Common requests

There are four common requests which are used for all JViews components:
  • pop-up menu : to display a static or contextual pop-up menu when the application user right-clicks in the view.
  • resource loading : to load resources (.gif, .jpg, .js, .jpeg,.css,.png) from the client.
  • script message loading : to loadJavaScript messages.
  • selection : to select objects in the view.
The following sections provide tables of possible parameters with their expected values for each common request. If a parameter must exist in a request, this is indicated by a value true in the Required column. The Expected value column gives predefined options in JViews components. When security checking is enabled, these expected values are compared with the values sent by the user request. A true value in the Compared by default column indicates that the comparison is performed by default.

Pop-up menu

The pop-up menu request displays a static or contextual pop-up menu when the application user right-clicks in the view and is supported by the class IlvManagerPopupServletSupport and IlvFacesDiagrammerPopupSupport.
Example URL: http://hostname:port/your_Webapp_context/_contr?request=popupmenurequested&format=html&point=(229,121)&menufactory=%23%7BframeworkBean.menuFactory%7D&layer=0&params=(213.82680355539304,198.05370099408609,-166.24449927225749,-2.7700005,829.8500061739095,497.9100037043457,500,300,%23%7BsessionScope.ILOG_j_id_jsp_613493658_16_finder%7D)&facesData=ilog.views.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesManagerServlet&facesService=forward&facesComponentId=view&componentWidth=500&componentHeight=300
Name Required Expected value Compared by default Compare method Description
componentHeight false false   The desired height in pixels of the component.
componentWidth false false   The desired width in pixels of the component.
context false false   The binding to a JViews TGO context bean.
facesComponentId false false   The ID of this component used in a JSF environment.
facesData false false   The ID of this component used in a JSF environment.
facesService false forward true EQUALS The service to be handled by the control servlet used in a JSF environment.
format true html true EQUALS The servlet response to the request is in HTML format.
imapGenerator false false   The image map generator which will be invoked to create the image map dynamically.
jviewsPageId false false   Page identification from the request worked for multitab pages.
layer false false   Comma-separated list of names of the visible layers.
locale false false   The expected locale sent by client
menufactory false false   The factory that will dynamically generate the pop-up menu depending on the graphic object clicked.
modelId false false   The menu model ID. This property is used when this interactor is set on a view and when this view is using a dynamic contextual menu. The generation of the contextual menu might depend on this ID.
namespace false false   The portlet namespace.
objectActionMB false false   Method binding key to a method that will process a click in the view (only used in JViews TGO)
params true false   The action parameters.
point true false   The x,y coordinate of the clicked point on the image coordinate system.
request true false   TheJViews Web request will be handled by server side.
tiled false true; false false LIST Determines whether the view is tiled.

Resource loading

The request to load resources (. gif, .jpg, .js, .jpeg, .css, .png ) from the client is supported by the servlet class of IlvResourceController
Example URL: http://hostname:port/your_webapp_context/_contr?facesService=forward&facesData=res&type=text/javascript&v=$res$/core.js
Name Required Expected value Compared by default Compare method Description
facesData true res true EQUALS The servlet class of IlvResourceController used for loading resources.
facesService true forward true EQUALS The service to be handled by control servlet used in a JSF environment.
jviewsPageId false false   Page identification from the request (when the multi-tab page feature is enabled).
locale false false   The expected locale sent by the client.
module false false   The access module of existing resources.
namespace false false   The portlet namespace.
res true gif; jpg; jpeg;.png;.js;.css true END_WITH Only load resources with the following suffixes can be loaded:.gif;.jpg;.jpeg;.png;.js;.css.
res true /. ; ./ ; .. ; : ; /WEB-INF true NOT_CONTAINS The URL for accessing the resources cannot contain the pattern /. ; ./ ; .. ; : ;/WEB-INF.
type false text/javascript true LIST The type of resources to be loaded.
v false false   JViews product version information.

Script message loading

The request to load JavaScript messages is supported by the servlet class of IlvScriptMessageServletSupport
Example URL: http://hostname:port/your_webapp_context/_contr?facesService=forward&facesData=res&v=$res$/&request=scriptMessage&module=/data/script-messages.js
Name Required Expected value Compared by default Compare method Description
facesData true res true EQUALS The servlet class of IlvResourceController used for loading resources.
facesService true forward true EQUALS The service to be handled by control servlet used in a JSF environment.
jviewsPageId false   false   Page identification from the request (when the multi-tab page feature is enabled).
locale false   false   The expected locale sent by the client.
module true   false   The access module of existing resources.
request true   false   The JViews Web request will be handled on the server side.
res false   false   The script message to be loaded.
v false   false   JViews product version information.


