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#include <ilviews/gadgets/notebook.h>

Inheritance diagram for IlvNotebook:
IlvGadget IlvGadgetItemHolder IlvSimpleGraphic IlvGraphic

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 IlvNotebook (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlvPosition tabsPosition=IlvTop, IlBoolean verticalLabels=IlFalse, IlBoolean flipLabels=IlFalse, IlvDim xMargin=5, IlvDim yMargin=2, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0)
IlvNotebookPageaddPage (const char *message, IlvBitmap *bitmap=0, IlBoolean transparent=IlTrue, const char *filename=0, IlUShort index=((IlUShort)-1))
 Adds a page to the notebook.
IlvNotebookPageaddPage (IlvNotebookPage *page, IlUShort index=((IlUShort)-1))
 Adds a page to the notebook.
void allowDragDrop (IlBoolean allow)
 Specifies whether drag-and-drop operations should be allowed for the notebook.
virtual IlBoolean allowDragDrop () const
 Indicates whether drag-and-drop operations are allowed for the notebook.
virtual IlvGadgetItemapplyToItems (IlvApplyGadgetItem f, IlAny arg)
 Applies the specified function to all the items of the holder.
IlBoolean areLabelsVertical () const
 Returns IlTrue if the tab labels are drawn vertically.
virtual IlBoolean changeSelection (IlUShort index, IlBoolean redraw)
 Changes the selected page of the notebook.
virtual IlvGadgetItemcreateItem (const char *label, IlvGraphic *graphic=0, IlvBitmap *bitmap=0, IlvBitmap *selbitmap=0, IlBoolean copy=IlTrue) const
 Returns a new gadget item.
virtual IlvViewcreateView (IlvNotebookPage *page, IlvAbstractView *parent, const IlvRect &size)
 Is called by the pages to create their views.
virtual void deleteView (IlvNotebookPage *page)
 Is called by the pages to delete their views.
void ensureVisible (IlUShort index, IlBoolean redraw)
 Ensures that a given tab is visible.
void flipLabels (IlBoolean value)
 Changes the display style of the notebook tabs labels.
IlUShort getFirstVisibleTab () const
 Return the index of the first visible tab.
virtual IlvPosition getLabelPosition () const
 Returns the default position of the notebook tabs labels.
virtual IlvPalettegetNormalTextPalette () const
 Returns the default palette used to draw an item.
virtual IlvPalettegetOpaquePalette () const
 Returns the opaque palette used to draw opaque items.
IlvNotebookPagegetPage (const char *name) const
 Returns a notebook page using its name.
virtual void getPageArea (IlvRect &rect, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Returns the bounding box of the page area.
IlvDim getPageBottomMargin () const
 Returns the bottom margin between the notebook border and the page area.
IlvDim getPageLeftMargin () const
 Returns the left margin between the notebook border and the page area.
IlvDim getPageRightMargin () const
 Returns the right margin between the notebook border and the page area.
IlvNotebookPage ** getPages () const
 Returns the internal array of notebook pages.
IlUShort getPagesCardinal () const
 Returns the number of pages of the notebook.
IlvDim getPageTopMargin () const
 Returns the top margin between the notebook border and the page area.
IlvViewgetParent () const
 Returns the view where the notebook is displayed.
IlvNotebookPagegetSelectedPage () const
 Returns a pointer to the IlvNotebookPage object corresponding to the selected page.
IlUShort getSelectedPageIndex () const
 Returns the index of the selected page.
IlvPosition getTabsPosition () const
 Returns the position of the tabs.
IlvDim getXMargin () const
 Returns the x margin of the notebook.
IlvDim getYMargin () const
 Returns the y margin of the notebook.
virtual IlBoolean isShowingLabel () const
 A Boolean indicating whether or not the notebook tabs labels are displayed.
virtual IlBoolean isShowingPicture () const
 A Boolean indicating whether or not the notebook tabs pictures are displayed.
IlBoolean mustFlipLabels () const
 Returns IlTrue if the labels of the notebook tabs are flipped.
virtual void pageDeselected (IlvNotebookPage *page)
 Is called when a page is deselected.
virtual void pageResized (IlvNotebookPage *page)
 Is called when a page is resized.
virtual void pageSelected (IlvNotebookPage *page)
 Is called when a page is selected.
virtual IlShort pointToTabIndex (const IlvPoint &point, const IlvTransformer *t) const
 Returns the index of the tab located at the specified position.
virtual void recomputeAllItems ()
 Recomputes the size of all the items managed by the holder.
void removePage (IlUShort index, IlBoolean destroy=IlTrue)
 Removes a page of the notebook.
void setFirstVisibleTab (IlUShort index)
 Changes the first visible tab.
void setLabelPosition (IlvPosition position, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue)
 Sets the default position of the matrix items labels.
void setLabelsVertical (IlBoolean value)
 Changes the orientation of the labels.
void setPageBottomMargin (IlvDim margin)
 Changes the bottom margin between the notebook border and the page area.
void setPageLeftMargin (IlvDim margin)
 Changes the left margin between the notebook border and the page area.
void setPageRightMargin (IlvDim margin)
 Changes the right margin between the notebook border and the page area.
void setPageTopMargin (IlvDim margin)
 Changes the top margin between the notebook border and the page area.
void setSelectedPageIndex (IlUShort index)
 Changes the selected page index.
void setTabsPosition (IlvPosition position)
 Changes the position of the tabs.
void setXMargin (IlvDim x)
 Changes the x margin of the notebook.
void setYMargin (IlvDim y)
 Changes the y margin of the notebook.
void showLabel (IlBoolean value=IlTrue, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue)
 Shows or hides the notebook tabs labels.
void showPicture (IlBoolean value=IlTrue, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue)
 Shows or hides the pictures associated with the notebook tabs.

