Rogue Wave Views Gadgets > Understanding Gadgets > Gadget Holders > List of Available Gadget Holders
List of Available Gadget Holders
The IlvGadgetContainer objects are not the only gadget holders that Rogue Wave® Views Gadgets provide. This section introduces you to other available gadget holders:
*Gadget Managers
*Paned Containers
You will find also information about:
*Limitations in the use of gadget holders
Gadget Managers
The IlvGadgetManager class is a subclass of the IlvManager class that deals with gadgets. For details about managers, see the related User’s Manual. Unlike IlvManager objects, instances of IlvGadgetManager have only one associated view because gadgets, cannot appear in several views at the same time, whereas basic graphic objects can.
As a general rule, unless you want to save gadgets to an .ilv file (the Rogue Wave Views format), we recommend that you use gadget containers rather than gadget managers to store gadgets.
You can display gadgets inside notebook pages. Actually, default notebook pages are implemented using gadget containers. For more information, see Handling Notebook Pages.
A matrix is a special gadget made up of rows and columns. Each matrix item can contain a gadget that has its own behavior inside the matrix. For details, see Using Gadgets in a Matrix.
Gadgets can be displayed inside a toolbar. For details, see Managing Gadgets in a Toolbar.
Paned Containers
The IlvPanedContainer class is a subclass of IlvGadgetContainer that divides the container into panes. Each panes can encapsulate a gadget. For details, see Creating a Graphic Pane.
We do not recommend that you use simple containers to store gadgets since these objects do not implement features such as keyboard focus management. Adding gadgets to these containers might produce unexpected results.
In addition, gadgets cannot be zoomed in or out. As a consequence, we do not recommend that you modify the scaling factor of a gadget holder.

Version 5.7
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