There are many types of selection that are supported by JViews Web components. For example, selectOne , selectAll , selectMulti are supported by the classes IlvFacesDiagrammerSelectionSupport and IlvDiagrammerSelectionSupport.
You can find in the following sections descriptions on all types of selection supported by JViews with their expected parameters and values.


SelectOne selects the graphic object in the view at a given position.
Example URL: http://hostname:port/your_webapp_context/_contr?request=lightselect&bbox=-6.5585938%2C-855.31415752%2C2958.2533938%2C2366.60271504&width=500&height=400&layer=Links,Nodes&facesData=ilog.views.diagrammer.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesDiagrammerServlet&facesService=forward&facesComponentId=diagrammer&locale=en_US&imapGenerator=%23%7BgalleryBean.imapGenerator%7D&componentWidth=500&componentHeight=400&infoProviderMB=%23%7BgalleryBean.propertyAccessor%7D&selectionType=selectOne&x=147&y=178&mouseUp=true
Name Required Expected value Compared by default Compare method Description
bbox false   false   The rectangle that contains all the graphic objects.
comp false chart; table; sheet false LIST The component type requested by the client.
componentHeight false   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component used in a JSF environment.
componentWidth false   false   The desired width in pixels of the component used in a JSF environment.
context false   false   The binding to a JViews TGO context bean
dynamic false true; false true LIST Determines whether it is a dynamic layer.
facesComponentId false   false   The ID of this component used under in a JSF environment.
facesData false   false   The class of the servlet that generates the pop-up menu used in a JSF environment.
facesService false forward true EQUALS The service to be handled by control servlet used in a JSF environment.
height true   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component.
jviewsPageId false   false   Page identification from the request (when the multi-tab page feature is enabled).
imapGenerator false   false   The image map generator which will be invoked to create the image map dynamically.
infoProviderMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that accesses selection property.
layer false   false   A comma-separated list of names of the visible layers.
locale false   false   The expected locale sent by client.
mouseUp true true; false true LIST Determines whether it is mouse up.
namespace false   false   The portlet namespace
objectActionMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that will process a click in the view. This parameter is only used with JViews TGO.
request true   false   The JViews Web request will be handled by server side.
selectionType true   false   The type of selection.
tiled false true; false false LIST Determines whether the view is tiled.
tileMgr false   false   The tile manager is responsible for retrieving or storing image tiles on the server side.
vpos false   false   The vertical scroll position used in JViews Gantt.
width true   false   The desired width, in pixels, of the component.
x true   false   The x-coordinate of the clicked point in the image coordinate system.
y true   false   The y-coordinate of the clicked point in the image coordinate system.


SelectMulti selects the graphic object, if any, found at a given position.The response updates the client-side selection accordingly. If a selectable object is found at the specified position, it is added to or removed from the selection: an already selected object is deselected; an object that is not already selected is selected. Otherwise (if there is no selectable object), the selection is unaltered.
Example URL: http://hostname:port/your_webapp_context/_contr?request=lightselect&bbox=-6.5585938%2C-855.31415752%2C2958.2533938%2C2366.60271504&width=500&height=400&layer=Links,Nodes&facesData=ilog.views.diagrammer.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesDiagrammerServlet&facesService=forward&facesComponentId=diagrammer&locale=en_US&imapGenerator=%23%7BgalleryBean.imapGenerator%7D&componentWidth=500&componentHeight=400&infoProviderMB=%23%7BgalleryBean.propertyAccessor%7D&selectionType=selectMulti&x=147&y=197
Name Required Expected value Compared by default Compare method Description
bbox false false   The rectangle that contains all the graphic objects.
comp false chart; table; sheet false LIST The component type requested by the client.
componentHeight false   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component used in a JSF environment.
componentWidth false   false   The desired width in pixels of the component used in a JSF environment.
context false   false   The binding to a JViews TGO context bean
dynamic false true; false true LIST Determines whether it is a dynamic layer.
facesComponentId false   false   The ID of this component used under in a JSF environment.
facesData false   false   The class of the servlet that generates the pop-up menu used in a JSF environment.
facesService false forward true EQUALS The service to be handled by control servlet used in a JSF environment.
height true   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component.
jviewsPageId false   false   Page identification from the request (when the multi-tab page feature is enabled).
imapGenerator false   false   The image map generator which will be invoked to create the image map dynamically.
infoProviderMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that accesses selection property.
layer false   false   A comma-separated list of names of the visible layers.
locale false   false   The expected locale sent by client.
namespace false   false   The portlet namespace
objectActionMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that will process a click in the view. This parameter is only used with JViews TGO.
selectionType true   false   The type of selection.
tiled false true; false false LIST Determines whether the view is tiled.
tileMgr false   false   The tile manager is responsible for retrieving or storing image tiles on the server side.
vpos false   false   The vertical scroll position used in JViews Gantt.
width true   false   The desired width, in pixels, of the component.
x true   false   The x-coordinate of the clicked point in the image coordinate system.
y true   false   The y-coordinate of the clicked point in the image coordinate system.


