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Representation Properties

The Representation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClosed
Gets a value that indicates if a representation is closed.
Public propertyComponent
Gets a reference to the dynamic representation model associated with this representation.
Public propertyInC2STransaction
Gets a value that indicates if this representation is being updated by the component.
Public propertyInS2CTransaction
Gets a value that indicates if the representation is being updated by a server.
Public propertyLabel
Gets the label of the representation object.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public propertyObjects
Gets all the representation objects owned by this representation.
Public propertyReference
Gets a reference which identifies this representation object in the server/component protocol.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public propertyRepresentation
Gets the owning representation.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public propertyRepresentationId
Gets or sets the representation identifier.
Public propertyRpModel
Gets a reference to the dynamic representation model associated with this representation.
Public propertyRpObjectId
Gets the representation object identifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public propertyRpObjModel
Gets the runtime representation object model associated with this representation object.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public propertyRpStatus
Requests modification of the representation status of the server object associated with the representation object in the view to which the representation is attached.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
See Also