Static Public Member Functions

static IlSymbolPageDeselectedCallbackType ()
 Returns the callback type for the Page Deselected callback.
static IlSymbolPageResizedCallbackType ()
 Returns the callback type for the Page Resized callback.
static IlSymbolPageSelectedCallbackType ()
 Returns the callback type for the Page Selected callback.


class IlvDefaultNotebookLFHandler
class IlvNotebookMLFHandler
class IlvNotebookPage
class IlvNotebookVXLFHandler
class IlvNotebookWLFHandler

Detailed Description

Gadget class.

Library: ilvadvgdt

IlvNotebook is a predefined gadget class that simulates a real notebook. It allows the user to select the pages of the notebook by using the pointing device.


- IlvNotebook and IlvNotebookPage -

You can customize the notebook to meet your specific application requirements:

Each page of the notebook is implemented by the class IlvNotebookPage. The default implementation of this class is to create an IlvGadgetContainer that displays the contents of the page.

See also:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IlvNotebook::IlvNotebook ( IlvDisplay display,
const IlvRect rect,
IlvPosition  tabsPosition = IlvTop,
IlBoolean  verticalLabels = IlFalse,
IlBoolean  flipLabels = IlFalse,
IlvDim  xMargin = 5,
IlvDim  yMargin = 2,
IlUShort  thickness = IlvDefaultGadgetThickness,
IlvPalette palette = 0 


Initializes a new instance of the IlvNotebook class.

display The display connection.
rect The size and position of the notebook.
tabsPosition See the getTabsPosition method for the definition of this parameter.
verticalLabels A Boolean specifying whether to draw the labels of the tabs vertically or not.
flipLabels A Boolean specifying whether to draw the labels of the tabs from the top to the bottom, or from the bottom to the top. This parameter is only used in case of vertical labels, that is, if verticalLabels is IlTrue.
xMargin The margin between the tab and its label. See getXMargin for more informations.
yMargin The margin between the tab and its label. See getYMargin for more informations.
palette The palette used by the notebook.

Member Function Documentation

IlvNotebookPage* IlvNotebook::addPage ( const char *  message,
IlvBitmap bitmap = 0,
IlBoolean  transparent = IlTrue,
const char *  filename = 0,
IlUShort  index = ((IlUShort)-1) 

Adds a page to the notebook.

