Release Notes > JTGO 4.0 Release Notes > Compatibility Issues > Web Components

Web Components and Tomcat 5 Session Persistence

JTGO 4.0 web components do not support the session persistence feature from Tomcat 5.0. When this feature is enabled, the server logs serialization exceptions at the startup, shutdown or update of JTGO 4.0 web applications.

To disable this feature, you must configure the Context Container for the web application in the web server through an XML file. The easiest way is by creating one single XML file for each deployed web application. The XML file must be placed in the <installdir>/conf/Catalina/localhost directory, where <installdir> is the Tomcat 5.0 installation directory.

It is not possible to configure the Context Container through the web application deployment descriptor (/WEB-INF/web.xml file).

The following sample Context Container XML configuration file disables a web application called sampleweb and located in the default Tomcat web application directory (/webapps):

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Context displayName="Session Persistence Disabled" docBase="sampleweb" path="/sampleweb" privileged="true">
  <Manager distributable="false" pathname=""/>

Session persistence is disabled by setting the property pathname from the Manager tag to an empty string (""). Refer to the Tomcat documentation for details on how to configure a web application and how to disable session persistence at

JTGO 4.0 web component samples are configured to disable session persistence by default.

Web Components and Headless Mode

JTGO 4.0 web components do not require the web server to run in headless mode. However, depending on how users customize their graphic objects, headless mode might be required. If your Tomcat 5 server freezes when shutting down, edit the startup script and set headless mode: add -Djava.awt.headless=true to the CATALINA_OPTS variable in the startup script ( on UNIX or catalina.bat on Windows).

Web Components and Mozila

It is known that Mozila (up to version 1.6) may not work properly with JTGO applets connecting to a server. This issue has not been noticed on Netscape.