collection type. More...
virtual void setColumnAlignment (IlInt colno, IlvAlignment align)
 Sets the alignment of one column. More...
virtual void setColumnDefault (IlInt colno, const char *val)
 Sets the default value for one column. More...
virtual void setColumnDisplayWidth (IlInt colno, IlInt width)
 Sets the display width of one column. More...
virtual void setColumnFormat (IlInt colno, const IliFormat &fmt)
 Sets the format of the column. More...
virtual void setColumnLabel (IlInt colno, const char *label)
 Sets the label of one column. More...
virtual void setColumnMask (IlInt colno, const IliInputMask &mask)
 Sets the input mask of one column. More...
virtual void setColumnMaxLength (IlInt colno, IlInt maxlen)
 Sets the maximum length for one column. More...
virtual void setColumnName (IlInt colno, const char *colname)
 Sets the name of the column. More...
virtual void setColumnNullable (IlInt colno, IlBoolean nullable)
 Determines if the column positioned at colno is nullable (that is, may contain null values). More...
virtual void setColumnPartOfKey (IlInt colno, IlBoolean partOfKey)
 Specifies whether the column is part of the primary key. More...
virtual void setColumnReadOnly (IlInt colno, IlBoolean readOnly)
 Specifies whether a column is read-only. More...
virtual void setColumnTitle (IlInt colno, const char *title)
 Sets the title of one column. More...
virtual void setColumnType (IlInt colno, const IliDatatype *type)
 Sets the type of the column. More...
virtual void setColumnVisible (IlInt colno, IlBoolean visible)
 Sets the column visibility. More...
void setElementTypeName (const char *name)
 Sets the element type name. More...
void setSchemaName (const char *name)
 Sets the schema name. More...
void startOfBatch ()
 Used to start a series of modifications on the schema object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IliRefCounted
IlInt getRefCount () const
 Returns the reference count of the object. Initially, this property is set to 0. More...
void lock () const
 Increments the reference count of the object.
void unLock () const
 Decrements the reference count of the object. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static IliMapTableGetBooleanMap (IlvDisplay *display)
 Returns a table with the string representation for Boolean value. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IliTable
static IliTableReadTable (IlvDisplay *disp, IL_STDPREF istream &input)
 Constructs and returns an instance of a subclass of IliTable by reading its definition from an input stream. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from IliTable
virtual void cellChanged (IlInt rowno, IlInt colno)
 Called just after a cell has changed. More...
virtual void raiseError (const IliErrorMessage &msg) const
 Called each time an error occurs. More...
virtual void rowChanged (IlInt rowno)
 Called just after the row at position rowno has changed (that is, when one or more values in the row have changed). More...
virtual void rowDeleted (IlInt rowno)
 Called just after a row has been removed from the table. More...
virtual void rowFetched (IlInt rowno)
 Called just after a new row has been fetched from a remote database and inserted. More...
virtual void rowInserted (IlInt rowno)
 Called just after a new row has been inserted. More...
virtual void rowMoved (IlInt src, IlInt dest)
 Called just after a row has moved. More...
virtual void rowToBeChanged (IlInt rowno)
 Called just before the row is changed. More...
virtual void rowToBeDeleted (IlInt rowno)
 Called just before a row is removed from the table. More...
virtual void tableChanged ()
 Called when the IliTable object has undergone a significant number of changes. More...

Detailed Description

Table class.

Library: dataccess

The IliMapTable class defines read-only tables that are typically used as maps to convert values from one set into values from another set. An IliMapTable instance consists of two columns: the first contains objects of type integer, and the second contains objects of type character string.

See Also
IliMapEntry, IliTable.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IliMapTable::IliMapTable ( IlvDisplay ,
const IliMapEntry map,
IlBoolean  owner = IlFalse 


This constructor creates a map table where the rows are taken from the mapEntries parameter, which must point to an array of IliMapEntry structures. The last structure in the array must contain 0 for both the value and the label members. The owner parameter specifies whether the newly created map table will own the mapEntries array, or not.

const IliMapEntry mapEntries [] = {
1, "One",
2, "Two",
3, "Three",
0, 0
IliMapTable* aMapTable = new IliMapTable(dpy,mapEntries,IlFalse);
IliMapTable::IliMapTable ( const IliMapTable table)

Copy constructor.

This is the copy constructor of the IliMapTable class.

tableThe origin table.
IliMapTable::IliMapTable ( IlvDisplay display,
IL_STDPREF istream &  input 

Stream constructor.

This constructor creates a map table by reading an input stream.

displayThe display.
inputThe input stream.

Member Function Documentation

static IliMapTable* IliMapTable::GetBooleanMap ( IlvDisplay display)

Returns a table with the string representation for Boolean value.

displayThe display.
A static map table that can be used to map the two Boolean values into a character string representation.
virtual IlInt IliMapTable::getRowsCount ( ) const

Returns the number of rows in the table.

The count.

Reimplemented from IliTable.

virtual IlBoolean IliMapTable::getValue ( IlInt  rowno,
IlInt  colno,
IliValue value 
) const

Returns a value.

This member function handles the fetching of the row (and all preceding rows) as necessary.

rownoThe row position.
colnoThe column position.
valueThe value.
IlTrue if successful.

Reimplemented from IliTable.

IlBoolean IliMapTable::isLanguageSensitive ( ) const

Returns the language sensitive.

IlTrue if the map table uses the message database of the display to translate the values of the second column.
void IliMapTable::setLanguageSensitive ( IlBoolean  f)

Sets the language sensitive.

Sets the language-sensitive property of the map table.

fThe sensitive.
virtual void IliMapTable::write ( IL_STDPREF ostream &  output) const

Writes to stream.

Writes out a map table to an output stream in a form suitable to be read back by the stream-oriented IliMapTable constructor.

outputThe output stream.

Reimplemented from IliTable.

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