Creates a new IlvNotebookPage and adds it to the notebook at the position index.

label The tab label.
bitmap The tab bitmap
transparent Obsolete.
filename The name of the .ilv file to load onto the page.
index The position where to add the page.
See also:
addPage(IlvNotebookPage*, IlUShort).
IlvNotebookPage* IlvNotebook::addPage ( IlvNotebookPage page,
IlUShort  index = ((IlUShort)-1) 

Adds a page to the notebook.

page The page that will be added.
index The index where page will be added.
The parameter page.
See also:
addPage(const char*, IlvBitmap*, IlBoolean, const char*, IlUShort), removePage.
void IlvNotebook::allowDragDrop ( IlBoolean  allow  ) 

Specifies whether drag-and-drop operations should be allowed for the notebook.

value A Boolean value specifying whether drag-and-drop operations should be allowed (IlTrue).
See also:
IlvGadgetItemHolder::startDragItem, IlvGadgetItemHolder::allowDragDrop.
virtual IlBoolean IlvNotebook::allowDragDrop (  )  const [virtual]

Indicates whether drag-and-drop operations are allowed for the notebook.

IlTrue if drag-and-drop operations are allowed and IlFalse otherwise.
See also:
IlvGadgetItemHolder::startDragItem, IlvGadgetItemHolder::allowDragDrop(IlBoolean).

Reimplemented from IlvGadgetItemHolder.

virtual IlvGadgetItem* IlvNotebook::applyToItems ( IlvApplyGadgetItem  func,
IlAny  arg 
) [virtual]

Applies the specified function to all the items of the holder.

func The function to be applied.
arg The argument that will be passed to the function func.
The item that stopped the operation. See IlvApplyGadgetItem for details.
See also:
IlvApplyGadgetItem, recomputeAllItems, getItemByName.

Reimplemented from IlvGadgetItemHolder.

IlBoolean IlvNotebook::areLabelsVertical (  )  const

Returns IlTrue if the tab labels are drawn vertically.

Each tab of the notebook can contain a label, which can be drawn horizontally or vertically.

IlTrue if the tab labels are drawn vertically.
See also:
setLabelsVertical, getLabelPosition, getTabsPosition.
virtual IlBoolean IlvNotebook::changeSelection ( IlUShort  index,
IlBoolean  redraw 
) [virtual]

Changes the selected page of the notebook.

The page must be sensitive (see the IlvNotebookPage:: isSensitive method). The method pageDeselected is called on the previous selected page, and the method pageSelected on the new selected page.

IlTrue if the page has been successfully selected.
redraw A Boolean specifying whether the gadget should be redrawn.
See also:
virtual IlvGadgetItem* IlvNotebook::createItem ( const char *  label,
IlvGraphic graphic = 0,
IlvBitmap bitmap = 0,
IlvBitmap selbitmap = 0,
IlBoolean  copy = IlTrue 
) const [virtual]

Returns a new gadget item.

You can override this member function in a subclass to create your own items.

label The item label.
graphic The IlvGraphic object representing the picture associated with the item.
bitmap The IlvBitmap object representing the picture associated with the item.
selbitmap The IlvBitmap object representing the picture of the item when it is selected.
copy A Boolean value specifying whether a label should be copied. If the value is IlFalse, then you must allocate some memory for the label because in any case the label characters are deleted from the memory by the IlvGadgetItem.
[note] If both the second and third parameters are not null, only the second parameter is used.
The created gadget item.

Reimplemented from IlvGadgetItemHolder.

virtual IlvView* IlvNotebook::createView ( IlvNotebookPage page,
IlvAbstractView parent,
const IlvRect size 
) [virtual]

Is called by the pages to create their views.

The default implementation is to call the IlvNotebookPage::createView method. You can overload this method to create another kind of view. Overloading this method means creating a view. The parent of this new view must be parent and the size of the view must be size. The view must be created invisible. If you overload this method, the IlvNotebookPage::createView method is no longer called.

page The page that requested the view creation.
parent The parent of the view to be created.
size The size of the view to be created.
The created view of the notebook page.
See also:
deleteView, IlvNotebookPage::createView.
virtual void IlvNotebook::deleteView ( IlvNotebookPage page  )  [virtual]

Is called by the pages to delete their views.

The default implementation is to call the IlvNotebookPage::deleteView method. If you overload this method, the IlvNotebookPage::deleteView method is no longer called.

page The page that requested the view deletion.
See also:
createView, IlvNotebookPage::deleteView.
void IlvNotebook::ensureVisible ( IlUShort  index,
IlBoolean  redraw 

Ensures that a given tab is visible.