SelectAll selects all the graphic objects in the view.
Example URL: http://hostname:port/your_webapp_context/_contr?request=lightselect&bbox=-6.5585938%2C-855.31415752%2C2958.2533938%2C2366.60271504&width=500&height=400&layer=Links,Nodes&facesData=ilog.views.diagrammer.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesDiagrammerServlet&facesService=forward&facesComponentId=diagrammer&locale=en_US&imapGenerator=%23%7BgalleryBean.imapGenerator%7D&componentWidth=500&componentHeight=400&infoProviderMB=%23%7BgalleryBean.propertyAccessor%7D&selectionType=selectAll
Name Required Expected value Compared by default Compare method Description
bbox false   false   The rectangle that contains all the graphic objects.
componentHeight false   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component used in a JSF environment.
componentWidth false   false   The desired width in pixels of the component used in a JSF environment.
context false   false   The binding to a JViews TGO context bean
dynamic false true; false true LIST Determines whether it is a dynamic layer.
facesComponentId false   false   The ID of this component used under in a JSF environment.
facesData false   false   The class of the servlet that generates the pop-up menu used in a JSF environment.
facesService false forward true EQUALS The service to be handled by control servlet used in a JSF environment.
height true   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component.
jviewsPageId false   false   Page identification from the request (when the multi-tab page feature is enabled).
imapGenerator false   false   The image map generator which will be invoked to create the image map dynamically.
infoProviderMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that accesses selection property.
layer false   false   A comma-separated list of names of the visible layers.
locale false   false   The expected locale sent by client.
namespace false   false   The portlet namespace
objectActionMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that will process a click in the view. This parameter is only used with JViews TGO.
request true   false   The JViews Web request will be handled by server side.
selectionType true   false   The type of selection.
tiled false true; false false LIST Determines whether the view is tiled.
tileMgr false   false   The tile manager is responsible for retrieving or storing image tiles on the server side.
width true   false   The desired width, in pixels, of the component.


deSelectAll deselects all the graphic objects in the view.
Example URL: http://hostname:port/your_webapp_context/_contr?request=lightselect&bbox=-6.5585938%2C-855.31415752%2C2958.2533938%2C2366.60271504&width=500&height=400&layer=Links,Nodes&facesData=ilog.views.diagrammer.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesDiagrammerServlet&facesService=forward&facesComponentId=diagrammer&locale=en_US&imapGenerator=%23%7BgalleryBean.imapGenerator%7D&componentWidth=500&componentHeight=400&infoProviderMB=%23%7BgalleryBean.propertyAccessor%7D&selectionType=deselectAll
Name Required Expected value Compared by default Compare method Description
bbox false   false   The rectangle that contains all the graphic objects.
componentHeight false   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component used in a JSF environment.
componentWidth false   false   The desired width in pixels of the component used in a JSF environment.
context false   false   The binding to a JViews TGO context bean
dynamic false true; false true LIST Determines whether it is a dynamic layer.
facesComponentId false   false   The ID of this component used under in a JSF environment.
facesData false   false   The class of the servlet that generates the pop-up menu used in a JSF environment.
facesService false forward true EQUALS The service to be handled by control servlet used in a JSF environment.
height true   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component.
jviewsPageId false   false   Page identification from the request (when the multi-tab page feature is enabled).
imapGenerator false   false   The image map generator which will be invoked to create the image map dynamically.
infoProviderMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that accesses selection property.
layer false   false   A comma-separated list of names of the visible layers.
locale false   false   The expected locale sent by client.
namespace false   false   The portlet namespace
objectActionMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that will process a click in the view. This parameter is only used with JViews TGO.
request true   false   The JViews Web request will be handled by server side.
selectionType true   false   The type of selection.
tiled false true; false false LIST Determines whether the view is tiled.
tileMgr false   false   The tile manager is responsible for retrieving or storing image tiles on the server side.
width true   false   The desired width, in pixels, of the component.


