![]() Rogue Wave Views 5.6 |
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IlvAlbersEqualAreaProjection | This class defines the Albers Equal Area Conic projection |
IlvAttributeArray | This feature attribute is itself an array of feature attributes |
IlvAzimuthalEquidistantProjection | This class defines the Azimuthal Equidistant projection |
IlvBooleanAttribute | This feature attribute stores Boolean values |
IlvCADRGCoverage | Stores information about a CADRG coverage as described in a CADRG table of contents |
IlvCADRGFrame | This class defines a CADRG frame as described in the CADRG table of contents |
IlvCADRGFrameReader | This class is used to read CADGR frames |
IlvCADRGLayer | This class implements a CADRG layer that displays a CADRG coverage using the load-on-demand process |
IlvCADRGTocReader | This class reads the table of contents of a CADRG file |
IlvCassiniProjection | This class defines the Cassini projection |
IlvConicProjection | This abstract class is the base class for all the conic projections in the library |
IlvCoordinate | An IlvCoordinate object is a point defined by two values in double precision |
IlvCylindricalEqualAreaProjection | This class defines the Cylindrical Equal Area projection |
IlvDefaultAreaRenderer | This renderer translates a map feature whose geometry is a predefined subclass of IlvMapArea into an IlvMapGeneralPath or into an IlvGraphicSet or IlvMapGeneralPath if the geometry is an IlvMapMultiArea |
IlvDefaultCurveRenderer | This renderer translates a map feature whose geometry is a predefined subclass of IlvMapCurve into an IlvMapGeneralPath or into an IlvGraphicSet of IlvMapGeneralPath if the geometry is an IlvMapMultiCurve |
IlvDefaultDataPathResolver | Resolves a relative path name using a specified path |
IlvDefaultFeatureRenderer | This feature renderer can translate all the predefined geometries of Rogue Wave Views into graphic objects |
IlvDefaultImageRenderer | This renderer translates a map feature whose geometry is an IlvMapImage into an IlvZoomableIcon |
IlvDefaultObjectSDOTileLoader | This class implements an IlvTileLoader to load tiles from Oracle 9i Spatial, using the SDO object model |
IlvDefaultPointRenderer | This renderer translates a map feature whose geometry is an IlvMapPoint into an IlvMarker |
IlvDefaultRasterRenderer | This renderer translates a map feature whose geometry is an IlvMapRaster into an IlvZoomableIcon whose colors indicate the value of the raster |
IlvDefaultSDOTileLoader | This tile loader loads a complete SDO layer with tiles that are equivalent to the SDO tiles |
IlvDefaultTextRenderer | This renderer translates a map feature whose geometry is an IlvMapText into an IlvLabel |
IlvDefaultTileCache | The default cache of the tile controllers |
IlvDoubleAttribute | This feature attribute stores an attribute of type double |
IlvDSIDRecord | This class corresponds to the DSID record of the S57 format |
IlvDSPMRecord | This class corresponds to the DSPM record of the S57 format |
IlvDTEDLayer | A layer that displays a DTED coverage using the load-on-demand mechanism |
IlvDTEDReader | This class can be used to read DTED files |
IlvEllipsoid | This class defines an ellipsoid |
IlvEquidistantCylindricalProjection | This class defines the Equidistant Cylindrical projection |
IlvFeatureAttribute | This class is the base class for the attributes of the map features |
IlvFeatureAttributeInfo | This class is used to store the names and types of map attributes |
IlvFeatureAttributeProperty | This class is used to store the values of map attributes |
IlvFeatureRenderer | Subclasses of this abstract class are used to translate an IlvMapFeature into a graphic object |
IlvFrenchLambertProjection | This class defines the Lambert projection used in France |
IlvFRIDRecord | This class corresponds to the FRID record of the S57 format |
IlvGeographicProjection | This class defines the Geographic projection |
IlvGeoTIFFLayer | This class is an IlvTiledLayer specialized for loading tiled GeoTIFF files |
IlvGeoTIFFReader | This class is an IlvMapFeatureIterator specialized for reading GeoTIFF files |
IlvGeoTIFFTileLoader | This class is an IlvTileLoader specialized for reading GeoTIFF files |
IlvGeoTIFFTiler | A GeoTIFF file tiler |
IlvGnomonicProjection | This class defines the Gnomonic projection |
IlvHorizontalDatum | This abstract class is the base class for classes describing a horizontal datum |
IlvHorizontalDatumConverter | The abstract class for all datum converters |
IlvHorizontalDatumConverterFactory | An abstract class providing services to select the appropriate converter between two datums |
IlvHorizontalShiftDatum | This class describes a horizontal datum |
IlvI8211Field | This class corresponds to a field from the ISO 8211 definition |
IlvI8211Record | This class corresponds to a record from the ISO 8211 definition |
IlvI8211RefCount | This class is used to manage the objects which are shared by several other objects |
IlvIconPointRenderer | This renderer translates a map feature whose geometry is an IlvMapPoint into an IlvIcon |
IlvImageLayer | This class is an IlvTiledLayer specialized for loading a set of images, each image representing a tile in a tiled data set |