Ensures that the tab with the index idx becomes visible. This does not change the selected tab.

index The tab index.
redraw A Boolean specifying whether the gadget should be redrawn.
See also:
changeSelection, getFirstVisibleTab.
void IlvNotebook::flipLabels ( IlBoolean  value  ) 

Changes the display style of the notebook tabs labels.

See the method mustFlipLabels.

value A Boolean specifying whether or not that labels of the notebook tabs should be flipped.
See also:
mustFlipLabels, setLabelsVertical.
IlUShort IlvNotebook::getFirstVisibleTab (  )  const

Return the index of the first visible tab.

The index (starting at 0) of the first visible tab. If this value is not 0,some tabs are not visible and the scrolling arrows are visible.
See also:
setFirstVisibleTab, changeSelection, ensureVisible.
virtual IlvPosition IlvNotebook::getLabelPosition (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the default position of the notebook tabs labels.

The default position of the labels associated with the notebook tabs relative to their picture.
See also:

Reimplemented from IlvGadgetItemHolder.

virtual IlvPalette* IlvNotebook::getNormalTextPalette (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the default palette used to draw an item.

The default palette used to draw an item.

Implements IlvGadgetItemHolder.

virtual IlvPalette* IlvNotebook::getOpaquePalette (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the opaque palette used to draw opaque items.

The opaque palette used to draw opaque items.

Reimplemented from IlvGadgetItemHolder.

IlvNotebookPage* IlvNotebook::getPage ( const char *  name  )  const

Returns a notebook page using its name.

name The name of the page.
The specified notebook page or 0 if the specified page is not in the notebook.
See also:
virtual void IlvNotebook::getPageArea ( IlvRect rect,
const IlvTransformer t = 0 
) const [virtual]

Returns the bounding box of the page area.

Puts in rect the rectangle of the page area with the page margin having already been taken into account.

rect The returned bounding box of the page area.
t The transformer applied to the notebook.
See also:
getPageRightMargin, getPageTopMargin, getPageLeftMargin, getPageBottomMargin.
IlvDim IlvNotebook::getPageBottomMargin (  )  const

Returns the bottom margin between the notebook border and the page area.

The bottom margin between the notebook border and the page area.
See also:
setPageBottomMargin, getPageTopMargin, getPageLeftMargin, getPageRightMargin, getPageArea.
IlvDim IlvNotebook::getPageLeftMargin (  )  const

Returns the left margin between the notebook border and the page area.

The left margin between the notebook border and the page area.
See also:
setPageLeftMargin, getPageBottomMargin, getPageTopMargin, getPageRightMargin, getPageArea.
IlvDim IlvNotebook::getPageRightMargin (  )  const

Returns the right margin between the notebook border and the page area.

The right margin between the notebook border and the page area.
See also:
setPageRightMargin, getPageBottomMargin, getPageLeftMargin, getPageTopMargin, getPageArea.
IlvNotebookPage** IlvNotebook::getPages (  )  const

Returns the internal array of notebook pages.

To get the first page of the notebook, you can use notebook->getPages()[0].

The internal array of notebook pages.
See also:
IlUShort IlvNotebook::getPagesCardinal (  )  const

Returns the number of pages of the notebook.

the number of pages of the notebook.
See also:
IlvDim IlvNotebook::getPageTopMargin (  )  const

Returns the top margin between the notebook border and the page area.

The top margin between the notebook border and the page area.
See also:
setPageTopMargin, getPageBottomMargin, getPageLeftMargin, getPageRightMargin, getPageArea.
IlvView* IlvNotebook::getParent (  )  const

Returns the view where the notebook is displayed.

The view where the notebook is displayed, or 0 if the notebook has not been added to any holder.
IlvNotebookPage* IlvNotebook::getSelectedPage (  )  const

Returns a pointer to the IlvNotebookPage object corresponding to the selected page.

A pointer to the IlvNotebookPage object corresponding to the selected page.
See also:
IlUShort IlvNotebook::getSelectedPageIndex (  )  const

Returns the index of the selected page.

The index of the selected page.
See also:
IlvPosition IlvNotebook::getTabsPosition (  )  const

Returns the position of the tabs.

