Rogue Wave Views 5.6 |
Rogue Wave Views |
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addDataSet(IlvChartDataSet *dataSet) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
allocDisplayerPoints() const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
boundingBox(IlvRect &bbox, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
boundingBoxOfItem(const IlvChartDisplayerPoints *displayerPoints, IlUInt pointIndex, IlUInt pointsCount, IlvPoint *points, IlvRect &bbox, IlBoolean takeInfoIntoAccount=IlTrue, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
boundingBoxOfPart(const IlvCoordInterval &abscissaRange, IlBoolean shiftOfCycleLength, IlvRect &partBBox, IlBoolean takeInfoIntoAccount, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [protected] |
boundingBoxOfPoints(IlvChartDisplayerPoints *displayerPoints, IlvRect &bbox, IlBoolean takeInfoIntoAccount, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
canBeProjectedIfOutOfBounds() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
computeItem(const IlvChartDisplayerPoints *displayerPoints, IlUInt pointIndex, IlUInt &usedPointsCount, IlvPoint *points, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
computeLimitsForDataSelection(const IlvRect &clipRect, const IlvCoordInterval &abscissaRange, const IlvCoordInterval &ordinateRange, IlvCoordInterval &abscissaSelectionRange, IlvCoordInterval &ordinateSelectionRange, IlBoolean &dataToSelect, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
computePalettes() | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
computeTopBottomShadows(IlvPalette *currentPalette, IlvPalette *&topShadow, IlvPalette *&bottomShadow) const | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
copy() const =0 | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [pure virtual] |
dataPointBBox(IlUInt dataPtIdx, IlvRect &bbox, IlBoolean takeInfoIntoAccount=IlTrue, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
dataPointToDisplay(const IlvDoublePoint &dataPoint, IlvPoint &point, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
dataSetAdded(IlUInt position=IlvLastPositionIndex) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
dataSetRemoved(IlUInt index) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
displayDataSet(const IlvChartDataSet *dataSet) const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
displayToDataPoint(const IlvPoint &point, IlvDoublePoint &dataPoint, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
draw(IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
drawDataPoint(IlUInt dataPtIdx, IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
drawDataPoints(IlUInt iMin, IlUInt iMax, IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
drawFill(IlBoolean b) | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
drawItem(const IlvChartDisplayerPoints *displayerPoints, IlUInt pointIndex, IlUInt pointCount, IlvPoint *points, IlvPalette *itemPalette, IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
drawLegendItem(IlvPort *dst, const IlvRect &legendArea, IlvPalette *itemPal, const IlvRegion *clip, IlAny clientData=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
drawPart(const IlvCoordInterval &abscissaRange, IlBoolean shiftOfCycleLength, IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [protected] |
drawPointInfos(const IlvChartDisplayerPoints *displayerPoints, IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0, const IlvChartDataSet *dataSet=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
drawPoints(IlvChartDisplayerPoints *displayerPoints, IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
drawTopFace(IlBoolean b) | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | |
getBackground(IlUInt index=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getChartGraphic() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
getClipArea(IlvRect &area, const IlvTransformer *t) const | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getDataDisplayArea(IlvRect &dataDisplayArea, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | |
getDataSet(IlUInt index=0) const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
getDataSetsCount() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
getDepth() const | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | |
getDisplayerPointsFactory() const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | |
getDisplayersCount() const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getDisplayItem(IlvChartDataSet *&dataSet, const IlvPoint &viewPoint, const IlvTransformer *t) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getDisplayPoint(const IlvChartDataSet *dataSet, IlUInt dataPtIdx, IlvPoint &point, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getForeground(IlUInt index=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getInternalLegendText(IlUInt index=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getItemPointsCount(const IlvChartDisplayerPoints *displayerPoints) const | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
getLegendText(IlUInt index=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getMaxDataSetsCount() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
getName() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
getNearestPoint(IlvChartDataSet *&dataSet, const IlvPoint &viewPoint, IlvDim distance, IlvPoint &point, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getNearestPointInsidePart(const IlvCoordInterval &abscissaRange, IlBoolean shiftOfCycleLength, IlvChartDataSet *&dataSet, const IlvPoint &viewPoint, IlvDim distance, IlvPoint &point, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [protected] |
getOrdinateInfo() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
getPalette(IlUInt=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getParentDisplayer() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
getPointInfo(IlUInt dataPtIdx, const IlvChartDataSet *dataSet=0) const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getPointInfoCollection(const IlvChartDataSet *dataSet) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getProjectedPointsPalette() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getRealDataSet(IlUInt index=0) const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
getRealDataSetsCount() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
getShiftOffset() const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | |
getSize() const | IlvBarChartDisplayer | |
getSizeAlongBase() const | IlvBarChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getStrokeThreshold() const | IlvBarChartDisplayer | |
