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Mapping Methods

The Mapping type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddAttributeMapper
Adds an attribute mapper to the list of attribute mappers.
Public methodStatic memberAddRepresentationTypeMapper(MappingTypeMapper)
Adds an representation type mapper.
Public methodStatic memberAddRepresentationTypeMapper(String, String)
Adds a representation type mapper for a given namespace and assembly.
Public methodStatic memberAddUserTypeMapper(MappingTypeMapper)
Adds an user type mapper.
Public methodStatic memberAddUserTypeMapper(String, String)
Adds an user type mapper for a given namespace and assembly.
Public methodStatic memberComponentClass
Returns the type of the associated representation class.
Public methodStatic memberCpp
Creates a "C++ like" mapping.
Public methodStatic memberForceIntrospect
Forces the systematic introspection of representation object types.
Public methodStatic memberPropertySetter
Returns an MappingAttributeMapper that converts an attribute name to its .NET property setter according to .NET conventions.
Public methodStatic memberSetCap
Returns an MappingAttributeMapper that converts an attribute name to its Camel-case equivalent.
See Also