IlvImageReader | This class is an IlvMapFeatureIterator specialized for reading image files. The supported image formats are those supported by Rogue Wave Views |
IlvImageTileLoader | This class is an IlvMapTileLoader specialized for loading a set of images, each image representing a tile in a tiled data set |
IlvIntegerAttribute | This feature attribute stores integer values |
IlvIntervalColorModel | This class implements a color model that performs a linear interpolation to compute the pixel colors with intervals specified by the user |
IlvLambertAzimuthalEqualAreaProjection | This class defines the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection |
IlvLambertConformalConicProjection | This class defines the Lambert Conformal Conic projection |
IlvLambertEqualAreaConicProjection | This class defines the Lambert Equal Area Conic projection |
IlvLookAheadFeatureIterator | Defines an abstract class for feature iterators that have a look ahead ability |
IlvMapAdapter | Defines the Coordinate Adapter class |
IlvMapArcSegment | This class defines a circular arc segment |
IlvMapArcString | This subclass of IlvMapSegmentString is optimized to handle strings that contain only IlvMapArcSegment instances |
IlvMapArea | This abstract class is the base class of the map geometry that define an area |
IlvMapAreaRenderingStyle | This rendering style stores style parameters to render areas |
IlvMapAttributeInfo | Store the names and types of map attributes |
IlvMapAttributeProperty | Associates additional attributes with graphic objects |
IlvMapCircle | This class defines a circle |
IlvMapCircularRing | This class defines a ring whose stroke is an IlvMapCircle |
IlvMapColorModel | This class allows mapping from integer values to RGB colors |
IlvMapCompass | A compass object |
IlvMapCoordViewer | Displays the coordinates of the mouse when it is on top of an IlvView displaying a map |
IlvMapCurve | This abstract class is the base class of the map geometries that define a 1-dimension curve |
IlvMapCurveString | This implementation fo the IlvMapSegmentString class supports any sequence of IlvMapSegment |
IlvMapDataPathManager | This class is a data path manager that uses a set of IlvMapDataPathResolver s to resolve paths |
IlvMapDataPathResolver | This abstract class defines a path resolver |
IlvMapDefaultNeedle | A default needle used by the IlvMapCompass class |
IlvMapDefaultScaleBar | The default scale bar used by IlvMapScale when none is provided by the user |
IlvMapFeature | This class represents a simple map feature, that is, an object with a geometry that can be rendered graphically and, optionally, a list of attributes |
IlvMapFeatureDoubleId | This class represents a map feature identifier using an integer value |
IlvMapFeatureId | This abstract class represents a map feature identifier |
IlvMapFeatureIntegerId | This class represents a map feature identifier using an integer value |
IlvMapFeatureIterator | This class is the base class for feature iterators |
IlvMapFeatureStringId | This class represents a map feature identifier using an integer value |
IlvMapGeneralPath | The IlvMapGeneralPath class represents a geometric path constructed from segments |
IlvMapGeometry | This abstract class is the base class of the map geometry objects |
IlvMapGeometryCollection | The class defines a collection of any geometry elements |
IlvMapImage | This class defines an image |
IlvMapInfo | The IlvMapInfo class is used to attach map information to an IlvManager |
IlvMapInfoListener | This abstract class is the listener class for receiving notifications about map information changes |
IlvMapInput | This class defines an input stream with extended reading capabilities |
IlvMapLabel | This class implements an IlvLabel adapted to map applications |
IlvMapLinearSegment | This class defines a linear segment |
IlvMapLineRenderingStyle | This rendering style stores style parameters to draw lines |
IlvMapLineString | This subclass of IlvMapSegmentString is optimized to handle strings that contain only IlvMapLinearSegment instances |
IlvMapLoader | A convenience class to load map files into an IlvManager |
IlvMapMultiArea | This class defines an area that is composed of a list of IlvMapArea |
IlvMapMultiCurve | This class is used to represent 1-dimension geometries that are composed of a list of other curves |
IlvMapMultiPoint | This class defines a multipoint, which is a collection of points |
IlvMapPoint | This class defines a point |
IlvMapPolygon | This class defines a Polygon |
IlvMapRaster | This class defines a raster |
IlvMapRenderingStyle | This abstract class is the base class of the rendering styles |
IlvMapRing | This abstract class is the base class of all connected areas |
IlvMaps | |
IlvMapScale | A scale object that displays the scale of a view |
IlvMapSegment | This abstract class is the base class for the geometries that describe a connected curve that has a start point and an end point |
IlvMapSegmentRing | This class defines a ring whose stroke is an IlvMapSegmentString |
IlvMapSegmentString | This abstract class is the base class for segments that can be divided into other smaller segments |