Tabs can be displayed on any side of the notebook (IlvTop, IlvRight, IlvLeft, IlvBottom).

The position of the tabs.
See also:
setTabsPosition, getLabelPosition, areLabelsVertical.
IlvDim IlvNotebook::getXMargin (  )  const

Returns the x margin of the notebook.

This margin is the horizontal space between the border of the tab and the tab label. This margin becomes a vertical space when labels are drawn vertically.

The x margin of the notebook.
See also:
setXMargin, getYMargin.
IlvDim IlvNotebook::getYMargin (  )  const

Returns the y margin of the notebook.

This margin is the vertical space between the border of the tab and the tab label. This margin becomes a horizontal space when labels are drawn horizontally.

The y margin of the notebook.
See also:
setYMargin, getXMargin.
virtual IlBoolean IlvNotebook::isShowingLabel (  )  const [virtual]

A Boolean indicating whether or not the notebook tabs labels are displayed.

IlTrue if the labels associated with the tabs of the notebook are displayed.
See also:

Reimplemented from IlvGadgetItemHolder.

virtual IlBoolean IlvNotebook::isShowingPicture (  )  const [virtual]

A Boolean indicating whether or not the notebook tabs pictures are displayed.

IlTrue if the pictures associated with the notebook tabs are displayed.
See also:

Reimplemented from IlvGadgetItemHolder.

IlBoolean IlvNotebook::mustFlipLabels (  )  const

Returns IlTrue if the labels of the notebook tabs are flipped.

IlTrue if the labels of the notebook tabs are flipped, IlFalse otherwise. When the labels of the tabs are displayed vertically (see the method setLabelsVertical) , the label can be written from top to bottom, or from bottom to top. When the label is displayed from bottom to top, the label is said to be flipped.
See also:
flipLabels, setLabelsVertical.
virtual void IlvNotebook::pageDeselected ( IlvNotebookPage page  )  [virtual]

Is called when a page is deselected.

Is called by the changeSelection method. The default implementation is to call the IlvNotebookPage::deSelect method and the Page Deselected callback.

page The notebook page.
See also:
pageSelected, PageDeselectedCallbackType.
static IlSymbol* IlvNotebook::PageDeselectedCallbackType (  )  [static]

Returns the callback type for the Page Deselected callback.

The Page Deselected callback is called when a page has bee deselected, that is, a new page has been selected.

The callback type for the Page Deselected callback.
See also:
pageDeselected, changeSelection.
virtual void IlvNotebook::pageResized ( IlvNotebookPage page  )  [virtual]

Is called when a page is resized.

The default implementation is to call the IlvNotebookPage::resized method and the Page Resized callback.

page The notebook page.
See also:
static IlSymbol* IlvNotebook::PageResizedCallbackType (  )  [static]

Returns the callback type for the Page Resized callback.

The Page Resized callback is called when the page area of the notebook is resized. This occurs when the notebook itself is resized, or when the the tabs position changes for example.

The callback type for the Page Resized callback.
See also:
virtual void IlvNotebook::pageSelected ( IlvNotebookPage page  )  [virtual]

Is called when a page is selected.

Is called by the changeSelection method. The default implementation is to call the IlvNotebookPage::select method and the Page Selected callback.

page The notebook page.
See also:
pageDeselected, PageSelectedCallbackType.
static IlSymbol* IlvNotebook::PageSelectedCallbackType (  )  [static]

Returns the callback type for the Page Selected callback.

The Page Selected callback is called when a new page has been selected.

The callback type for the Page Selected callback.
See also:
pageSelected, changeSelection.
virtual IlShort IlvNotebook::pointToTabIndex ( const IlvPoint point,
const IlvTransformer t 
) const [virtual]

Returns the index of the tab located at the specified position.

The method calls getTabRect for all the visible pages, and returns the one that contains point.

point The position in view coordinates.
t The transformer applied to the notebook list.
The index of the tab located at the position specified by point when this notebook is displayed with the transformer t. If no tab contains point, the method returns -1.
See also:
virtual void IlvNotebook::recomputeAllItems (  )  [virtual]

Recomputes the size of all the items managed by the holder.

Calls the IlvGadgetItem::recomputeSize member function for all the items managed by this holder.