getVirtualDataSet(const IlvChartDataSet *dataSet, IlUInt &index) const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getWidth() const | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
getWidthPercent() const | IlvBarChartDisplayer | |
graphicalRepresentationByDataPoint() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer(IlvDim width=IlvChartDisplayerWidth, IlvDim depth=IlvChartDisplayerDepth, IlvPalette *palette=0) | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | |
IlvAbstractChartDisplayer() | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [protected] |
IlvAbstractChartDisplayer(const IlvAbstractChartDisplayer &displayer) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [protected] |
IlvAbstractChartDisplayer(IlvInputFile &file) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [protected] |
IlvBarChartDisplayer(IlvDim width=IlvChartDisplayerWidth, IlvPalette *palette=0) | IlvBarChartDisplayer | |
IlvSingleChartDisplayer(IlvPalette *palette=0) | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [protected] |
IlvSingleChartDisplayer(IlvInputFile &file) | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [protected] |
IlvSingleChartDisplayer(const IlvSingleChartDisplayer &displayer) | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [protected] |
insertDataSet(IlvChartDataSet *dataSet, IlUInt index=IlvLastPositionIndex) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
isContinuous() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
isDrawingFill() const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | |
isDrawingTopFace() const | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | |
isFilled() const | IlvBarChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
isViewable() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
isVisible() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
Load(IlvInputFile &file) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [static] |
pointsContains(const IlvPoint &viewPoint, IlvChartDisplayerPoints *, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
releaseDisplayerPoints(IlvChartDisplayerPoints *dispPts) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
removeDataSet(IlvChartDataSet *dataSet) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
removeDataSets() | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
removePointInfoCollection(const IlvChartDataSet *dataSet) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
replaceDataSet(IlvChartDataSet *oldDataSet, IlvChartDataSet *newDataSet) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
save(IlvOutputFile &file) const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
selectDataPointsForPoint(IlUInt dataPtIdx, IlUInt &count, IlUInt *&dataPtIdxes) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
selectDataPointsForRange(const IlvCoordInterval &abscissaRange, IlUInt &pointCount, IlUInt *&dataPtIdxes, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRect *clip=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
selectDataPointsInRect(IlUInt &pointCount, IlUInt *&dataPtIdxes, IlvRect pickRect, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
setBackground(IlvColor *color, IlUInt index=0) | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setChartGraphic(IlvChartGraphic *chart) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setDataPoint(IlvChartDataSet *dataSet, IlUInt dataPtIdx, const IlvPoint &point, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setDataSet(IlvChartDataSet *dataSet, IlUInt index=0) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setDataSet(IlvChartDataSet *dataSet, IlvPalette *palette, IlUInt index=0) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
setDataSets(IlUInt count, IlvChartDataSet *const *dataSets) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setDepth(IlvDim depth) | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | |
setDisplayerPointsFactory(IlvChartDisplayerPointsFactory *factory) | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | |
setForeground(IlvColor *color, IlUInt index=0) | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setLegendItems(IlvChartLegend *legend) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setLegendText(const char *text, IlUInt index=0) | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setMode(IlvDrawMode mode) | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setName(const char *name) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
setOrdinateInfo(IlvCoordinateInfo *ordinateInfo) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setOverwrite(IlBoolean o) | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setPalette(IlvPalette *pal, IlUInt index=0) | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setParentDisplayer(const IlvCompositeChartDisplayer *displayer) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
setPointInfoCollection(const IlvChartDataSet *dataSet, IlvPointInfoCollection *ptInfoCollection) | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setShiftOffset(IlvPos offset) | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | |
setStrokeThreshold(IlUInt threshold) | IlvBarChartDisplayer | |
setVirtualDataSet(IlvCombinedChartDataSet *vDataSet, IlUInt index=0) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
setVisible(IlBoolean visible) | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | |
setWidth(IlvDim width) | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
setWidthPercent(IlUInt width) | IlvBarChartDisplayer | |
treatPointsOutOfAbscissaLimits(const IlvRect &dataDisplayArea, IlvChartDisplayerPoints *displayerPoints, const IlvCoordInterval &abscissaRange, const IlvPoint &minLimit, const IlvPoint &maxLimit) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
update() | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
updateVirtualDataSets() | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
usePointInfo() const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
useVirtualDataSets() const | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
write(IlvOutputFile &file) const | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
~Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer() | Ilv3dBarChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
~IlvAbstractChartDisplayer() | IlvAbstractChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
~IlvSingleChartDisplayer() | IlvSingleChartDisplayer | [virtual] |
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