Release Notes > JTGO 4.0 Release Notes > Compatibility Issues > Alarms

JTGO 4.0 has introduced a new category of alarms, called impact alarms. They are different from raw alarms. Raw alarms have a severity of type IltAlarm.Severity, whereas impact alarms have a severity of type IltAlarm.ImpactSeverity. When it is not specified, the term `alarm' refers to both raw and impact alarms. The behavior of the method IltAlarm.State has changed and new methods have also been introduced. Note that these changes should not impact existing applications that do not use the new impact alarm severities.

The following changed and new methods have been introduced:

IltAlarm.State alarmState = ...;
if (alarmState.getHighestAlarmSeverity() == null) {
// No more alarms
// ...
should be changed to:
IltAlarm.State alarmState = ...;
IltAlarmSeverity highestSeverity = alarmState.getHighestAlarmSeverity();
if ((highestSeverity == null)||(highestSeverity.getSeverity() == 0)) {
// No more alarms
// ...

Alarm Severities in XML and CSS

  <new severity="Critical">2</new>
  <ack severity="Major">1</ack>
Instead use:
  <new severity="Raw.Critical">2</new>
  <ack severity="Raw.Major">1</ack>
  object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject"["objectState.Alarm.Critical.New"] {
Instead use:
  object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject"["objectState.Alarm.Raw.Critical.New"] {

The format for impact alarm severities is similar and uses the "Impact." prefix.

The format for trap types is unchanged, that is, it has no prefix.