Configuring the client and server side of the equipment view component

To display an equipment view in the client application, you need business data and rendering information that defines how to display these data. This section explains how to connect to a source of business data and configure their rendering in the equipment JSF component.
The configuration for the rendering is split into two distinct groups:
  • client-side configuration: HTML configuration stored in the JavaScript page and the JavaScript™ objects
  • server-side configuration: stored in the equipment JSF implementation or in the image servlet
Client-side configuration relates to the behavior and look of the JSF component itself. Server-side configuration relates to the equipment model and the way the representation objects are displayed and laid out.
There are many ways to configure the client and server sides of the equipmentView component. In general, the client-side configuration is passed as tag attributes to the equipmentView . It is also through tag attributes that you connect auxiliary JSF components to enhance the equipmentView , like the dataSource, overview, selectInteractor, and others
Server-side configuration can be set through a CSS configuration file or through the IlpEquipment API, the easiest and preferred way being the CSS configuration. The tag attribute styleSheets is used to pass a list of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files to configure the equipment adapter (filters, node and link factories, for example), the equipment view (background and zoom policies, for example) and the equipment objects themselves.
The following table lists all the tag attributes defined for the equipmentView component.
Tag attributes of the equipmentView JSF component 
Tag Attributes
Defines the unique identifier for the component. Every component should have a unique identifier. Mandatory.
Defines the JViews TGO context to be used by the underlying IlpEquipment component. Mandatory.
Allows the user to bind the component to a backing bean.
Defines the width, in pixels, of the view component. This attribute is inherited from the view JSF component.
Defines the height, in pixels, of the view component. This attribute is inherited from the view JSF component.
Provides CSS customization. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Defines the style classes for the component. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Binds the text output of the equipmentView component to a messageBox component. (A messageBox component is defined by the core JViews JSF library and displays text messages in a JSP™ page.) This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Similar to messageBox but binds the messageBox component by its unique identifier. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Specifies the default (initial) interactor set to the equipmentView component. It has no correspondence with a view interactor. It should be a JSF component (like the selectInteractor component). This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Similar to interactor but binds to the unique identifier of the interactor. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Configures the zoom factor applied when zooming in or out. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Configures the pan factor (how much the image is moved). It is mainly used when the equipmentView component is connected with the panTool component. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Defines the interval between automatic updates. The equipmentView component will then send an update request to the server on a regular basis. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
The image encoding format, for example "JPG" or "PNG". This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Defines the image to be displayed by the equipment JSF component while waiting for the image servlet to generate the response image. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Indicates whether an image map should be generated for the equipment JSF component. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF. See Adding an Image Map in the Advanced Features of JViews Framework documentation.
Indicates whether the image map should be made visible or not. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF. See Adding an Image Map in the Advanced Features of JViews Framework documentation.
Binds to a bean that subclasses the ilog.views.servlet.IlvImageMapAreaGenerator class and is responsible for generating the image map. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF. See Adding an Image Map in the Advanced Features of JViews Framework documentation.
The name of a bean class that subclasses the ilog.views.servlet.IlvImageMapAreaGenerator class and is responsible for generating the image map. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF. See Adding an Image Map in the Advanced Features of JViews Framework documentation.
Specifies the background color to be displayed by the equipment JSF component when there is no background image. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Specifies the JavaScript code to be executed right after a refreshed image is loaded from the server. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Similar to onImageLoaded , but this is executed right after a request for capabilities has been answered by the server. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
The error message to be displayed in case of faulty client-server communication. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Overrides the default image servlet used to generate images. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Sets a JViews TGO project to the underlying IlpEquipment component.
Binds the equipmentView component with a dataSource component. The data source component wraps an IlpAbstractDataSource component internally.
Similar to dataSource , but binding is done through the data source’s unique identifier.
Specifies a custom IlpEquipment which replaces the default automatically instantiated equipment component.
Specifies a JViews TGO CSS configuration file for the underlying IlpEquipment component. It is different from the styles tag attribute as it provides server-side configuration, which is specific to JViews TGO. This CSS file may contain component and business data configuration.
Enables or disables the resizing of the equipment JSF component. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Defines the width and height of the equipment view component. This attribute is inherited from the JViews Framework JSF.
Defines the data to be displayed, which can be a JViews TGO project, a binding to an IlpAbstractDataSource instance, or the unique identifier of a dataSource component.
Comma-separated list of fixed zoom levels used by the view.
If the zoom levels are not specified, the zoom is bound only by the maxZoomLevel property.
The maximum zoom level. This property is used if, and only if, the zoomLevels property is not used.
The default value is 10.
The size of a tile. If the tile size is greater than or equal to 0, the view will be set in tiled mode.
The tile size must be carefully chosen for performance reasons.
The tile manager is responsible for retrieving and/or storing image tiles on the server side.
The tile manager is used when the view is tiled, that is, if tileSize is strictly positive.