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Programmer's documentation > Rogue Wave JViews Framework Advanced Features > Link shape policies
Link shape policies
Describes each supplied link shape policy and explains the details of the link shape mechanism and how to extend a predefined policy or implement your own.
*Overview of link shape policies
*Explains how link shape policies operate in general.
*Orthogonal link shape policy
*Describes how the orthogonal link shape policy operates and how to set it.
*Crossing link shape policy
*Describes how the crossing link shape policy operates and how to set it.
*Parameters of the link shape policy
*Describes the parameters you can set to make link shape policies more efficient or customize them.
*Gaps at crossings
*Describes the management of gaps at link crossings.
*Obtaining the link shape policy of IlvEnhancedPolylineLinkImage instances
*Explains how to get the link shape policy shared by enhanced links in the same grapher.
*Defining your own link shape policy
*Describes the callback methods of the class IlvLinkShapePolicy and uses an example to explain how you can define your own link shape policy.

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