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Programmer's documentation > Rogue Wave JViews Framework Advanced Features > Link shape policies > Overview of link shape policies
Overview of link shape policies
Link shape policies allow you to manipulate and to constrain the shape of a polyline link. For instance, you can use a link shape policy if you want a link always to remain orthogonal. You can set link shape policies on links of type IlvPolicyAwareLinkImage, which is a subclass of IlvPolylineLinkImage.
Important A link shape policy affects only the shape of the link on which it is set. In other words, link shape policies are different from link layouts, which analyze and reshape all links together globally.
The package ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy contains two predefined link shape policies:
*IlvOrthogonalLinkShapePolicy to keep the shape of a link orthogonal.
*IlvCrossingLinkShapePolicy to display a tunnel or bridge crossing shape when links cross.
The class IlvEnhancedPolylineLinkImage uses the predefined link shape policies internally. The class has a simple API that offers you all the benefits of link shape policies while hiding the details of the link shape mechanism. See Link shapes and crossing of The Essential JViews Framework.

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