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Package ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing

Contains the Swing version of the graphical user interface (GUI) components for displaying and managing the content of palettes.

See: Description

Package ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing Description

Contains the Swing version of the graphical user interface (GUI) components for displaying and managing the content of palettes.
There is two kind of components:

Palette Viewers

A palette (see IlvPalette ) is not a graphical component; it is a organized collection of symbols. To have a graphical representation of the content of a palette you can use a viewer of palette.
A palette viewer is a class, linked to a palette and which creates a Swing component that will be able to display the content of a palette. This Swing component can be added into the GUI of your application. All viewers are based on IlvPaletteViewer interface that provides common services like connection to a palette or access to the Swing component.

Palette Manager Viewers

A palette manager is a kind of collection of palettes. A palette manager viewer is a GUI component which allows user to see the list of palette and to choose the one he wants to see. Such viewer could contains a component for the palette list (tabbed panes,combo box..) associated with one or several palette viewer. The API provides two kind of palette manager viewers:
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