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Programmer's documentation > Rogue Wave JViews Framework Advanced Features > Link shape policies > Gaps at crossings
Gaps at crossings
A link of class IlvCrossingAwareLinkImage draws a gap at the link crossings. The crossing graphic of the link fills this gap with a bridge or tunnel shape. You can modify the size of the gap using the method:
The corresponding bridge or tunnel drawing is automatically adapted when the gap changes.
The gap between links can follow the zoom level or be independent of the zoom level. If the gap is zoomable, its size changes as you zoom in and out of the view. If the gap is nonzoomable, it remains constant during zooming. In particular with nested graphers that have different zoom levels, it may be visually more appealing if the gap is not zoomable.
To make gaps nonzoomable, call:
Gaps are zoomable by default.

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