See also:
IlvGadgetItem::recomputeSize, applyToItems.

Reimplemented from IlvGadgetItemHolder.

void IlvNotebook::removePage ( IlUShort  index,
IlBoolean  destroy = IlTrue 

Removes a page of the notebook.

A notebook must have at least one page to work properly. You can remove all the pages to change them, but you must then add at least one page.

index The index of the page to remove.
destroy A Boolean specifying whether to destroy the page that will be removed.
See also:
void IlvNotebook::setFirstVisibleTab ( IlUShort  index  ) 

Changes the first visible tab.

This only scrolls the tabs and does not change the selected page.

index The new first visible tab index.
See also:
getFirstVisibleTab, changeSelection, ensureVisible.
void IlvNotebook::setLabelPosition ( IlvPosition  position,
IlBoolean  redraw = IlTrue 

Sets the default position of the matrix items labels.

This setting is used to compute the geometry of each notebook tab For more information, see the member function IlvGadgetItem::setLabelPosition.

position The new position of the labels relative to pictures of notebook tabs.
redraw A Boolean specifying whether the gadget should be redrawn.
See also:
getLabelPosition, IlvGadgetItem::setLabelPosition.
void IlvNotebook::setLabelsVertical ( IlBoolean  value  ) 

Changes the orientation of the labels.

Each tab of the notebook can contain a label, which can be drawn horizontally or vertically.

value A Boolean specifying whether or not the labels of the notebook tabs should be drawn vertically.
See also:
areLabelsVertical, setLabelPosition, setTabsPosition.
void IlvNotebook::setPageBottomMargin ( IlvDim  margin  ) 

Changes the bottom margin between the notebook border and the page area.

margin The new margin.
See also:
getPageBottomMargin, setPageTopMargin, setPageLeftMargin, setPageRightMargin.
void IlvNotebook::setPageLeftMargin ( IlvDim  margin  ) 

Changes the left margin between the notebook border and the page area.

margin The new margin.
See also:
getPageLeftMargin, setPageBottomMargin, setPageTopMargin, setPageRightMargin.
void IlvNotebook::setPageRightMargin ( IlvDim  margin  ) 

Changes the right margin between the notebook border and the page area.

margin The new margin.
See also:
getPageRightMargin, setPageBottomMargin, setPageLeftMargin, setPageTopMargin.
void IlvNotebook::setPageTopMargin ( IlvDim  margin  ) 

Changes the top margin between the notebook border and the page area.

margin The new margin.
See also:
getPageTopMargin, setPageBottomMargin, setPageLeftMargin, setPageRightMargin.
void IlvNotebook::setSelectedPageIndex ( IlUShort  index  ) 

Changes the selected page index.

Unlike the method changeSelection, this method does not call any other methods.

index The new selected page index.
See also:
void IlvNotebook::setTabsPosition ( IlvPosition  position  ) 

Changes the position of the tabs.

Tabs can be displayed on any side of the notebook (IlvTop, IlvRight, IlvLeft, IlvBottom).

position The new tabs position.
See also:
getTabsPosition, setLabelPosition, setLabelsVertical.
void IlvNotebook::setXMargin ( IlvDim  x  ) 

Changes the x margin of the notebook.

See the method getXMargin.

x The new x margin of the notebook.
See also:
getXMargin, setYMargin.
void IlvNotebook::setYMargin ( IlvDim  y  ) 

Changes the y margin of the notebook.

See the method getYMargin.

y The new y margin of the notebook.
See also:
getYMargin, setXMargin.
void IlvNotebook::showLabel ( IlBoolean  value = IlTrue,
IlBoolean  redraw = IlTrue 

Shows or hides the notebook tabs labels.

value A Boolean specifying whether the notebook should show the the labels associated with its tabs.
redraw A Boolean specifying whether the gadget should be redrawn.
See also:
void IlvNotebook::showPicture ( IlBoolean  value = IlTrue,
IlBoolean  redraw = IlTrue 

Shows or hides the pictures associated with the notebook tabs.

value A Boolean specifying whether the notebook should show the the pictures associated with its tabs.
redraw A Boolean specifying whether the gadget should be redrawn.
See also:
 All Classes Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

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