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Introducing Gadget Items
Gadget items are objects of the class IlvGadgetItem. Gadget items are gadget elements that can be represented by a label, a picture, or both. They can be dragged and dropped and be edited interactively. They can also display a tooltip and be localized. See Localizing a Gadget.
A gadget item does not implement behavior. Behavior is controlled by the gadget that manages it.
Gadget items are handled by the following gadget classes and their derived classes:
Figure 12.1 shows some of the gadgets that are composed of items. From left to right, you can see a button, a tree gadget, a string list, a pop-up menu, a tool bar, and an option menu.
Figure 12.1    Gadgets Composed of Gadget Items

Version 5.6
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