Perforce JViews Maps sample gallery

How to run the samples is explained in the starting the samples page.

Importing Map Data with the SDK

Reading ESRI Shape Files

This sample shows how to load an ESRI Shape File using load-on-demand.

Reading MapInfo MID/MIF Files

This sample shows how to load a MID/MIF file using the API.

Reading DTED Files

This sample shows how to read and use DTED data using the API.

Connecting to IBM DB2 and Informix Databases

This sample shows how to use Perforce JViews Maps with IBM DB2 and Informix databases

Connecting to an Oracle Geo-Database

This sample shows how you can use Perforce JViews Maps with GIS Map Servers such as Oracle Spatial, also known as Oracle SDO (Object model).

Symbols and Overlaid Graphics

Overlaying Maps with Symbols

This sample shows how to build a basic application that displays moving symbols on top of a map.

Drawing on Top of a Map

This sample shows how to place graphic objects on a map.

Labeling a Map

This sample shows how to label a map.

Symbols on a map

This sample shows how to use SDM symbology (including palettes) inside JViews Maps.

Air traffic control

This sample shows how to use JViews Framework objects on top of JViews Maps.

Building an End-User Application

Loading a Map into a Map Viewer

This sample shows how to build a basic application that displays a map and makes use of the new mapping Beans.

Using the Map Builder as a Starting Point

The Map Builder is a map preparation tool designed to define the maps in use by your application. However, it can also be used as a starting point when designing your final application. It is delivered as source code and provides many of the features that users want in a mapping application and so serves as an ideal foundation.
The Map Builder is a standalone application that provides users with the features of JViews Maps. Using the Map Builder you can:
  • Construct maps from diverse Vector and Raster sources.
  • Style map layers.
  • Configure map behavior and preferences.
  • Add additional layers such as measures, labels, and grids.

Building a Map using the SDK

This sample shows how to build a basic map using the API.

Extending the Map Builder

This sample shows how to build a simple application by adding and removing GUI elements to or from the Map Builder.

Generating Server Tiled Maps

This demonstration is a simple GUI tool to generate a pyramid of tile images from a JViews map file.

Web Deployment with JavaServer Faces

Map Viewer (JSF)

This sample shows how to bind a map view to a Perforce JViews JSF component.


Reading More Formats with FME

This sample shows how to read data using the FME bridge.

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