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MvMessage Methods

The MvMessage type exposes the following members.

Public methodAsBoolean
Converts to a Boolean value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsChar
Converts to a char value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsDouble
Converts to a double value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsFloat
Converts to a float value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsHRef
Converts to an HRef value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsLong
Converts to a long value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsRef
Converts to a MvRef value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsString
Converts to a string value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodAsValue
Converts to another MvUserType value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodClone
Creates a new MvUserType that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodDecodeBool
Extracts the next data, assuming it is an int.
Public methodDecodeBoolAsChar
Extracts the next data from the message, assuming it is a Boolean value encoded in a char.
Public methodDecodeBoolAsUChar
Extracts the next data from the message, assuming it is a Boolean value, encoded in an unsigned int.
Public methodDecodeChar
Extracts the next data, assuming it is a char.
Public methodDecodeCString
Extracts the next data assuming it is a C string.
Public methodDecodeDouble
Extracts the next data, assuming it is a double.
Public methodDecodeFloat
Extracts the next data, assuming it is a float.
Public methodDecodeIlsString
Extracts the next string assuming it is an IlsString.
Public methodDecodeInt
Extracts the next data, assuming it is an int.
Public methodDecodeLong
Extracts the next data, assuming it is a long
Public methodDecodeMessage
Extracts the next message assuming it is a message.
Public methodDecodeShort
Extracts the next data, assuming it is a short.
Public methodDecodeUChar
Extracts the next data, assuming it is an unsigned char.
Public methodDecodeUInt
Extracts the next data, assuming it is an unsigned int.
Public methodDecodeULong
Extracts the next data, assuming it is a long
Public methodDecodeUShort
Extracts the next data, assuming it is an unsigned short.
Public methodEncode
Serializes a user-type value.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodEncodeBool
Appends a Boolean value, encoded as an int.
Public methodEncodeBoolAsChar
Appends a Boolean value, encoded as a char.
Public methodEncodeBoolAsUChar
Appends a Boolean value, encoded as an unsigned int.
Public methodEncodeChar
Appends a character.
Public methodEncodeCString
Appends a string as if it were a C string.
Public methodEncodeDouble
Appends a double.
Public methodEncodeFloat
Appends a float.
Public methodEncodeIlsString
Appends a string as an IlsString.
Public methodEncodeInt
Appends an int.
Public methodEncodeLong
Appends an int as if it was a long.
Public methodEncodeMessage
Appends a message.
Public methodEncodeShort
Appends a short.
Public methodEncodeUChar
Appends a character as if it was an unsigned char.
Public methodEncodeUInt
Appends an int as an unsigned int.
Public methodEncodeULong
Appends an int as if it was an unsigned long.
Public methodEncodeUShort
Appends a short as if it was an unsigned short
Public methodEquals
Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns the hash code for this object.
(Inherited from MvUserType.)
Public methodStatic memberSetKeepNullString
Sets the String decoding behavior.
See Also