UpdateAll resynchronizes the selection state between the client and the server.
Example URL: http://hostname:port/your_webapp_context/_contr?request=lightselect&bbox=-6.5585938%2C-855.3141540727343%2C2958.25341801875%2C2366.6027344149998&width=500&height=400&layer=Links,Nodes&facesData=ilog.views.diagrammer.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesDiagrammerServlet&facesService=forward&facesComponentId=diagrammer&locale=en_US&imapGenerator=%23%7BgalleryBean.imapGenerator%7D&componentWidth=500&componentHeight=400&infoProviderMB=%23%7BgalleryBean.propertyAccessor%7D&selectionType=updateAll
Name Required Expected value Compared by default Compare method Description
bbox false   false   The rectangle that contains all the graphic objects.
comp false chart; table; sheet false LIST The component type requested by the client.
componentHeight false   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component used in a JSF environment.
componentWidth false   false   The desired width in pixels of the component used in a JSF environment.
context false   false   The binding to a JViews TGO context bean
dynamic false true; false true LIST Determines whether it is a dynamic layer.
facesComponentId false   false   The ID of this component used under in a JSF environment.
facesData false   false   The class of the servlet that generates the pop-up menu used in a JSF environment.
facesService false forward true EQUALS The service to be handled by control servlet used in a JSF environment.
height true   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component.
jviewsPageId false   false   Page identification from the request (when the multi-tab page feature is enabled).
imapGenerator false   false   The image map generator which will be invoked to create the image map dynamically.
infoProviderMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that accesses selection property.
layer false   false   A comma-separated list of names of the visible layers.
locale false   false   The expected locale sent by client.
namespace false   false   The portlet namespace
objectActionMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that will process a click in the view. This parameter is only used with JViews TGO.
request true   false   The JViews Web request will be handled by server side.
selectionType true   false   The type of selection.
tiled false true; false false LIST Determines whether the view is tiled.
width true   false   The desired width, in pixels, of the component.
tileMgr false   false   The tile manager is responsible for retrieving or storing image tiles on the server side.
x true   false   The x-coordinate of the clicked point in the image coordinate system.
y true   false   The y-coordinate of the clicked point in the image coordinate system.


selectOneId selects the graphic object with the specified identifier. The current selection is cleared and the object specified by the id dentifier is selected.
Example URL: http://hostname:port/your_webapp_context/_contr?request=lightselect&id=node1&bbox=0%2C0%2C1%2C1&layer=Zip%20Areas%2CLabels%20For%3A%20Zip%20Areas%2CSymbols%2CLinks&selectionType=selectOneId&x=0&y=0&mouseUp=true&facesComponentId=xmapID&componentWidth=256&componentHeight=256&width=256&height=256&locale=en_US&facesService=forward&facesData=ilog.views.maps.servlet.IlvFacesGoogleViewServlet&again=Wed%252C%252005%2520Jan%25202011%252006%253A40%253A47%2520GMT%2520171
Name Required Expected value Compared by default Compare method Description
again false   false   A time stamp for the requests.
bbox false   false   The rectangle that contains all the graphic objects.
comp false chart; table; sheet false LIST The component type requested by the client.
componentHeight false   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component used in a JSF environment.
componentWidth false   false   The desired width in pixels of the component used in a JSF environment.
context false   false   The binding to a JViews TGO context bean
dynamic false true; false true LIST Determines whether it is a dynamic layer.
facesComponentId false   false   The ID of this component used under in a JSF environment.
facesData false   false   The class of the servlet that generates the pop-up menu used in a JSF environment.
facesService false forward true EQUALS The service to be handled by control servlet used in a JSF environment.
height true   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component.
id true   false   The identification of selected graphic object.
jviewsPageId false   false   Page identification from the request (when the multi-tab page feature is enabled).
infoProviderMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that accesses selection property.
layer false   false   A comma-separated list of names of the visible layers.
locale false   false   The expected locale sent by client.
mouseUp true true; false true LIST Determines whether it is mouse up.
namespace false   false   The portlet namespace
objectActionMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that will process a click in the view. This parameter is only used with JViews TGO.
request true   false   The JViews Web request will be handled by server side.
selectionType true   false   The type of selection.
tiled false true; false false LIST Determines whether the view is tiled.
tileMgr false   false   The tile manager is responsible for retrieving or storing image tiles on the server side.
width true   false   The desired width, in pixels, of the component.
x true   false   The x-coordinate of the clicked point in the image coordinate system.
y true   false   The y-coordinate of the clicked point in the image coordinate system.


