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Representation Methods

The Representation type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAckAttrUpdate
Is called by BeginS2CTransaction(S2CTransactionStatus, Int32) (if this object is involved in the transaction) for each attribute involved in the server to component transaction - except if the transaction has been aborted.

If a notification cycle or an asynchronous rollback is performed, the attribute is actually modified if and only if this method returns true.

(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodAckOpenView
This function is called by Rogue Wave Server in order to acknowledge or rollback a view opening performed with the acknoledged openView method.This function has an empty implementation and can be overriden.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodAddOrigin
Requests that the server add the server object associated with a representation object as an origin of the view associated to the corresponding representation.
Public methodAfterInit
Called immediately after an object has been created when a representation object is instantiated by the server.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodBeforeDeletion
Called between the beginS2CUpdate and the endS2CUpdate in the transaction that delete the RpObject.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodBeginC2STransaction
Lets you create a transaction buffer where the modifications performed and/or required by the application component are stored before they are sent to the server.
Public methodBeginC2SUpdate
Initializes a buffer for updates on representation objects.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodBeginS2CTransaction
Called by BeginS2CTransaction(S2CTransactionStatus, Int32) on each representation involved in a server-to-component transaction.
Protected methodBeginS2CUpdate
Called by the transaction mechanism if this object is involved.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodClose
Requests the view associated with the representation to be closed.
Public methodCommitC2STransaction
Commits a transaction.
Public methodDeleteRpObject
Deletes representation objects.
Protected methodDeletion
This hook method is called when the object is "deleted".

When the component receives the order of deletion or when the garbage collector reclaims the object.

(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodDiscardC2SUpdate
Discards the modifications stored in the update buffer.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodEndC2SUpdate
Commits the updates performed on the representation object by flushing the update buffer.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodEndS2CTransaction
Called at the end of a server-to-component transaction applying to the representation. This default implementation is empty.
Protected methodEndS2CUpdate
Is called automatically once the server has finished updating a representation object after a server component transaction.

This method is empty.

(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodExecAsyncCallback
This function executes a given function in asynchronous mode on the Server object associated with the representation object.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodExecCallback
This function executes a given function in asynchronous mode on the Server object associated with the representation object.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodExecDuplexCallback
This callback executes an asynchronous call to the funName function on the Server object associated with the representation object. The result of the function is sent back to the caller through a call to the duplex global function duplexFunName.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodExecSyncCallback
This function executes a given function in synchronous mode on the Server object associated with the representation object.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodFinalize
Performs finalization.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodGetAttributeId(String)
Gets the attribute identifier corresponding to the attribute label.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodGetAttributeId(String, Int32)
Gets the attribute identifier corresponding to an indexed attribute label.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodGetAttributeKind
Gets the type identifier of an attribute attached to this representation object.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodGetObject
Gets the representation object identified by an identifier.
Public methodIsEditable
Indicates if an attribute is editable.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodIsMatchingHRef
This function tests whether the id attribute can be assigned a given hyper-reference. More specifically, it checks whether the update might impair the type integrity of the server.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodIsMatchingRef
This function tests whether the id attribute can be assigned the value of the object. More specifically, it checks whether the update might impair the type integrity of the server.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodNewRpObject
Creates representation objects.
Public methodOnAddToCollection
This method should be called each time the application component adds a representation object to the object collection. It allows the server to be notified about this modification.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodOnDereference(Int32, MvValue, Boolean)
This method lets you open a view by dereferencing a hyper-reference (see "Semantics of Dynamic View Type Specifications").
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodOnDereference(Int32, MvValue, MvValue, Int32, Boolean)
Lets you open a view by dereferencing a hyper-reference (see "Semantics of Dynamic View Type Specifications").
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodOnNullifyRef
Should be called when the application component needs to reset the id reference attribute to null. It allows the server to be notified about this modification.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodOnRmFromCollection
This method should be called every time the application component removes a representation object from a given collection of objects.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodOnRmRepresentation
Called when the representation that owns the representation object is destroyed.

This function can be overridden.

(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodOnSuppress
Notifies the server about the destruction of this representation object.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodOnUpdate(Int32, Object)
Should be called when the application component needs to set the value of an attribute. It allows the server to be notified about this modification.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodOnUpdate(Int32, RpObject, Int32)
Called when the application component needs to replace the target object of a server relation.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodOpenView(String, MvValue, Boolean)
Requests the server to open a view on the server object associated with this representation object.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodOpenView(String, MvValue, MvValue, Int32, Boolean)
Requests the server to open a view on the server object associated with this representation object.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodRemoveOrigin
Requests the server to remove the server object associated with a representation object as an origin of the view associated with this corresponding representation.
Public methodResetBufferMode
Resets the buffer-mode state on the represented view.
Public methodRollbackC2STransaction
Rolls back a transaction that applies to a representation by sending an asynchronous request to the object server.
Protected methodSetAny
Called by the server to set the value this attribute when it has no associated modifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodSetAttributeValue
This function sets the value of an attribute when no modifier is found.

The default behavior consists in using the mechanism associated with the ILS_RP_DEFAULT_XXX set of macros.

This function can be redefined, especially if you use another mapping.

(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodSetBoolean
Called by the server to set the value this attribute when it has no associated modifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodSetBufferMode
Sets the represented view buffer mode.
Protected methodSetChar
Called by the server to set the value this attribute when it has no associated modifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodSetConstAttribute
Sets the value of a constant attribute for a representation object.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodSetConstAttributes
Sets the value of the constant attributes of a representation object.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodSetDouble
Called by the server to set the value this attribute when it has no associated modifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodSetFloat
Called by the server to set the value this attribute when it has no associated modifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodSetHRef
Called by the server to set the value this attribute when it has no associated modifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodSetLong
Called by the server to set the value this attribute when it has no associated modifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodSetMainOrigin
Requests the server to set the server object associated with the given representation object as the main origin of the view associated with this representation.
Protected methodSetMvValue
Called by the server to set the value this attribute when it has no associated modifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodSetReference
Called by the server to set the value this attribute when it has no associated modifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodSetSelection
Selection of a representation.
(Overrides RpObject.SetSelection.)
Protected methodSetShort
Called by the server to set the value this attribute when it has no associated modifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodSetString
Called by the server to set the value this attribute when it has no associated modifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodSetUserTypeValue
Called by the server to set the value this attribute when it has no associated modifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Protected methodSetValue
This function is called by the server to set the value of this attribute when it has no associated modifier.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodSynchronize
Synchronizes the representation and its representation objects with updates that have been buffered on the view.

See C++ API IlsMvView::synchronize()

Public methodTestCollection
This method tests whether the representation object can be added to a given collection of objects.
(Inherited from RpObject.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string representation of this instance.
(Overrides RpObjectToString.)
See Also