Rogue Wave Views 5.6

Rogue Wave Views
Prototypes Package API Reference Guide

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Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
IlvAbstractEventAccessorAbstract class handling event behaviors, usually mouse or keyboard events
IlvAbstractProtoLibraryAbstract base class of prototype libraries
IlvAccessibleAbstract class providing queryValue, changeValue, conversion, and introspection methods
IlvAccessorBase class of all dynamic accessors
IlvAccessorDescriptorAccessor description
IlvAccessorHolderOwns a list of objects of the class IlvAccessor class
IlvAccessorParameterProvides information for a single parameter of an IlvUserAccessor
IlvAnimationAccessorBase class of user accessor classes used for animating objects
IlvBlinkAccessorMakes objects blink by switching their visible value back and forth
IlvCallbackAccessorAllows user actions that trigger a callback to, in turn, set an attribute
IlvCompositeAccessorAssign the current attribute value to multiple other attributes or subattributes
IlvConditionAccessorModifies an attribute depending on a condition
IlvCounterAccessorDefines a counter
IlvDebugAccessorPrints a trace each time it is queried or changed
IlvEventAccessorHandling events behavior (usually mouse or keyboard events)
IlvExportOutputAccessorCombination of IlvExportAccessor and IlvOutputAccessor
IlvFillAccessorPolygon filling behavior
IlvFormatAccessorFormat a float value into a string
IlvGraphicNodeGroup node encapsulating a graphic object
IlvGroupBase class to hold graphic objects together and assign behaviors to them
IlvGroupAccessorGrouping accessors to change or query all the nodes of a group in one pass
IlvGroupFileBase class for handling input/output of groups
IlvGroupGraphicGraphic object encapsulating an IlvGroup
IlvGroupHolderAbstract base class for containers and managers holding IlvGroups
IlvGroupInputFileMain class for reading groups from a stream. It provides contextual information
IlvGroupMediatorMediator between a 'Business Graphic Object' and its corresponding object in the application
IlvGroupNodeBase class for objects held in a group
IlvGroupOutputFileMain class for writing groups to a stream
IlvGroupUserAccessorReferences all the subattributes of a group that have the same name
IlvInvertAccessorAnimation accessor used to make objects blink by alternating two of their attributes
IlvJavaScriptAccessorUser accessor whose behavior is implemented by a script
IlvLoopbackAccessorWatch attribute behavior
IlvMinMaxAccessorModifies an attribute with respect to numerical bounds
IlvMultipleAccessorAccessor allowing handling several values at the same time
IlvMultipleGroupAccessorCombines the features of IlvGroupAccessor and IlvMultipleAccessor
IlvMultipleUserAccessorBase class for accessors that represent several attributes
IlvMultiRepAccessorSwitch between different representations
IlvNodeAccessorReference to another attribute or subattribute of an IlvGroup object
IlvOutputAccessorNotifying behavior
IlvProtoGraphicEncapsulates an IlvGroup into a regular IlvGraphic
IlvProtoGraphicInteractorInteractor propagating events into graphic objects held by a protographic
IlvProtoInstanceClone of a prototype
IlvProtoLibrarySimple prototype library implementation based on file system directories
IlvProtoMediatorSelf-instantiating link between a 'Business Graphic Object' and its corresponding object in the application
IlvPrototypeClonable group
IlvPrototypeAccessorDelegates a full behavior to a prototype
IlvRotateAccessorMakes groups or group nodes repeatedly rotate around a given center
IlvRotationAccessorBehavior to set the rotation angle of a graphic object
IlvSlideXAccessorTranslate a node horizontally
IlvSlideYAccessorTranslates a node horizontally
IlvSubGroupNodeGroup node handling a subgroup
IlvSwitchAccessorImplements a switch statement
IlvToggleAccessorSwitch a Boolean attribute back and forth between IlTrue and IlFalse
IlvTriggerAccessorAssign a value to another attribute or subattribute of the accessor holder
IlvUserAccessorBase class for persistent behaviors
IlvValueAccessorStores the values of an attribute
IlvValueArrayArray of IlvValue objects
IlvZoomXAccessorBehavior to set the X scaling factor of a graphic object
IlvZoomYAccessorBehavior to set the X scaling factor of a graphic object
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