IlvMapsLicenseManager | Deprecated This class provides services to check whether the license for the Rogue Wave Views Maps add-on is available, or to register a license |
IlvMapText | This class defines a georeferenced text |
IlvMapTileLoader | The base abstract class for tile loaders specialized in loading map formats |
IlvMercatorProjection | This class defines the Mercator projection |
IlvMillerCylindricalProjection | This class defines the Miller Cylindrical projection |
IlvMolodenskyConverter | This class implements an IlvHorizontalDatumConverter using the Molodensky formula |
IlvObjectSDOFeatureIterator | This class converts Oracle Spatial geometries retrieved from an Oracle database (9i and above), into IlvMapFeature objects |
IlvObjectSDOKeyExtractor | This class extracts keys used as feature IDs |
IlvObjectSDOLayer | Implements load-on-demand layer for an Oracle Spatial data source |
IlvObjectSDOUtil | Utility class for basic tasks on Oracle SDO Object Model (Oracle Spatial) |
IlvObjectSDOWriter | This class can write features to an Oracle Spatial layer, using the object model |
IlvOrthographicProjection | This class defines the Orthographic projection |
IlvPolyconicProjection | This class defines the Polyconic projection |
IlvProjection | All projections in the library inherit from this abstract class |
IlvProjectionClassInfo | This class provides run-time information about the IlvProjectionClass and its subclasses |
IlvProjectionDictionary | This class provides facilities to get the list of the implemented projections and to create projection instances by their names |
IlvProjectionInterface | This class provides facilities to get run-time information about the parameters of a projection, and to set or modify their values |
IlvS57AssocId | This class enables you to use long identifiers stored as 64 bits |
IlvS57Enumeration | This class is used to store the data of S57 Enumeration |
IlvS57EnumerationArray | This class is used to store a set of S57 enumeration objects |
IlvS57Loader | This class is used to get the list of features of the S57 files |
IlvS57Reader | This class is used to read an S57 file or an S57 catalog file |
IlvS57Record | This class is the base class of the different types of S57 records |
IlvS57Renderer | This feature renderer can translate all the predefined geometries of Rogue Wave Views into graphic objects |
IlvScaleVisibilityFilter | Controls the visibility of a layer according to the scale |
IlvSDODbmsFactory | An interface used to implement factories for DbLink IldDbms connections |
IlvSDOFeatureIterator | This class converts Oracle SDO geometries retrieved from an Oracle database into IlvMapFeature objects |
IlvSDOLayer | Implements load-on-demand for an Oracle SDO data source |
IlvSDOTileLoader | The base class (to be subclassed) to implement tile loaders for Oracle SDO |
IlvSDOUtil | Utility class for basic tasks on Oracle SDO relational Model |
IlvSDOWriter | This class can write the content of an IlvMapFeatureIterator to an Oracle SDO layer |
IlvShapeDBFReader | This class reads attributes from .dbf files |
IlvShapeFileIndex | This class allows applications to take advantage of ESRI Shapefile index files (.shx files). |
IlvShapeFileLayer | This class is an IlvMapTileLoader specialized for loading tiled shape files |
IlvShapeFileReader | This class reads geometries and attributes from Shape files |
IlvShapeFileTileLoader | This class implements a tile loader to read tiles from an ESRI Shapefile whose spatial index has been created |
IlvShapeFileTiler | A Shapefile tiler |
IlvShapeSHPReader | This class reads geometries from .shp files |
IlvShapeSpatialIndex | An IlvShapeSpatialIndex is used to store and retrieve tile information for a given Shapefile |
IlvStereographicProjection | This class defines the Stereographic projection |
IlvStringAttribute | This feature attribute stores strings |
IlvTile | This class represents the elementary element used by the load-on-demand process |
IlvTileCache | This class is used to manage the cached tiles of one or more tile controllers |
IlvTileController | This class manages the load-on-demand process |
IlvTiledLayer | A tiled layer is an IlvManagerLayer object for loading large sets of data, for example, large maps |
IlvTileListener | Used to be notified of the tile events (tile loaded, tile released, tile cached, and so on) |
IlvTileLoader | This abstract class is used to load a tile for an IlvTileController or an IlvTiledLayer |
IlvTransverseMercatorProjection | This class defines the Transverse Mercator projection |
IlvUnitConverter | This class provides facilities to convert Cartesian data to various measurement units |
IlvUniversalPolarStereographicProjection | This class defines the Universal Polar Stereographic projection, also known as the UPS projection |
IlvUniversalTransverseMercatorProjection | This class defines Universal Transverse Mercator projections, also known as UTM projections |
IlvUnknownProjection | This class is used to represent an Unknown projection |
IlvVRIDRecord | This class corresponds to the VRID record of the S57 format |
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