SNMP primary and secondary states

The SNMP state dictionary is based on RFC 1213 - Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets - MIB-II.
JViews TGO provides a visual representation of the SNMP primary state by changing the object base graphic representation. SNMP secondary states are represented using icons, gauges, charts or counters. For information on the SNMP state system and its graphic representation, refer to
SNMP states explains how to customize the object representation according to the SNMP state information. You can also customize the decoration that is displayed when a given SNMP secondary state is set in the object.
In the SNMP state dictionary, most of the secondary states are numeric and by default they are represented by a gauge. There are also two other possible representations for these states. The IltDecorationType class defines the possible graphical representations. The possible values of this class are:
  • Gauge
  • Chart
  • Counter

How to create an SNMP primary state

Each primary state in the SNMP state dictionary is associated with a different base style.
To create a new primary state:
  • Create a new SNMP state using the method NewState.
    IltSNMP.State state = IltSNMP.NewState ("Pending", "Indicates if the object 
    is waiting for validation");
    This method takes two arguments: a name and a description. The name is used to identify the state in the application. The description is used to provide information about the semantics of the state.
    The new state can be used in XML in the following way.
  • Create a CSS file that configures the representation of the objects according to the new state.
    object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject"["objectState.SNMP.State"=Pending] {
      foreground: red;
      background: yellow;
      pattern: '@|pattern("SkewGrid", 8, 2)';
      lineStyle: "1.000001, 7.000001";
    For more information on CSS, see Introducing cascading style sheets. For more information on how to customize the object representation based on states, see Customizing the object representation based on states.
  • Create a selector that resets the values defined by the state selector, so that the normal configuration is still applied to the objects when the state changes.
    object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject" {
      foreground: '';
      background: '';
      pattern: '';
      lineStyle: '';