SelectMultiId selects the graphic object with the specified identifier. The current selection is kept and if the object specified by the id identifier is already selected, it is removed from the current selection. Otherwise, it is added to the current selection.
Example URL: http://hostname:port/your_webapp_context/_contr?request=lightselect&bbox=-213.97276833274145%2C0%2C770.9455366654829%2C573.0000610351562&width=740&height=550&layer=InvisibleCompositeParts,Subnetworks,Groups,Standalone_Cards,Standalone_Shelf_Items,Standalone_Card_Items,Shelves,Shelf_Items,Card_Items,Ports,Links,BTS_Antennas,Main_Layer,Secondary_State_Modifiers,Alarm_Balloons,Information_Windows,System_Windows&tiled=true&
Name Required Expected value Compared by default Compare method Description
bbox false false   The rectangle that contains all the graphic objects.
comp false chart; table; sheet false LIST The component type requested by the client.
componentHeight false   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component used in a JSF environment.
componentWidth false   false   The desired width in pixels of the component used in a JSF environment.
context false   false   The binding to a JViews TGO context bean
dynamic false true; false true LIST Determines whether it is a dynamic layer.
facesComponentId false   false   The ID of this component used under in a JSF environment.
facesData false   false   The class of the servlet that generates the pop-up menu used in a JSF environment.
facesService false forward true EQUALS The service to be handled by control servlet used in a JSF environment.
height true   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component.
id true   false   The identification of selected graphic object.
jviewsPageId false   false   Page identification from the request (when the multi-tab page feature is enabled).
infoProviderMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that accesses selection property.
layer false   false   A comma-separated list of names of the visible layers.
locale false   false   The expected locale sent by client.
namespace false   false   The portlet namespace
objectActionMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that will process a click in the view. This parameter is only used with JViews TGO.
request true   false   The JViews Web request will be handled by server side.
selectionType true   false   The type of selection.
tiled false true; false false LIST Determines whether the view is tiled.
tileMgr false   false   The tile manager is responsible for retrieving or storing image tiles on the server side.
width true   false   The desired width, in pixels, of the component.


setProperties updates the server-side objects with any property changes.
Example URL: http://hostname:port/your_webapp_context/_contr?request=lightselect&comp=sheet&width=459&height=384&vpos=0&facesService=forward&facesData=ilog.views.gantt.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesGanttServlet&facesComponentId=gantt&locale=en_US&infoProviderMB=%23%7BganttBean.propertyAccessor%7D&selectionType=setProperties
Name Required Expected value Compared by default Compare method Description
bbox false false   The rectangle that contains all the graphic objects.
comp false chart; table; sheet false LIST The component type requested by the client.
componentHeight false   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component used in a JSF environment.
componentWidth false   false   The desired width in pixels of the component used in a JSF environment.
context false   false   The binding to a JViews TGO context bean
dynamic false true; false true LIST Determines whether it is a dynamic layer.
facesComponentId false   false   The ID of this component used under in a JSF environment.
facesData false   false   The class of the servlet that generates the pop-up menu used in a JSF environment.
facesService false forward true EQUALS The service to be handled by control servlet used in a JSF environment.
height true   false   The desired height, in pixels, of the component.
jviewsPageId false   false   Page identification from the request (when the multi-tab page feature is enabled).
infoProviderMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that accesses selection property.
layer false   false   A comma-separated list of names of the visible layers.
locale false   false   The expected locale sent by client.
namespace false   false   The portlet namespace
objectActionMB false   false   Method binding key to a method that will process a click in the view. This parameter is only used with JViews TGO.
request true   false   The JViews Web request will be handled by server side.
selectionType true   false   The type of selection.
tiled false true; false false LIST Determines whether the view is tiled.
tileMgr false   false   The tile manager is responsible for retrieving or storing image tiles on the server side.
vpos false   false   The vertical scroll position used in JViews Gantt.
width true   false   The desired width, in pixels, of the component.